Saturday, June 19, 2010

Poverty – it is a mind-set

It is astonishing how people can put themselves in a state of poverty thinking. If one does not possess matter is one than to be considered poor ? Maybe just quite the contrary.

The inwardly rich person, the one that cherishes the smallness in the grandness, and does not seek the outer wealth, will find the true creative power of a divine origin, the truth : we are abundance. We are money or whatever we wish to be.

This is to be taken literally. The creation of outer material world IS already a manifestation of the inner beliefs. If one still thinks in small human terms of poverty or sadness of life, it will generate the movie of that sadness. That is the power of every human being.
When one is happy, no matter the outcome of life, or wherever he is standing, in which situation, he will see clear on how to manifest another reality if that is desired. It takes balance, softness and gentleness, flow and ease, grace and understanding. It takes silence at times, listening much more to the subtle whispers of the inner being. Then, the universe, that is always serving every wish we have, will materialize everything one needs.

If one allows to be carried by the universal breath, the life becomes one of divine nature.
Thinking in poverty terms will regenerate, day by the day, those terms. How to break the chain ? Be happy with what you already have, understand that there is no ‘need’, just a happy allowance of beingness. When one wishes food, the universe will arrange. It just takes a bit of gentle and silent patience, and balanced softness. It is not difficult, it only is a state of total trust in self, that it works that way.

Aka Komaya
June 2010
From the Auroville Pondicherry area

Poverty – it is a mind-set

It is astonishing how people can put themselves in a state of poverty thinking. If one does not possess matter is one than to be considered poor ? Maybe just quite the contrary.

The inwardly rich person, the one that cherishes the smallness in the grandness, and does not seek the outer wealth, will find the true creative power of a divine origin, the truth : we are abundance. We are money or whatever we wish to be.

This is to be taken literally. The creation of outer material world IS already a manifestation of the inner beliefs. If one still thinks in small human terms of poverty or sadness of life, it will generate the movie of that sadness. That is the power of every human being.
When one is happy, no matter the outcome of life, or wherever he is standing, in which situation, he will see clear on how to manifest another reality if that is desired. It takes balance, softness and gentleness, flow and ease, grace and understanding. It takes silence at times, listening much more to the subtle whispers of the inner being. Then, the universe, that is always serving every wish we have, will materialize everything one needs.

If one allows to be carried by the universal breath, the life becomes one of divine nature.
Thinking in poverty terms will regenerate, day by the day, those terms. How to break the chain ? Be happy with what you already have, understand that there is no ‘need’, just a happy allowance of beingness. When one wishes food, the universe will arrange. It just takes a bit of gentle and silent patience, and balanced softness. It is not difficult, it only is a state of total trust in self, that it works that way.

Aka Komaya
June 2010
From the Auroville Pondicherry area

First night in Auroville - The matter of haunting dreams

19 June 2010

Since I left the human comfort zone and started to travel about 3 years ago, my dreams have become a theme in my life. They have been haunting me, and come to me just before waking up. These dreams always deal with emotional substance, and are the result of some disparity from within the own emotional field.

I understand that those dreams are part of the human suppression system, part of the illusion of this caged mind life and are infiltrating into life. Those dreams have the innate character to make you feel bad about all the decisions that you make with regards to awakening and deeply spiritual choices of life. In my case, they mirror some attributes about emotional unresolved items in myself.

Up to now I did not write about them, because I was told to ignore them. For me, they tend to nudge me.When I was young I always considered dreams to be part of my intuition, something that your silent part wants to convey to you.

The dream state is part of the personality layer movement. As the true inner being is a silent observer, it will not intervene with the more active personality layers. This also comes in terms with the knowing of the Auroville teachings.

Some unresolved emotional layers want to be transformed, acknowledged. The main themes of the dreams that I have are about separation from ones with whom I share an emotional bond.
By the way, Auroville is at the edge of Pondicherry, a village with poverty, looks messy, dirty and quite unhappy.Indian people that I see are unhappy, they do not smile easily and it seems they just do not like life in general. For them life is poverty and money is important. Auroville wants to be a jewel on earth reflecting human unity, all races to unite for the benefit of earthly peace.

In Auroville, we booked a zen-like guest house area, that is absolutely beautiful. It is the materialization of my own center, the one I dream to have. As I am offered the actual stay in this, I can see if this is what I really want. I thank the divine intervention showing me this situation, it will help me to clarify my own wishes. It is a good place to wrap up older decision and get a straight look at myself here today. I am blessed to sleep in a room where the Dalai Lama was sleeping too in 2009. What a creation.

It is hot now in June, tropical. There are not many westerners here at the moment, so the main energy is Indian. I have not met Auroville students yet, which I hope to do, as it is in the philosophy that I find the most interesting moments. In the abstract one finds the practical.
Joanne and I are looking into the Sri Aurobindo material, it is interesting, and this study is very much the same as the teachings of Jeshua I used to travel with, just different words. It is not new to me, I have had a deep study of the material a few years before.

At this moment I can take a safe and good look at the deeper layers of my human experience. The aim of my last year’s decisions seem to direct me to get in deep unity with my inner divinity expressed through human life. This would bring ultimate joy of being. It seems to be hard to ‘feel’ this joy in most parts of the world and also in Auroville. There is much hidden discontent energy here, and divinity is of a very still nature, waiting when the personality is ready to get active.

