Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Circle [bis]

Yes, full circle. A breaking down cycle has come to an end, what needed to go because it belongs to the old, has been taken away. People have left my reality, events and experiences have been lived and everything has changed. It has changed so much, that the old is even closed off as a reality that I can be come back to, the doors are literally closed... no way to return.

I have changed so much, inside and outside, that my experience of reality is different from many on the planet. I have not regular job, not linked to any country, a wanderer, only having my luggage. Old friends are gone, and not many new ones have come in yet.

The abyss, the bridge, I am walking, unknowing of what any type of new future might bring. There is power in the choices of now, yet, it is in the unseen still, undiscovered as yet.

So, there is one choice remaining. After years of mind, spiritual mind, and emotional discharge, there is balance and a newness of being. In that beingness the powerpoint of here/now is paramount. Then the feeling of no-mind, non-judgment, not allowing any mind contamination from other people that still 'think' their life through, cherishing the social and spiritually social dramas, and absolutely remaining in the stillness of thought. Only being here/now and watching as things enfold.

The true reality, that really belongs to 'who I am' will come from within the stillness, not from the thoughtful chosen ideas. It is now that the clarity of beingness, without the clutter of mind, emotion and disbalance, will appear and show 'who I am'... and it might surprise me what I will see in my new-created reality....I will keep you up to date...

At this moment, it is processing the emptiness, the no-mind, the letting go of still some thinking attributes and some emotional luggage, the last remainders... and then settling, without anyone having to agree outside myself, for the true 'things', people, events and experiences that belong to this energy that I am.

Full Circle [bis]

Yes, full circle. A breaking down cycle has come to an end, what needed to go because it belongs to the old, has been taken away. People have left my reality, events and experiences have been lived and everything has changed. It has changed so much, that the old is even closed off as a reality that I can be come back to, the doors are literally closed... no way to return.

I have changed so much, inside and outside, that my experience of reality is different from many on the planet. I have not regular job, not linked to any country, a wanderer, only having my luggage. Old friends are gone, and not many new ones have come in yet.

The abyss, the bridge, I am walking, unknowing of what any type of new future might bring. There is power in the choices of now, yet, it is in the unseen still, undiscovered as yet.

So, there is one choice remaining. After years of mind, spiritual mind, and emotional discharge, there is balance and a newness of being. In that beingness the powerpoint of here/now is paramount. Then the feeling of no-mind, non-judgment, not allowing any mind contamination from other people that still 'think' their life through, cherishing the social and spiritually social dramas, and absolutely remaining in the stillness of thought. Only being here/now and watching as things enfold.

The true reality, that really belongs to 'who I am' will come from within the stillness, not from the thoughtful chosen ideas. It is now that the clarity of beingness, without the clutter of mind, emotion and disbalance, will appear and show 'who I am'... and it might surprise me what I will see in my new-created reality....I will keep you up to date...

At this moment, it is processing the emptiness, the no-mind, the letting go of still some thinking attributes and some emotional luggage, the last remainders... and then settling, without anyone having to agree outside myself, for the true 'things', people, events and experiences that belong to this energy that I am.

Thought Control

So much is written about thought control and how humanity is 'under the grip' of it. Maybe yes, however there is no power on earth that can make you do things you do not want to, unless you agree with them.

It is true that I have heard many say they want to do things, but the 'others' might not agree, so they do not... that is a choice.

The main point of this blog is 'IT IS A CHOICE', to be obedient to others or yourself. It is so simple, do what you feel, want, act upon that... regardless of the others... YOU are living your life.

And yes, some frequencies are controlling your actions, and they are perceived as strong, coming from controlling organizations on earth, and beyond...yes, we read the stuff that is written everywhere, 'awakening from it', we are consciousness, awareness... In main stream information, those lower frequencies are getting explained as thought-emotions like fear, anger, resistance, fight, worry, sadness. That too is a choice : your house burns down : you can choose to see it as a renewed freedom, or as a huge loss... the one gives new potentials and a sense of breath, the other gives loads of worry and despair. IT IS THE SAME EVENT NONETHELESS, you choose your reaction to things, ALWAYS.

Thought control does exist at a certain level, and yes, it has a kind of power, but it does not have to control you, that is not possible, unless again, you allow it. I find one of the best aids to help out of the lower frequency thinking is to just STOP IT, immediately and divert myself to expansion, loving attitude, looking at beauty, and then allowing INSPIRATION - from within - to lead my life... and not the outer frequencies, grim outlooks and organizations. It is not yours... thoughts never are... we are LOVE, that is the true essence of the HUMAN....

Social ? Do I really have to say anything

Do I really have to say anything ? Not really, I just express some energy from within, something that asks a kind of output, because it is joyful to do so.

There is nothing that another person does not know from within, everyone has the same divine core and wisdom... it is about the unique color and perception of expression, the amazement of the expansion we all bring about, together... realigning things, re-inventing things, re-energizing and re-creating... just always different, like adding another drop in the water, that makes the sea again somewhat different.

