Friday, October 22, 2010

From Inter to Inner Action

It is no mystery to most people that all wishes and desires first are chosen inside of yourself, first the decision is taken inside and then the actions flow from there on. The idea-thought becomes matter.

The main work of the seeker is to find out what are his/her real motives in life and then be as 'pure' as it can to express those. It involves 'cleansing' of outer chatter, usually called the social layers of socially obedient boa constric-tor type... or perceived as such.

Basically we - humans - tend to forget that there is no force EVER that can take away your power of choice, we just have been educated away from that evident truth, and became more concerned about the reaction of others on us, instead of just walking our own chosen way, no matter what any other would think about it.

And now, we remember, that we are the ones deciding our own life. There is much written about that in educational material of many types. What is the result ? Hopefully it releases some of the hidden potentials, the love you have for your own choices, the confidence that you nurture about them, the trust that you have for your self. After that, it can be shared as an example, a nice story.

Everyone lives his life with or without the chains, with or without obedience, with or without choice... there are means enough to awaken to your essence, there is no reason anymore to stay where you do not want to stay in this day and age. From Inter-Action (based on the others mainly), flowing to Inner-Action (based on your inner heart, your self, your joy).

Amazing to be able to do this, and to shine your light, even if that light is unseen by the others... because as you base yourself on the Inner-Action, it does not matter if others see you or not, YOU ARE... your own joy and expression.

Let the smiles come now.... time to bring about the laughters, the joys and the greatness of every amazing human pearl on earth !

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