Thursday, January 27, 2011

while you are relaxing, know that the universe is preparing for you whatever you need to evolve to a state of complete bliss ~ you just need to relax and allow, life is meant to be easy, forthcoming and graceful ~ why is a relaxed state good ? because then you do not interfere with your logical mind ~ let it be ~ miracles happen ♥

Monday, January 24, 2011

it is natural that you feel good ♥ if you hold yourself in a virtual reality of wellbeing, feeling it, seeing it, knowing it, for about a minute, you will then have shifted your vibration to another reality ♥

Sunday, January 23, 2011

anything you believe to work, works ♥ however it does not have to be like that because you heard it from someone ♥ you choose, everything is up to you, if you want that belief activated in your vibration ♥

there is bliss in the understanding how beautiful it is to be part of that great group called humanity, and to connect with you, as I believe every person on this planet is an amazing being ♥

is it not beautiful to not be tolerant of a bumpy life and to make a change in the direction of wellbeing, harmony and beauty ♥ nurturing your joy for life is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others ♥

it is good to be decisive about something you desire and to want to take it into action, yet do not push too hard, and focus more on the feeling of wellbeing the desire provides ♥ attracting the manifested desire and more, only works when the idea is left alone to come to you in its joyful way ~ at the right time and in free flow ♥ do not control the idea, and the manifestation is yours ♥

a beautiful statement of joyous creation to share ♥ for the joy of sharing ♥ I am open to receive and allow freeflow manifestation from the outside reality ♥ in appreciation

when the body provides a feeling of discomfort, that state becomes a pointer to redirect you to another place where there is relaxation, easy, softness and allowance ♥ the body has its own divine pointers to bring to your attention something that is stuck or not in harmony with your inner self  ♥ it is lovely and honoring to respect the body as part of your sensing and feeling life

very powerful it is - in order to achieve a new version of your life - to release resistance, and allow the full flow of life to reach you in its own mysterious way ♥ it will quickly approach you as you relax on things of life ♥ focus on wellbeing, focus on how good life is right here and now ♥ yet do not get hooked to the current reality, it changes all the time anyway ♥ allow goodness, abundance, flow, love, joy, and likewise vibration in your life and know, feel it is already there  it is who you are

You can choose to be committed to change, however focus more on the feelings of wellness ♥ as you want to be a cooperative component of joy and passion, the natural, easy environment and relative attitude will shift you to your core of pure positive energy ♥ relax in allowance ♥