Saturday, March 5, 2011


As long as we are on earth, we are programmed through the mind to think that we live a life. We are programmed with stories, whatever is in life, is just a story, the story of awakening, the story of channeling and thinking that we are human or even angels. It is all the same : angels are just not in our own visible range, and the higher one vibrates the more likely we are capable of seeing those angels, because we reach the vibration they are visible on.

Some groups on earth are aware of this truth, and they want to keep it for themselves, some for positive reasons, some for control.

When we see higher vibrations at occasions of personal wellbeing (when we vibrate higher as well) than we can sometimes perceive other beings, we call them out of space or angels, however it is all within the range of the mind, your mind. The thoughts are not yours, we are non-thinking entities. Thoughts are a package of mind vibration and provide us with the story of life, experiences, but it is not there that you find yourself.

We are connected to the truth through the heart, the feeling, but not the emotions that make you feel bad or connect you to someone else, because that is an energy tie that influences, sometimes negative, sometimes positive, but it is not your own pure energy.

 The heart is the only portal, together with deep intuition to bring you back.

People have to start to follow their intuition more than anything else, to have a different focus, a focus for finding yourself, for knowing from within the truth of yourself, to understand you can mould and change your reality, to actually start to change the standard setting and to become pure and empty in all. You need to start to become accepting and open for greater and higher vibrations, take away ALL lower vibrations like sadness, worry, anger, irritation.

The energy of love is also an energy that breaks the mind patterns and makes you do things you normally do not have the courage for.

We are continuously seduced for lower vibration, and influenced to be less aware by continuous shifts of vibrations, mind manipulation and vibrational infiltration. During the sleeping time, when it is a non-conscious meditative sleep, you are being reprogrammed.

Time does not exist, nor does space, you are consciousness, an expanded being, not a little human that does not remember his/her cosmic connection.

Nurture higher vibrations like compassion, appreciation, a sense of equality between every person, and a deep sense of cosmic unity with your inner being. Nurture an empty mind and stay away from negative influences.


All power and energy is only in the one moment that is now.  It is there that the past changes with new choices now, it is there that the future becomes a probable next moment, but never there is any power in the past, nor in the future.

We have been mis-educated in how the reality is working and it is now that we can change the paradigm ~ now is the only moment where total knowing comes in, there is never any energy somewhere else.

This means that it is not tomorrow that one needs to start living, it is now already. Now is the time to take care of yourself, to provide yourself well-being, understanding, to nurture.  Now is the time to choose a positive thought around anything, instead of a negative.

We are vibrational beings, and as we make a choice now to breathe in peace, we alter ourselves, and the complete package that we are ~ we change our lives now with the one thought of peace.

Awakening to yourself happens because of a choice of being in this moment, totally present and aware, and it is the moment that the universe is confirming the positive attitude and everything one desires.

Staying clear from thoughts, and if thoughts at all, they should be positive, uplifing, tender, strong and focused on nothing else but good things. In the now moment, it is good not to inquire about accidents, or negative events, it is good to not be curious about it, because if you allow that in your own vibrational package, your total level of energy goes down.

You carry the truth vibrations within you, and everything that does not resonate, feel good to that and who you are, is removing you from who you are : consciousness without boundary, timeless and spaceless and free to go where you want.

Time and clocks should be regarded as less important than the now moment, it is a tool that takes to untruth. It is in the now moment, when you look around you to see what energy you have around you, that you know your own reflection. You see it in the place you are sitting, what you are hearing, and all the senses tell you. 

The senses tell you something, and you can choose again when they are not right for you.  Be courageous enough to step away from the vibration of the current now, if that is no fulfilling, or feel yourself into a new place/feeling.  Shift your own time as soon as you acknowlegde that only now you are totally empowered.

The future is just a shift of vibration. You see, if you go to your work, you just shift your vibration to match that of your work, you compromise yourself if that work does not feel good, and you lower yourself in that place, you are further removed from who you are, what you really resonate with.

Do only the things that you like to do, in there is stored the abundance, all the money, the houses, the relationship that go with that vibration. Do everything to make you feel good, and that takes the edge of your current now moment.  Shift yourself to better places, every second, seek out bonds with those that support a place of wellbeing, that are of abundant thought, that know the power of their inner guide and so you will shift as well to your inner home.

