Saturday, May 8, 2010

Zen Budo

Zen Budo



Simplicity - avoiding the Alphabet motion

Simplicity is a bliss. When it comes to understanding things, I like to find out A, B and C, and it is so nice to stop there and not to continue digging into the rest. A, B and C for me usually brings the core information, and it seems to me, that the rest is a mere repetition of the first 3 letters.
Once I go beyond the 3, things get unnecesserily complicated, and the fun disappears as well, because when D arrives, there is something that lifts the easy-fun-exciting-new feeling up to the areas of thought, where the matter becomes dry and lifeless, where the matter becomes a 'case' that needs defending and ignites resistance, judgment. It becomes a war of words, a depletion of beauty.

When I look at the sky and a tree, there is A, B and C, the feeling of simple looking, being on earth and breathing. It is so beautiful to stay there and avoid going into the explanation of what I see, that would be represented in the D and rest of alphabet motion.

So, simplicity of A, B and C... just enjoying to write this blog, for the fun of selecting the words, of creating an energy platform and to stay within the clarity of what it means, without any further explanation, just staying with the feeling of flow and breath.

Simplicity, beauty, harmony - A, B, C...stop.
aka Komaya
May 2010

Simplicity - avoiding the Alphabet motion

Simplicity is a bliss. When it comes to understanding things, I like to find out A, B and C, and it is so nice to stop there and not to continue digging into the rest. A, B and C for me usually brings the core information, and it seems to me, that the rest is a mere repetition of the first 3 letters.
Once I go beyond the 3, things get unnecesserily complicated, and the fun disappears as well, because when D arrives, there is something that lifts the easy-fun-exciting-new feeling up to the areas of thought, where the matter becomes dry and lifeless, where the matter becomes a 'case' that needs defending and ignites resistance, judgment. It becomes a war of words, a depletion of beauty.

When I look at the sky and a tree, there is A, B and C, the feeling of simple looking, being on earth and breathing. It is so beautiful to stay there and avoid going into the explanation of what I see, that would be represented in the D and rest of alphabet motion.

So, simplicity of A, B and C... just enjoying to write this blog, for the fun of selecting the words, of creating an energy platform and to stay within the clarity of what it means, without any further explanation, just staying with the feeling of flow and breath.

Simplicity, beauty, harmony - A, B, C...stop.
aka Komaya
May 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Essence of Zen-sation

The essence of Zen-sation as described in this website is aimed at expressing truth, goodness, and beauty, through the discovery of Self by looking at yourself and your interactions with others.

True understanding of Self is for me the pursuit of deep introspection and honesty to get to thorough understanding of the root cause of all individual actions. Being the center of oneself, the motives of existence - conscious or not conscious – drive the individual to live a life of quality. The definition of correct attitude will totally depend on the self-knowledge that the individual is willing to seek, so as to transcend himself for his own betterment.

The result of this active introspection, will have an impact on the attitude, and qualities like courtesy, compassion, morality and non-aggression. It will activate as well the true understanding of personal impact on others, and displaying the honorable attitude and proper behavior, maintaining composure and grace even in times of great stress and conflict.

As such a person with dignity will enable the attraction of a noble surrounding and a quality life.
Beauty both enhances life and stimulates the spirit. Within the scope of Zen-sation both truth and goodness are considered beautiful. Grace, simply common courtesy and respect for others are an essential part of the inner nobility that is being put forward in this page.
Zen-sation has the aim to stimulate the growth within each reader to enable the embodiment of grace and inner beauty, of reverence and courtesy.
You see, living a life of success improves the circumstances, however living a life with spirit, improves the man. When the spirit is weak, life becomes dull and mediocre. If the spirit is strong, the river will show a calm surface, hiding in the depth strong power. As such, a weak river can appear strong with lots of noise and turbulence, but underneath it is shallow and devoid of any real power.
Strict self-control and emotional stability are crucial for the development of one's spirit. True creativity is sister to the spirit and both are born of simplicity. They are not a product of knowledge, but surface only when the quieted mind is empty and the intuitive thoughts are allowed. It allows to move into a state of Mushin - No Mind, which is a state where the remnants of thoughts are eliminated and only pure thought remains. Zen-sation occurs. The protective layers of the ego are then released and the true self is revealed, awakening us from the "dream-of-life’, providing us real insight into the ultimate state of being.
aka Komaya
May 2010

May 2010

The Essence of Zen-sation

The essence of Zen-sation as described in this website is aimed at expressing truth, goodness, and beauty, through the discovery of Self by looking at yourself and your interactions with others.

