Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shifting realities

The reality does not have to be as it is,
you can change it at will

yet know that you must find yourself
in neutral territoy before being able
to change the vibration

as when you are in the reality
you want to change
it cannot be don

you are not free from it
and you cannot be linked
to the old and change it
at the same time

so whitdrawing for a moment
like switching videos
there must be a moment of disconnect

so find for yourself a place,
a vibration where you are
neutraly on your own
without any other influence
and nurture and attitude of gentle beingness

whatever brings you that feeling of gentleness
is your choice,
yet find it embracing, space making and safe

in that safe space you will naturally vibrate
higher and then a new reality is birthed
just be sitting in a better place

you do not have to meditate
or think about anything
just enjoy a safe and lovely environment alone
out of any house that holds the old

refrain now from going back
to the old vibration
try to continuously connect
to the new and it will stabilize
within you as the new vibration

continue this until you 
reach the right vibration
where you can become
more empowered
and where you actually
are living the higher version of you

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