When you have nothing to shift to, then remaining in peace, in stillness will calm the senses and you will automatically shift to your center, because we are programmed to always return home, even if we do not move.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

personal energy pattern

want to have yours
it can be done by just asking
I connect to your energy
and explain some things to you
that maybe you are not aware of

it is the same as drawing a card
from the osho deck or another game

the one that I make
involves more details
about your current communication style,
your connection to others, and
the hidden fears

it is a here/now chart
not a birth chart
this one is forged on new energy
the now moment

and what is going on in your energy field
right now
just know, that I am a messenger only
and speak with the voice of your energy
and ultimately, the greatest gift to yourself
is to start talking to yourself directly

however, for the grace of your wellbeing
this is offered with joy
as a playgame of one of my own creations

the energy exchange is for your choosing
through paypal account

Shifting realities

The reality does not have to be as it is,
you can change it at will

yet know that you must find yourself
in neutral territoy before being able
to change the vibration

as when you are in the reality
you want to change
it cannot be don

you are not free from it
and you cannot be linked
to the old and change it
at the same time

so whitdrawing for a moment
like switching videos
there must be a moment of disconnect

so find for yourself a place,
a vibration where you are
neutraly on your own
without any other influence
and nurture and attitude of gentle beingness

whatever brings you that feeling of gentleness
is your choice,
yet find it embracing, space making and safe

in that safe space you will naturally vibrate
higher and then a new reality is birthed
just be sitting in a better place

you do not have to meditate
or think about anything
just enjoy a safe and lovely environment alone
out of any house that holds the old

refrain now from going back
to the old vibration
try to continuously connect
to the new and it will stabilize
within you as the new vibration

continue this until you 
reach the right vibration
where you can become
more empowered
and where you actually
are living the higher version of you

Creating circumstances

This reality might not easliy let go of the mind
and its effects

when consciousness comes in
or the growth of understanding that you desire
it might be that circumstances
will be created that will
try to influence

something negative might be created
it is the fear of change that resides
within you

fear not and do not give up
continue the road of self-understanding

eventually the negative experiences
will become less and positivity
will enter you life more and more

you will attract new opportunities
and chances to outgrow
 an old way of being
and some things around you
might fall away

that is part of letting go
and you can trust
that something else
will come to you

your determination to go forward
and focus on the positive side
of your life
will propel you forward
and many shifts can be taken
new people can be met
and opportunities will be

your true self resides
in the field of positivity
so as you get closer to it
you will become more self-aware
of things
that previously were hidden

fear not, because it is in the
trusting field
that you will regain your full
rightful place as
kind/queen of your life
your universe

you are truly loved beyond
and the universe is ready to
serve right now
at your command

Monday, February 28, 2011

~ you can never clean anything up, because doing that makes the vibration of it an active ingredient in your virbrational package ~ allow it to just dissolve by not thinking about it, or be busy with it ~ you do not have to overcome anything, and just do what is fun for you ~

~ you are the chooser and the creator of what matters for you ~

Sunday, February 27, 2011

the inner family

Why it is so important to work through your family issues is that the sun is the energies of your fathers… your father is the collective energy of all the fathers in your family. Inherently if your fathers are weak, there will be no sunshine in your life. What you are looking for with your inner work is the relationship between the sun and the earth. This is what you want to bring on the inside of yourself… the energy of the sun which is 95% of the entire solar system.

The sun holds the earth, it does not control the earth; it doesn't tell the earth what to do. The sun just holds the earth and what you looking for in your inner selves is that your father holds your mother. This is all inner work; everything we speak of now is about the inner world, the inner planes of the psyche. So you want your inner father to be strong so that he can hold the space for your mother to have the experience she would love to have. The stronger your inner father is the more your inner mother can move into the feminine. As your inner mother moves more and more into the feminine roles the more she loves the inner father… your inner mother loves being feminine, she will enjoy being a woman. And the most important thing of all is that your inner child learns and grows from this experience and just copies your inner mother and your inner father.