True understanding of Self is for me the pursuit of deep introspection and honesty to get to thorough understanding of the root cause of all individual actions. Being the center of oneself, the motives of existence - conscious or not conscious – drive the individual to live a life of quality. The definition of correct attitude will totally depend on the self-knowledge that the individual is willing to seek, so as to transcend himself for his own betterment.

The result of this active introspection, will have an impact on the attitude, and qualities like courtesy, compassion, morality and non-aggression. It will activate as well the true understanding of personal impact on others, and displaying the honorable attitude and proper behavior, maintaining composure and grace even in times of great stress and conflict.

As such a person with dignity will enable the attraction of a noble surrounding and a quality life.
Beauty both enhances life and stimulates the spirit. Within the scope of Zen-sation both truth and goodness are considered beautiful. Grace, simply common courtesy and respect for others are an essential part of the inner nobility that is being put forward in this page.
Zen-sation has the aim to stimulate the growth within each reader to enable the embodiment of grace and inner beauty, of reverence and courtesy.
You see, living a life of success improves the circumstances, however living a life with spirit, improves the man. When the spirit is weak, life becomes dull and mediocre. If the spirit is strong, the river will show a calm surface, hiding in the depth strong power. As such, a weak river can appear strong with lots of noise and turbulence, but underneath it is shallow and devoid of any real power.
Strict self-control and emotional stability are crucial for the development of one's spirit. True creativity is sister to the spirit and both are born of simplicity. They are not a product of knowledge, but surface only when the quieted mind is empty and the intuitive thoughts are allowed. It allows to move into a state of Mushin - No Mind, which is a state where the remnants of thoughts are eliminated and only pure thought remains. Zen-sation occurs. The protective layers of the ego are then released and the true self is revealed, awakening us from the "dream-of-life’, providing us real insight into the ultimate state of being.
aka Komaya
May 2010

May 2010

Pine Trees near Mount Shasta

Majestic, the mount that clothes the entire area with awe and reverence, great friend and protector of the city of Mount Shasta. In snowy white or brown rocks, the grandness cannot be pretended, the presence of the mount is overwhelming and greets with honor and respect visitors from all places. One gets silent when arriving there, and it takes a few days to forge the friendship with it, however then becoming everlasting.

Mount Shasta and his companion Shastina show many faces and many colors. They pour out the rainbow refractions in the sunshine of the evening, or the freshness of the morning sun.

People of the city have a natural ease, and distinct quietness that marries the stance and expression of the Mount, as if they were selected by the mount, and not the opposite.

The Mount has power, quite power of enormous amounts. It carries crystalline voices, light blue a home for etheric presence, reflecting themselves in the eyes of the people. There is a mystery around the place, unseen, untouchable. It is in the silence of the Pine Trees that it can be felt.
It is Summer 2007, or Winter 2008, and even Autumn 2009, Shasta attracting me again and again. Many times, in the silence of it all, I stared at the stars around its top, at the lights shining on its sides, at the clouds of magnificence painted over the area.

aka Komaya

May 2010

Pine Trees near Mount Shasta

Majestic, the mount that clothes the entire area with awe and reverence, great friend and protector of the city of Mount Shasta. In snowy white or brown rocks, the grandness cannot be pretended, the presence of the mount is overwhelming and greets with honor and respect visitors from all places. One gets silent when arriving there, and it takes a few days to forge the friendship with it, however then becoming everlasting.

Mount Shasta and his companion Shastina show many faces and many colors. They pour out the rainbow refractions in the sunshine of the evening, or the freshness of the morning sun.

People of the city have a natural ease, and distinct quietness that marries the stance and expression of the Mount, as if they were selected by the mount, and not the opposite.

The Mount has power, quite power of enormous amounts. It carries crystalline voices, light blue a home for etheric presence, reflecting themselves in the eyes of the people. There is a mystery around the place, unseen, untouchable. It is in the silence of the Pine Trees that it can be felt.
It is Summer 2007, or Winter 2008, and even Autumn 2009, Shasta attracting me again and again. Many times, in the silence of it all, I stared at the stars around its top, at the lights shining on its sides, at the clouds of magnificence painted over the area.

aka Komaya

May 2010

Timeless Space of the Sedona Planes

Looking from behind the clouded sky, feeling the softness of the clouds, the breeze from the sun, the sound of the eagle bridging the worlds.

