Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Wholeness Perspective

The human instrument, because it is fragmented and limited to five-senses, truly desires the Wholeness Perspective; a way to absorb life experience, process it, and move on to the next thing with grace and ease.
This is what is desired, no matter what name is used to describe it.
Wholeness is accepting all realities and moving through them with a feeling of integration, unity, equality, and non-judgment.
It means there are no dualities that are real. It means that all experience is equal and grounded in the transcendent reality of the One That Is All. And most importantly, it means that the One That Is All is you, me, him, her, it, that, and those. Nothing is excluded or rejected.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hymn to LIFE, the true priority

LIFE is the priority of all beingness, it is the joy, the drive.
Life is about Love, Imagination, Freedom for Everyone.
It is the breath and the smile, the strength and the wisdom.
Life is what is what we are, together with the powers of love and wisdom.
We flow when we live, we are fluid and flexible. We are granted full abundance at all times, and we can gracefully accept it because we are the core essence of life.
Do you see how grand we all are, it just takes the allowance, the smile, the ease and the grace of receipt.
Life is the force that generates everything, and nurtures everything. There is no exclusion ever, it is an allowance.
It is wisdom to understand the ease of LIFE.

The world of mirrors

Again, the scene of the mirrors is a metaphor that Bruce uses to show something, to make a point. The mirror world is where humans live. It is the place where we move, shuffle and experience. We feel it is real, but it is the place of our imagination, where our desires comes into action.

However, when we choose to move less, we start to feel deeper layers. We become the observers and we start to listen and then ... the stillness speaks.


The true meaning of the sword

A sword, the shape of a defensive and offensive tool. We are such grand creators !

As we need to discover what our inner battles energetically project into the air, we create the tools for such battles.

The weapon that we use becomes the understanding that we are. Have we ever fought another being, a dragon, a hunter, a man ? Or was it just the play of an imaginative mind, providing real life sensations, making us believe our own game ?

The sword now becomes the metal that we have within ourselves, after eons of fighting, we find that we actually never fought another person, but only the reflection of our own needs. The knightly sword becomes the galvanized spine of our mental forging in search for balance and harmony. Stillness after the many fights that we had. The sword now disappears again where it always came from : inside. It regains its rightful place within the golden spine of the true warrior that has gained the insights of wisdom : there never was an opponent.


Learn the way and then forget it all

It is all a mystery. It all happened around 2003, or what I called 2003 at the time. I now understand that time in its linearity is not happening. Mind blowing ? yes, totally. I was never born, that is the truth. The whole life scene I played the grand role in, was just imagination. It still is, it is actually not really happening. It is a kind of program run for self-discovery and enjoyment of what is experienced.
The final conclusion seems to draw to an end. It is the time of remembering that the dream here was really the dream. Waking up from it is quite intense though.
Rough roads, clinging on the new found information, and then letting it all go.
At the end remains the mystery of life, the everlasting breath and stillness.
Is it empty ? In human terms, what lies behind what we understand is mystery, we cannot touch it with our human hands, we cannot hear it with our human ears. And yet, it is quite alive and has definitely an influential say in what we reflect, what we express and the priorities and likings of the deeper kind.

We are dreams thinking up to now that it was the only reality. We are now rediscovering that we are much more expansive, wise, cosmic than we ever remembered as soon as we brought the dream into activity. It is time to wake up from the dream and become our totality. It has been decided and there is no point of return. I remember who I am.

I am that I am - the II

Rebirth of the Indigo Initiative

Unexpectedly, maybe even overtime, and tried, retried and rehearsed, the II is back online, another timeline, another dynamic, but with the same propulsion, eternal and never-ending.

There is something that never dies and is unbeatable and it is I, the I am that I am power that stands again.

It is time for the butterfly to get out of the cocoon, so that it can start doing what it wants the most, fly and be free.

Acknowledged that it is unknown for most, and not driven by the same players maybe, unless the I, that stands for the totality of its creation. It is I, the I am that I am from the spirit of the one called Komaya. It is the only one that makes this, because the II is the essence of all it contains : II -> I am that I am, but that means everything, nothing more, nothing less. This cannot die, it is eternal, it is IT. I welcome back I am that I am.

In a space of timelessness, in a time of spacelessness

Full circle

When there is nothing anymore to find or to embrace, or to release or to need, a full circle draws itself. I am stillness.
There is new life, something is beyond words, and I listen. I listen so silently to the stillness that I start to 'hear' something from another world. Another world ? Not really, it is a world that I forgot, however is very alive 'somewhere'.
I start to feel its call, it draws me to paint a circle. The circle is naturally flowing into itself again. I listen to the movement, because a completion is about to happen. I remember with every breath.
What is happening ? I fulfilled my promise to end the cycle of repetition. Another dynamic is calling, from beyond the guarded portals of the 5 elements. It's all there, alive and vibrant. The promise of totality, and expansion.
But first, now, I listen and breathe. It is nice to be still and silent, because it opens my gateway to something very deep.
Aug 2010

Full circle

When there is nothing anymore to find or to embrace, or to release or to need, a full circle draws itself. I am stillness.
There is new life, something is beyond words, and I listen. I listen so silently to the stillness that I start to 'hear' something from another world. Another world ? Not really, it is a world that I forgot, however is very alive 'somewhere'.
I start to feel its call, it draws me to paint a circle. The circle is naturally flowing into itself again. I listen to the movement, because a completion is about to happen. I remember with every breath.
What is happening ? I fulfilled my promise to end the cycle of repetition. Another dynamic is calling, from beyond the guarded portals of the 5 elements. It's all there, alive and vibrant. The promise of totality, and expansion.
But first, now, I listen and breathe. It is nice to be still and silent, because it opens my gateway to something very deep.
Aug 2010

Comments on the martial way

If you prepare for an attack in your mind, then attack will follow. Check your thoughts, and decide if you really desire the play of fight and friction. If not, disengage your mental preparation, however stay awake, focused and kindly alert. There is truly no opponent, unless you command the vibration that creates it.
Fighting and physical training is truly about self-mastery. As the fight engages, it can only take place if there is an inner battle already. In that case, a fight is always a training for non-violence.
Self-defense truly grows from the inner fear for self.
is based on fear which creates an invitation for attack, always. Attack is based on the need to fill the void that created the invitation.
Aug 2010