Monday, January 3, 2011

AWARENESS - Sexual Energy Virus

Sexuality and its drive, the seduction
of it. Just digging a bit deeper and getting a feel of
what's going on in the invisible areas of that particular
influence. I find it powerful to look without shame
what the sexual dynamics are and how this influences 
everything in life, the decision makings, the subconscious
move when encountering others, power and control,
it's all there. And more to it, independence, sovereignty.
An opportunity to form cooperations and communities
with this insight. Important.

Not new, this information, but timely.

[Source of the text :]

Integrating feminine and masculine in the new energy.

This article tells about the sexual energy virus, how it steals joy out of your life, causes different kinds of abuse and an imbalance between feminine and masculine. Finally it shows how to make the virus disappear and how to reintegrate your feminine and masculine in a whole new way.

New roles for men and women: Women as leaders, men participating equally in raising the children and doing the housework, acknowledgement of soft and feminine values; all of this has been going on for decades. It mirrors what is going on inside many people.This brings us to a point, where we are able to take the next step of integration of feminine and masculine energies – if we so choose. The feminine energy still holds deep, deep wounds that need to be released and healed, before the new integration can take place.

To understand the reason for these wounds I invite you on a journey way back in time. I will also ask you, to read with your heart just as much as with your mind.

Leaving Home.

We go back to the time when we as angels first left the divine unity, our original Home. The purpose of leaving was the desire to explore something new.

The feminine energy, called Isis, was the dominating. It was one of birthing, creativity, expansion and strength. The masculine energy, called Adam, was supporting and loving Isis, bringing forth her wishes. Quite the opposite to how we now consider male and female energies.
Although it was a free choice to leave Home, the unity, all the angels having left home immediately wanted to go back.

But somehow they had forgotten how. Then the angels thought, if only they could get more energy, they would be able to go back. So they started to take energy from each other. And it accelerated. At a certain point, this led to a slowing down of energies; expansion as before was no longer possible. Isis, the feminine energy, took on the blame and the guilt, feeling she had failed as a leader. She handed over the power to Adam, who accepted it because of his love for Isis. This was the first wound of Isis.

Creation of Earth.

Later on Earth was created. The purpose of this was that some angels would voluntarily descend and live in this dense, slow energy. In this way they hoped to gain better understanding of creation and its consequences, because of the slower manifestation and reaction in matter. Finally it could bring a solution to the problems in the other dimensions. 
At this point Adam, the masculine energy, was still the dominating one. This continued on Earth, and with a few exceptions, it has done so up until now. It has suppressed the feminine energy - and women – often in a very brutal way.  These causing new wounds in the feminine.

You can ask, why has it been so? Why has Isis not come forward before? Why has Adam not supported her in doing so  when he loved her?

The sexual energy virus.

Well, you can say that the unbalance between Isis and Adam that occurred when she withdrew, gave a virus an opportunity to come in. Just as we know it when we are tired or out of balance, it is much easier to catch a cold for example.

But this virus is an energy virus, infecting consciousness. Like all viruses it wants to perpetuate, and I will show some of the ways it works. At first it lay dormant, until at a certain time on Earth it saw an opportunity to come forth.
The virus works in the mind, and as the male energy was more in the mind, the feminine more in the spiritual, the perfect place for the virus to start operating was in the masculine mind. The virus feeding on power and control, in a way seduced the male energy to suppress the feminine energy. Saying, you couldn`t trust the feminine energy, it had once given up (the first wound of Isis), it was dark, and it was evil. It – and women - had to be controlled and punished, if they did not obey.

The masculine energy got high on all this power and control, and did as the virus said. In this way they were actually feeding the virus!

The Victim and the Abuser.    

The virus also needs the victims: It steals joy out of your life, so every time you are sad or depressed, you are feeding the virus. It operates in your feelings just as well as in your mind. It causes you to feel unworthy, and loves to keep you on a low energy level.