Was it yesterday or centuries ago, it feels like eternity, when the crossing of our space was foreseen, the timeless space, where nothing ever was separate, nor will ever be.

In the morning silence of the Sedona plains still resonating from the ancient chants of the native indians in their sacred moments of reunion with their ancestors, my glance goes over the rocks of dark red color, giants in the desert, unearthly in their presence, overwhelming in their breath, overshadowing the tiny houses of the city.
It is August 2008, and the desert heat is slowly approaching. Within the silence of my footsteps, and lone step of inner worlds, the silent breeze is my companion. Every step is life, a graceful move honoring my own presence in this marvelous Gaian creation.

A bit overwhelmed by the grandness of the area, the spirit of the ancients, and humbled by the forces of nature, my tiny footsteps are almost as silent as the red rocks. It is a blessing to walk here, uniting yourself with the forces beyond comprehension, gentle and soft, yet strong and present. There is a deep confirmation of depth behind the sceneries of the eyes.

I feel to be the observer, the witness of eternity, blasting its forces of emptiness and resonating behind my ears, humming to the frequencies of the past and the future.

aka Komaya

Timeless Space of the Sedona Planes

Looking from behind the clouded sky, feeling the softness of the clouds, the breeze from the sun, the sound of the eagle bridging the worlds.

Was it yesterday or centuries ago, it feels like eternity, when the crossing of our space was foreseen, the timeless space, where nothing ever was separate, nor will ever be.

In the morning silence of the Sedona plains still resonating from the ancient chants of the native indians in their sacred moments of reunion with their ancestors, my glance goes over the rocks of dark red color, giants in the desert, unearthly in their presence, overwhelming in their breath, overshadowing the tiny houses of the city.
It is August 2008, and the desert heat is slowly approaching. Within the silence of my footsteps, and lone step of inner worlds, the silent breeze is my companion. Every step is life, a graceful move honoring my own presence in this marvelous Gaian creation.

A bit overwhelmed by the grandness of the area, the spirit of the ancients, and humbled by the forces of nature, my tiny footsteps are almost as silent as the red rocks. It is a blessing to walk here, uniting yourself with the forces beyond comprehension, gentle and soft, yet strong and present. There is a deep confirmation of depth behind the sceneries of the eyes.

I feel to be the observer, the witness of eternity, blasting its forces of emptiness and resonating behind my ears, humming to the frequencies of the past and the future.

aka Komaya


Stillness and Zen-sation, the feeling of total harmony between you and everythingaround you, allowing and flowing, gentle and soft, yet very present.

The presenter of this page has since 3 years travelledover the world in the discovery of life and adventure, although the previous part of life was not outdone of an intense spark and love for life.

Everything that was encountered in those 3 years added upto the magnificence of living, and stories, bits and pieces are shared with love and sparkle,fulfilling the joy of the presenter for sharing with friends and readers, and for the pleasingof the adventurous senses of those going through the material, adding some details and moments intotheir own story of life.

It is great for the presenter to be able to share some of the quite strong and magical momentsencountered and it is an honor for the words to flow out into the creation of this space, in the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.

In appreciation for the grandness of experiences encountered. May the magic continue in the lifes ofthe readers, may be brighten, even just for one moment, your own moments and may it add to the magic your life.

aka Komaya



Stillness and Zen-sation, the feeling of total harmony between you and everythingaround you, allowing and flowing, gentle and soft, yet very present.

The presenter of this page has since 3 years travelledover the world in the discovery of life and adventure, although the previous part of life was not outdone of an intense spark and love for life.

Everything that was encountered in those 3 years added upto the magnificence of living, and stories, bits and pieces are shared with love and sparkle,fulfilling the joy of the presenter for sharing with friends and readers, and for the pleasingof the adventurous senses of those going through the material, adding some details and moments intotheir own story of life.

It is great for the presenter to be able to share some of the quite strong and magical momentsencountered and it is an honor for the words to flow out into the creation of this space, in the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.

In appreciation for the grandness of experiences encountered. May the magic continue in the lifes ofthe readers, may be brighten, even just for one moment, your own moments and may it add to the magic your life.

aka Komaya