If I apply the teaching about knowing that dreams are part of the human suppression framework (see, then it all seems to have a place. It seems that having those dreams is just part of sensing the local Indian overall deeper sensing of unhappiness of delayed success. The human mind suppression in this context is a sticky and multi-layered experience, certainly when the success and achievement of oneness with the inner divine is delayed and the human discontent is nudging with every breath.

If I can break the codes of the mind illusion (both in the waking and dream state) by working through them in the personality, I might achieve a great shift. I thank the universe that I am for allowing me to get close to any discovery. Every personal difficulty is a possibility for transformation into true oneness and unified love for the whole.

Aka Komaya
June 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Discoveries of the moment - Magic

Now, there is nothing else. Now is everything, it is the past and the future and the moment. Whenever a moment changes, the past and the future change as well. The earth reality is one moment, it is not a linear timeline. It is not, the past is a dreamdust projection of something that is made up in the moment, and the future is an hallucination.

We change the past when we change our now moment. Each new, unchartered decision is a new past and a new future. We are running a movie that is totally dynamic, over all the timelines.

The now moment is THE full package of the experience of ONE, that you are. Whatever you play with, decide, think, move and undo, reflects itself over the timeline that becomes aligned with it. Everything is always entirely changing, the past, the present and the future. All the events and experiences are changeable, thus is the magic of this reality.

As soon as this wisdom is totally understood and integrated, you become the builder of everything that you choose to be. Magic is possible, there are no limits.
June 2010
aka Komaya

Discoveries of the moment - Magic

Now, there is nothing else. Now is everything, it is the past and the future and the moment. Whenever a moment changes, the past and the future change as well. The earth reality is one moment, it is not a linear timeline. It is not, the past is a dreamdust projection of something that is made up in the moment, and the future is an hallucination.

We change the past when we change our now moment. Each new, unchartered decision is a new past and a new future. We are running a movie that is totally dynamic, over all the timelines.

The now moment is THE full package of the experience of ONE, that you are. Whatever you play with, decide, think, move and undo, reflects itself over the timeline that becomes aligned with it. Everything is always entirely changing, the past, the present and the future. All the events and experiences are changeable, thus is the magic of this reality.

As soon as this wisdom is totally understood and integrated, you become the builder of everything that you choose to be. Magic is possible, there are no limits.
June 2010
aka Komaya

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The call from India

It is June 2010, I am looking out for nudges from self for the next steps to take. There are several things I can choose from. But it is weird because I live this life, this crazy life undone of the normality, no job, no ties, freedom, no financial burdens, everything and nothing. Now is the moment, and the future is totally chaos. Yes, there is another step to take, I can feel that. However, what will it be ? So I ask myself for some nudges ‘what is good for the continuation of self-discovery and for the continuation of awakening from myself’.

So then, I suddenly smell something, incense. Joanna just bought some incense and a little cloud of smelly air travels under my nose. It is strange though, because the incense is packed away in plastic.

So I look at it, and it is incense from India. This is it, I can feel it. So we start to talk about the next step.

We check into New Zealand, into Greece, it all felt ‘closed’. Then we got India, and we know about Pondicherry, Auroville. I know the material and the books of Sri Aurobindo very well since a few years, and in earlier days Joanna met with people that visited the Netherlands, however coming from Auroville. We felt a connection to that place. It is time for another personal revolution.

So Auroville is the next stop. We are in the process of arranging the visa with the authorities, still wondering when we will get totally untied from the systems of ‘security’.
We wish the world to be free from fear, without boundaries. We pledge we will get there, where the vibes support the new earth.

Going to the embassies for the visa papers is a chosen necessity, and we like to make a nice experience out of all that : just playing along with the requirements, smiling at people, and utterly enjoying every second of it. Doors are open, everything goes really smoothly, we can feel this. Auroville already welcomes us.

A new phase in the discovery journey, embracing totality, the weather, the people, the events and the turns and tides. We start to understand how much of this we all create. We are lighting up, it is going well at all times.

It is time for a 3rd cycle. For me the 2 earlier cycles were the US and Hawaii, now it is a new beginning, never looking back and just stepping into the unknown. The world is amazing, the sun shines all the time and we feel comfortable in the not-knowing and the chaos. Yes, we are totally not organized, we do not know what tomorrow will bring and we just walk our walk, just as we talk our talk.
Foolish ? A bit. Dangerous ? Of course not. Intense ? absolutely ! Powerful and full of surprises ? Yes. All of that and even more. Now is the time and we enjoy it already !

June 2010
aka Komaya

Time and Distance

The reality of matter - it is in the hardness that it confirms itself. In the softness it transforms to something else, something deeper and utterly silent, yet vibrant of life itself. Look at a stone and find the universe, look at the tree and find passion. The less one moves, the more one vibrates. The more one moves, the less one understands.

Nothing is far away - it is the perception that creates the distance. Therefore you are determining the space between things.

Nature - the harder you push, the harder it pushes back. It is self-confirming. It is in the flow that you become water, my friend. Be water and you merge with the power of nature.

June 2010
aka Komaya

Time and Distance

The reality of matter - it is in the hardness that it confirms itself. In the softness it transforms to something else, something deeper and utterly silent, yet vibrant of life itself. Look at a stone and find the universe, look at the tree and find passion. The less one moves, the more one vibrates. The more one moves, the less one understands.

Nothing is far away - it is the perception that creates the distance. Therefore you are determining the space between things.

Nature - the harder you push, the harder it pushes back. It is self-confirming. It is in the flow that you become water, my friend. Be water and you merge with the power of nature.

June 2010
aka Komaya