Important it all is not, it is a form of flow of LIFE, it is the joy of creation. Many words are just some infinite small versions of the total breath that has generated them, and that is fine, that is how the earth has been set up.

Freedom awaits the creations, as now we grow into the new energy of expansion... All the energy is getting together again, like molten lava, coming together and then leaving again, like friends that join for some tea-time moment, and then go somewhere else, like lovers that leave for another adventure, and find other people to join with again.

Nothing is forever, yet WE are forever LIFE. Uniting and expanding, uniting and expanding, free flowing, everlastingly loving.... maybe that is the only thing that I wanted to say today....simply.

From Inter to Inner Action

It is no mystery to most people that all wishes and desires first are chosen inside of yourself, first the decision is taken inside and then the actions flow from there on. The idea-thought becomes matter.

The main work of the seeker is to find out what are his/her real motives in life and then be as 'pure' as it can to express those. It involves 'cleansing' of outer chatter, usually called the social layers of socially obedient boa constric-tor type... or perceived as such.

Basically we - humans - tend to forget that there is no force EVER that can take away your power of choice, we just have been educated away from that evident truth, and became more concerned about the reaction of others on us, instead of just walking our own chosen way, no matter what any other would think about it.

And now, we remember, that we are the ones deciding our own life. There is much written about that in educational material of many types. What is the result ? Hopefully it releases some of the hidden potentials, the love you have for your own choices, the confidence that you nurture about them, the trust that you have for your self. After that, it can be shared as an example, a nice story.

Everyone lives his life with or without the chains, with or without obedience, with or without choice... there are means enough to awaken to your essence, there is no reason anymore to stay where you do not want to stay in this day and age. From Inter-Action (based on the others mainly), flowing to Inner-Action (based on your inner heart, your self, your joy).

Amazing to be able to do this, and to shine your light, even if that light is unseen by the others... because as you base yourself on the Inner-Action, it does not matter if others see you or not, YOU ARE... your own joy and expression.

Let the smiles come now.... time to bring about the laughters, the joys and the greatness of every amazing human pearl on earth !

Home ? Not 'out there' at all

After journeying in the spiritual world, the communities of spiritual people and reading all the spiritual works... I find now the time to land again with me, not with the words and scriptures of others, be them 'holy' or 'earthly', be them angelic, methaphysical, scientific, or just beyond mental comprehension.
The force of LIFE is everpresent, wherever I went, with whom I connected, encountering the greatest teachers, the worst enemies, and the most beautiful friends, I always ended up with myself.
There is something about the spiritual community on earth, it is quite .... removed from here/now... it is quite unhappy with the earth here/now... and it seeks enlightenment with others, out there... somewhere... in the dim lights of the mists, where it has no ground to land upon and ... the spiritual world remains where it is ... ungrounded... and no real coming home has been discovered in the fields of mystery, of enlightenment, of magical teachers and words from 'beyond'... not really.
They were all POINTERS, indications but none of them presented TRUTH of being here/now... YOU always remain ONLY with yourself, as the teachers, friends and enemies come and go.
There - where you are [I found] - is where the home is, there is no other place...With you is where the power of LIFE is, there is really no other power, and it is never with someone else MORE than with you, for you. Everyone has his own chosen universe, expressed or not here on earth.
HOME is ESPECIALLY not in the human spiritual world, where you are tempted to be drawn into as if TRUTH is only there... The only result of the spiritual world is to be only half here and only half there... until you choose to cross over to the spiritual realm... but I am not entirely sure that we are meant to be there - gone - with the thinking that HERE is not good enough, or expanded enough, or exciting enough....
So, after deep diving within realms that have had no real answers [and dim guesses, pointers, mystery], although almost only more QUESTIONS, I return just home, with me. It is all there is for me, there is my home... and at this point of my consciousness, it is here on earth, and from there I go anywhere and I return to who I truly am : a life force here/now, for the sake of LIFE, in honor of all-that-is, outdone of any complex ideas, labouring, and trouble. Simply.
Time to find a real house now, after travelling 3 years, homeless and like a troubled wanderer.