The stronger that your inner father is and the stronger and more feminine your inner mother is the greater the space for your inner child to grow becomes. Don't make the mistake of focusing all your energies on your wounded child. True healing is healing the entire family constellation… this includes your mother and your father and your grandparents and great grandparents and your ancestors. Your aunts and your uncles, your cousins, nieces and nephews all these aspect of your family play a role, and as you bring each aspect into divine balance, divine order, you yourself become stronger and stronger and more and more connected to the universe… creating that space for you to enter the new world… to have the experience that you really want from of your life.

(Kryon : 'your heart knows everything')


As a caterpillar changes into a butterfly it goes through a period of chaos and intense change.

Always deep inside it knows exactly what is happening and what the change is all about.

Imagine instead if it asked a passing dog how it was supposed to do this?

Would this make things clear?

Go inside for your information.

You know already.

Adam Ben Sun
(facebook contact)

The Revolution You Came to Facilitate

Council of 12 Message
The Revolution You Came to Facilitate
Copyright 2011 by Selacia

These are the times that you have been waiting for. There is a revolutionary awakening taking place. It may remind you of some earlier decades such as the 1960s, but those years were tame in comparison. There is a revolutionary spirit which naturally comes forward to address imbalances and oppression; it surfaces within the hearts and minds of people who begin to question the status quo. This occurred countless times over humanity's history. During no earlier time, however, did humanity as a whole have the potential to radically transform the human experience on Earth. 

What is your role?

Over and over again as this cycle unfolds, you will be asking to understand your role. You will need to continue asking this question so that you can adapt to the ever-changing scene in front of you. On some days you will be certain that you know what your purpose is and how you are to fulfill it. On many other days you will need to update your view and to expand upon the role that has become familiar. Each time you update your reference point and connect with spirit's view for your life, you are shown the need to love in a more expansive way.

A Call to Love

The universe has sent your heart a call to love. This light-filled impulse has also been broadcast to humanity across the world. You are seeing some of the results of this call in the revolutionary actions unfolding in The Middle East and elsewhere.

    No one really knows the outcome of the current revolutionary shifting centered in The Middle East. Do not underestimate the potential of the uprisings to shift humanity's thought forms from oppression to peace. Focus your thoughts and prayers on peace and constructive solutions.

    If you could do an energetic poll of humanity today, more would choose peace than violence. Keep that in mind the next time you watch the news. In today's media-oriented society, there is a learned tendency to pay attention to the extremes, with special emphasis on those involving doom and gloom. On any given day, however, much occurs that is somewhere in the middle. This is true on an individual level as well as for humanity as a whole. The impulse to return to love is fueling changes of big and small magnitude daily. Every time a person learns to love him or herself more, a bridge is built allowing increased connection with spirit. Self-empowerment develops from this.

Moving from Doubt to Trust 

Look beyond the surface appearances to discover your own truth about the happenstance of your world. The conventional world teaches you to doubt everything including yourself. You learned from an early age to criticize yourself, others, and life events. You were taught to notice mistakes and failures.

    Become aware of times when you react with fear to the news of popular uprisings. Notice when you feel an unexplained sadness or hopelessness about the state of the world. When you feel blocked and nothing makes sense, remember that there is a global awakening under way.

    If you look for signs of awakening across the world, you will find them. You are not alone, not for one instant. People like you are becoming empowered to seek their own truth and to help create a more loving world. 

    Remember that people are more the same than they are different. The divine spark inside each person is the uniting force. You are no different in spirit's eyes than the people of Egypt and elsewhere who seek to be free. Ordinary citizens everywhere are becoming empowered to ask for a society that is fair and supportive of the people. You have the right to ask for this too.

    In this next cycle, it is vital to become clear about what you want. Sit in contemplation daily - preferably morning and evening - and envision your life. Imagine the world that you want to live in. Set specific intentions about how you will create your more light-filed future. Reflect on these throughout the day and just before sleep, inviting spirit to energize the good in your life.

     As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12

Note:  you are welcome to post this message to your newsgroups, website, and other places as long as you accompany the full message with Selacia's name and website. We thank you for respecting this copyright.