Friday, June 11, 2010

The Day-Dream


Dreams and realities…. So the next thing I started to elaborate on is the question on ’what does one like to day-dream about’ ? What is your day-dream ? Could it be that you actually have experienced that dream in your life, or that you are experiencing it now ? I believe that is how human life is generated. The ‘place’ where the energy is focused the strongest, the manifestation is likely to occur. Could it be ?

So what about that day-dream ? Let’s select a dream, a very personal choice, which is usually loaded with deep sentiment, and passion, something that generates an intense energy of creation. Is it a hidden dream, that carries some social taboo ? How does one get into creating that dream-desire without conflicting with the obedience to the social system. Let’s say one dreams of power over people, and likes to show that power with glamour, but knowing that it could be misused by an arrogant stance and forcing slavery of others. How does one go about living a conflicting dream ? Does the dream not become a boa constrictor movement around the neck ?

It is interesting to view how this dream was generated as well. What is fuel that energizes its appearance. So this dream has attributes of images and senses, it is a mind-made movie. It is generated by an energy-wish and brought into life to appear and reappear in the thoughts, pushing the manifestation of it by every focus-moment.
I hear some people dream to be explorers, or doctors, or any other career, including settings and crew, the players in the field, the wealth and even the hidden wishes. If a dream is a sociably feasible option, the probability for a person to live that dream, to become that doctor, is high, because there is an alignment between dream-passion and possible outcome. It is a yes-yes situation, the social world supports the dream too. So there is a cooperation between the inner and the outer. And it is not difficult to get that in manifestation.

What if one’s dream is to be a rapist, absolutely loves to dream about it, however the physical output cannot be manifested, both because the person and the social community would not allow it. How is one’s life not crippled in denial or suppression ? Having the urge to dream about it does not necessarily mean actually doing it, or even wanting to harm anyone else, but the energy is there. It might be a game thought of intense creative desire generating such imagery.


I hear that the source of our life is the void, or the zero-point field, that creates energy and movement to manifest. I hear that our reality is made up of light and sound, frequencies of a variation of intensities. And those intensities of electrical and magnetic attributes manifest matter, and wind, and fire, and water and so on. You name it : Everything that the brain shows is a manifestation of frequency, in other words one or the other form of electricity, thus energy.

Because is that not what the brain does : transform energy into the senses and visuals we experience ? And the brain generates not only matter, but also the dreams that people carry. All that is a collection of electro-magnetic movements. And maybe dream and reality is indeed not so far removed from each other, coming again to the ancient saying that ‘our reality is a dream’, and illusion, and a dream could be just another word for reality ? It all makes kind of sense to me. The manifestation platform is built on the same building blocks of frequencies and vibration, both for dreams as for our reality : all electricity.

I was once told that - if put into a neutral perspective - ‘aggression’ could be expressed as ‘intensity’, hereby removing the layer of emotional judgment that might be clouding the explanation. So if one can de-emotionalize intensity, then - for instance - the wish of a rape becomes a huge movement of creational discharge. Maybe such a person would greatly benefit into understanding that the desire could mean the desire to create, recognizing that it is being contained in an unhealthy form of denial or suppression.

And would then the existence of a kind of center, that understands and allows total energy expression, not be beneficial for anyone with intense energy, to allow the energy to flow into absolute intense and great manifestations, like painting, or music ? Would the creation of such a home-coming place not be of grand help to passionate and highly energized people, where they can explode in a healthy way their passion out, and express the inner fire.


I was wondering if the brain is that great translating tool, that is capable of using what it has learned in the school of life, talking in a story that makes the foundation of one person ? If a person is intense, very intense, the brain will seek an equivalent to that intensity and it might end up showing sceneries of intense interaction, maybe of sexual nature, or maybe in terms of violence, or even another intense expression like singing in front of thousands of people, but it seeks to match the energy load of the wish.

The wish could be manifested into a desire for intense sensations. As such would it not be understandable that people would tend to seek states of intensity – nervous conversation, fight, drama, manifestations of passion - just to feel alive ? But then again, I could imagine that it would be good to have other possibilities to feel alive without having to go through the pain body.

Maybe we believe a life of balance and kindness alone would be a boring thing, or are we wrong in assuming that this is indeed boring ? I see people walking by for travel, and they seem to want some activity, love action, and seek other contacts and continents. I sure have that in me as well, although I uncreated my flight today, probably because there is more to find in going back home. However, the awareness of this choice lies somewhere deeper. The energy that generated the choice of my reality was pointed into staying in the homeland, instead of flying over to the United States. It will be interesting to see the result of that choice in my life.

