I am prompted this morning to repost about sensuality
and using the senses to feel our way forward in the new energy.
It's all about moving the energy rather than letting it stagnate.
I hope you realise that these posts simply pour out of me
without any particular effort on my part
apart from dragging myself out of bed
and writing them down!
They reveal our collective genius
rather than me trying to be clever
and showing off that I know stuff!
And collectively we seem to be making a lot more noise
to be picked up by my receiver on my
particular wavelength as these days I often get several
different versions of each message
before I get to my computer to write it down!
You know the term Adamus is an ancient term referring to all of us
and not something which was invented by the crimson circle?
We can all claim to be adamus as this is what it means.
As I wrote in a previous note -
In the day that god created man,
made in the likeness of god,
male and female created them,
and blessed them,
and called THEIR name Adam.
Androgynous and balanced each and every one of us.
A - male energy
Dam - female energy
Blessing signifies the divine operating through the human consciousness.
At first through the intellect and then giving way to the intuition.
The mind is in charge to begin with and then integrated
as the intuition takes over and creation takes place beyond the mind.
Adamus -a symbol of the archetypal human.
Adam us.
In the higher aspect - god incarnate - a living god/creator.
In the lower aspect -
those still in the mind
which produces endless illusions
multiplying the MEANS of existence
when existence is already in all,
and the be all,
of humanity.
So integrate your body, mind and spirit
as one whole creator and your essence
will express and create without
any need for thought or effort.
Simply be and all in all your essence will manifest.
So we can all speak as adamus whether we are enlightened or not
and no need for law suits or copyright claims!
And of course we do as was recently pointed out by the energy of adamus
chanelled at the crimson circle.
I am that I am is your individual expression of
I am adamus our collective expression.
Worth pondering over or meditating upon.
Any way back to the subject!
Emotion was invented by the mind
to try and make sense of the world.
It is not real and will throw you off balance
as it will always see anything as good or bad.
Beyond the mind and beyond your emotions
are your senses.
Whenever I talk about feelings
or feeling into something
I am talking about using your senses.
Sense and sense-ability.
Coming to your senses
we say
to mean that you regain your balance
and know what you are dealing with.
Common sense is another,
meaning you don't need to think about it.
Sensing something doesn't judge it.
It merely examines and recognises it.
You don't get lost in it as you do emotion
and you don't have histrionics
which distract you from the truth
of what it is you are perceiving.
You perceive it as it is
and can then take it or leave it
as you choose.
You don't love it or hate it
you simply know it
and accept it.
As a freely created form of energy
which is free to be.
You are free to choose it or not.
It would not be common sense to condemn it
or to praise it.
It just is.
As you are.
Common sense is not so common
when thwarted by the mind
trying to work things out
and manipulate them.
Does this work?
It leads to you being manipulated too.
And more work.
Beyond the mind and the emotions you create
the world of your choice without work.
By simply imagining it.
Using your sense of imagination.
And a sense of joy.
Makes sense don't you think?
Make with the senses,
don't think!
Be sensible.
Be sense.
Sense being.
Sense and see.
Sense creation.
Create with sense.
The mind gives you non-sense.
Emotion is non-sense.
Sensual = sense you all!
Sense is sensational!
Creation doesn't make sense to the mind because it is sense!
Sense and feelings can't be quantified by the mind.
It doesn't make sense!
It's creation.
It doesn't need to!
It doesn't want to!
If you did make sense of it
you would lock it in a box
and there would be no more creation.
So why bother trying to work it out?
Enjoy it!
Revel in it!
Express yourself!
Be sensual!
We created it for fun
and as a new way
to express ourselves.
Not as a totrure to be suffered
in order to make us better people.
Not to be book-keepers
and accountants
recording and measuring
every last aspect of it
trying to keep it from changing.
It does change!
Every moment it changes.
Whatever you choose changes it.
Unless you choose the same again.
You choose simply by bringing your focus to it.
We very nearly locked it in the box
and threw away the key!
Let it out now
to fly free!
And let's have some fun!
And please no more half-baked spiritual theories,
or methods.
We are exploring the unknown.
Share your experiences by all means!
It all adds to the fun!
Be out of the box!