As I said, the virus feeds on sucking out joy of your life. One of the things in life that was meant to be the most pleasurable and sacred: two people making love, that   was a target for the virus! Instead of being an act of love and sharing, it too often becomes a way of stealing energy from another person, of control and of feeding.

Think of all the guilt and shame connected with sex. Think of all the ways sex is twisted in pornography, prostitution and even in advertising. Telling you indirectly, if you buy their product you will be so attractive that you will get a wonderful man/woman. Of course we know   it isn`t true, but in a subconscious level we buy into it, because of the virus. The virus makes you feel you are not worthy; you don`t  deserve the good things in life, unless you have a lot of money, power and control, are good looking or are on top in another way. Even if you get this, there will always be the fear underneath that you might loose it.

Back to prostitution: It couldn`t exist without the virus. It is a game of feeding that goes both ways, the costumer of the prostitute, and the prostitute of the costumer. But why, you might ask, why does a person become a prostitute? Surely it will have started in the childhood. The child will have experienced sexual abuse, perhaps not rape or inappropriate touching of the body, but the whole energy of a sexual desire pointed at the child is enough to create the feeling of being abused. `It is not safe to be me.` Fear comes in, and that is also a way the abuser feeds off of the victim. It becomes a pattern to be abused, and as an adult being promiscuous or perhaps eventually a prostitute becomes the only known way to get some energy back.

In war, for instance, you always see rape and torture. The reason? It keeps a victim in bondage, and the abuser can keep feeding off of them. Emotional abuse is also an aspect of the sexual energy virus. When a parent is always feeling bad and complaining, playing `poor me` or running the whole family with his or her emotion, and in that way stealing energy from the others – that  is sexual abuse as well.

It occurs in the family, at work and everywhere in society.

It`s important to notice, it`s not  men against women – that is also the game of the virus wanting us to believe that. But it`s masculine energy suppressing feminine, and we all have both sides!

How to stop the sexual virus.

The game can only exist as long as you have two parts playing it. You can look at your own life and see, where are you a victim, and where are you an abuser? Don`t judge yourself (or others). Just take a deep breath and  find the loving, compassionate place within you, where you can look at everything.

It`s your choice, if you want to end the game or not.

In a way it is `safe` to be a victim. You know your role and it is not your fault, what has happened. The other one did it to you, you are not to blame. You don`t risk anything, like you might if you step out of the role. Because how will people meet you? Will they think you are selfish? And how can you get energy, if you don`t want to be an abuser? Very few will think of it in this way, but nevertheless that`s what is going on in a subconscious level.

The solution is simple: Start loving yourself! Instead of seeking love, acceptance and energy outside of you, go inside!

Everything is within.

Begin loving you self, just as you are. All sides of you, also the ones you don`t like! They are also part of you, and need to be loved and accepted, so they can evolve. Fill you self with the most unconditional love and compassion!

This is not a new concept. All the great masters have talked about it. With the words of Jesus: `Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself!`. But we often forget the last part and think we have to love others, and then they will hopefully love us back.

What a game of the virus! There is no freedom in that. That is bargain! Try loving you self first. That will make the virus disappear and create the possibility for your inner masculine and feminine to reintegrate on a totally new level!
Love you self, and see how your life changes. Do you dare?

If you want to get a deeper understanding and personal transformation, I recommend
`Tobias` Sexual Energies School: Understanding physical and psychic abuse.`
Written by Anne Maribo Andersen, certified Sexual Energy Teacher.


  1. It's such a Makyo, but thanks anyway.

  2. Hello Jonathan, makyo is a word used by the Crimson Circle people, thus robots of the Adamus vibe... and yes, all of it is makyo...this was posted yrs ago, when I thought there still was some value to it - I have moved on since [actually you remind me of deleting this whole site]... so take it or leave it, I don't care... it's all yours for free... enjoy and remain happily makyo ...your call, not mine ! cheers !! ~K