Home ? Not 'out there' at all

After journeying in the spiritual world, the communities of spiritual people and reading all the spiritual works... I find now the time to land again with me, not with the words and scriptures of others, be them 'holy' or 'earthly', be them angelic, methaphysical, scientific, or just beyond mental comprehension.
The force of LIFE is everpresent, wherever I went, with whom I connected, encountering the greatest teachers, the worst enemies, and the most beautiful friends, I always ended up with myself.
There is something about the spiritual community on earth, it is quite .... removed from here/now... it is quite unhappy with the earth here/now... and it seeks enlightenment with others, out there... somewhere... in the dim lights of the mists, where it has no ground to land upon and ... the spiritual world remains where it is ... ungrounded... and no real coming home has been discovered in the fields of mystery, of enlightenment, of magical teachers and words from 'beyond'... not really.
They were all POINTERS, indications but none of them presented TRUTH of being here/now... YOU always remain ONLY with yourself, as the teachers, friends and enemies come and go.
There - where you are [I found] - is where the home is, there is no other place...With you is where the power of LIFE is, there is really no other power, and it is never with someone else MORE than with you, for you. Everyone has his own chosen universe, expressed or not here on earth.
HOME is ESPECIALLY not in the human spiritual world, where you are tempted to be drawn into as if TRUTH is only there... The only result of the spiritual world is to be only half here and only half there... until you choose to cross over to the spiritual realm... but I am not entirely sure that we are meant to be there - gone - with the thinking that HERE is not good enough, or expanded enough, or exciting enough....
So, after deep diving within realms that have had no real answers [and dim guesses, pointers, mystery], although almost only more QUESTIONS, I return just home, with me. It is all there is for me, there is my home... and at this point of my consciousness, it is here on earth, and from there I go anywhere and I return to who I truly am : a life force here/now, for the sake of LIFE, in honor of all-that-is, outdone of any complex ideas, labouring, and trouble. Simply.
Time to find a real house now, after travelling 3 years, homeless and like a troubled wanderer.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Family ties are not what they seem to be, they are reflections of ourselves, that when released come back home into ourselves, but then 'whole'....
The family as such is not real, it is a reflection of a frequency... a control frequency that has been chosen at a certain level, but the Avatar is a 'oneness' being, without external familiy... the family is gathered inside as oneness.
Leaving the family is leaving separation, and being the oneness includes them inside. Family bonds are the most difficult to get home again, they have the greatest (together with the partner bond) magnetic force of 'polarity' which keeps separation into place.
Leaving them, is becoming the Avatar Force... the one force including everything and becoming TOTALITY.
Situations are set up in a way that allows and brings forth the right 'reasons' for change... the more you indeed respond to your own inner nudge, the more the Avatar is birthing. It is a celebration time for YOU, the AVATAR is getting WINGS. THE GREAT BUTTERFLY coming about.
AVATARS cannot have biological ties, the true ties are spiritual, invisible.... until the AVATAR becomes totality... and then the true family appears....You are coming home....

Monday, October 18, 2010

FRESH EYES - practical magic

I am sitting in this amazing house, with paintings, that carry much of judgment, in the frequential layers, in the geometry...
I started to see that when I am near them, I start to judge... so I stopped and watched, felt the fear and anger from the painter....
And chose another reaction, inspiring to do 'different'.... so I got into 'stilling the judgment' and accepting the painter's BEINGNESS, his message, behind the mask of FEAR and so-called broken heart ...
And it was a LOVE frequency... that inspired him/her. And now, the paintings are smiling at me, instead of shouting....
FRESH EYES attitude... and the world changes again...NEXT frequency please.... and celebration with smiles ! Empowering... truly !

Inspiring yourself

Inspiring change... From a sense of joy, instead of fear. Doing things anyway, even if they are a bit 'dangerous', but you have always wanted to do them.
Learn to say NO to what you do not want, learn to be balanced and strong from the inside.

Learn to see the others as a part of you, but not depending on you, nor you depending on them.
Learn to be sovereign, be who you are, simply.

Get some inner clarity about yourself and stop complaining, just act on your inner wishes.
Just allow yourself to move again, move again, move again... unstuck yourself. Feel your inner desires and imagine them in your life, get them in your life.
Do that one-time bungee jump, fly that helicopter, act on your impulses and join the groups in which you feel all right and really joyful.

Empower yourself, inspire yourself, breath again, love yourself and act, physically, verbally, joyfully and stable. Let go of what does not serve, let go of teachings of others if they are taking away your power, let go, let go, let go....Stay away from any judgments as well, it is never about THEM at all, it is about YOU... go, go, go !

Walk away from places and situations you do not like...yes, inspire yourself, get involved with yourself, shine and brighten your own path.... you are in charge.... inspire, inspire.... YES.

It all depends on YOUR EYES

You are ultimately always choosing the reaction to things.
There is rain ... how do you perceive and react ?
There is some argument .... how do you perceive ?
There are locks and keys... how do you react ?
There are old and young people, there is judgment about things.... do you judge as well ?
How do you react in life ... is it an amazing place, or a dreadful place ?
How do you see people... are they all right, nice, full of passion, or... surviving...
It all depends on YOUR EYES. Your perception determines the energy and the flow...
Is life difficult, or does it represent a challenge, something to make better in the sense that YOU act differently.
Are you alive and looking around, from YOUR center, and see how you ARE ?
It all depends on YOUR EYES... Take ownership, and life becomes what YOU choose of it... YOUR choice, only ours to make... Isn't that amazing, that YOU have that capacity, that WEALTH, that power...
TIME for FRESH EYES, new eyes, innovation, celebration and that deep sense of YES, I AM.