So, is life not driven by other movements than the ones we are aware of ? I believe there is some other player in me, or better there, is a deeper layer within each person that just decides differently. Commonly this would be called intuition.
aka Komaya
June 2010

The Day-Dream


Dreams and realities…. So the next thing I started to elaborate on is the question on ’what does one like to day-dream about’ ? What is your day-dream ? Could it be that you actually have experienced that dream in your life, or that you are experiencing it now ? I believe that is how human life is generated. The ‘place’ where the energy is focused the strongest, the manifestation is likely to occur. Could it be ?

So what about that day-dream ? Let’s select a dream, a very personal choice, which is usually loaded with deep sentiment, and passion, something that generates an intense energy of creation. Is it a hidden dream, that carries some social taboo ? How does one get into creating that dream-desire without conflicting with the obedience to the social system. Let’s say one dreams of power over people, and likes to show that power with glamour, but knowing that it could be misused by an arrogant stance and forcing slavery of others. How does one go about living a conflicting dream ? Does the dream not become a boa constrictor movement around the neck ?

It is interesting to view how this dream was generated as well. What is fuel that energizes its appearance. So this dream has attributes of images and senses, it is a mind-made movie. It is generated by an energy-wish and brought into life to appear and reappear in the thoughts, pushing the manifestation of it by every focus-moment.
I hear some people dream to be explorers, or doctors, or any other career, including settings and crew, the players in the field, the wealth and even the hidden wishes. If a dream is a sociably feasible option, the probability for a person to live that dream, to become that doctor, is high, because there is an alignment between dream-passion and possible outcome. It is a yes-yes situation, the social world supports the dream too. So there is a cooperation between the inner and the outer. And it is not difficult to get that in manifestation.

What if one’s dream is to be a rapist, absolutely loves to dream about it, however the physical output cannot be manifested, both because the person and the social community would not allow it. How is one’s life not crippled in denial or suppression ? Having the urge to dream about it does not necessarily mean actually doing it, or even wanting to harm anyone else, but the energy is there. It might be a game thought of intense creative desire generating such imagery.


I hear that the source of our life is the void, or the zero-point field, that creates energy and movement to manifest. I hear that our reality is made up of light and sound, frequencies of a variation of intensities. And those intensities of electrical and magnetic attributes manifest matter, and wind, and fire, and water and so on. You name it : Everything that the brain shows is a manifestation of frequency, in other words one or the other form of electricity, thus energy.

Because is that not what the brain does : transform energy into the senses and visuals we experience ? And the brain generates not only matter, but also the dreams that people carry. All that is a collection of electro-magnetic movements. And maybe dream and reality is indeed not so far removed from each other, coming again to the ancient saying that ‘our reality is a dream’, and illusion, and a dream could be just another word for reality ? It all makes kind of sense to me. The manifestation platform is built on the same building blocks of frequencies and vibration, both for dreams as for our reality : all electricity.

I was once told that - if put into a neutral perspective - ‘aggression’ could be expressed as ‘intensity’, hereby removing the layer of emotional judgment that might be clouding the explanation. So if one can de-emotionalize intensity, then - for instance - the wish of a rape becomes a huge movement of creational discharge. Maybe such a person would greatly benefit into understanding that the desire could mean the desire to create, recognizing that it is being contained in an unhealthy form of denial or suppression.

And would then the existence of a kind of center, that understands and allows total energy expression, not be beneficial for anyone with intense energy, to allow the energy to flow into absolute intense and great manifestations, like painting, or music ? Would the creation of such a home-coming place not be of grand help to passionate and highly energized people, where they can explode in a healthy way their passion out, and express the inner fire.


I was wondering if the brain is that great translating tool, that is capable of using what it has learned in the school of life, talking in a story that makes the foundation of one person ? If a person is intense, very intense, the brain will seek an equivalent to that intensity and it might end up showing sceneries of intense interaction, maybe of sexual nature, or maybe in terms of violence, or even another intense expression like singing in front of thousands of people, but it seeks to match the energy load of the wish.

The wish could be manifested into a desire for intense sensations. As such would it not be understandable that people would tend to seek states of intensity – nervous conversation, fight, drama, manifestations of passion - just to feel alive ? But then again, I could imagine that it would be good to have other possibilities to feel alive without having to go through the pain body.

Maybe we believe a life of balance and kindness alone would be a boring thing, or are we wrong in assuming that this is indeed boring ? I see people walking by for travel, and they seem to want some activity, love action, and seek other contacts and continents. I sure have that in me as well, although I uncreated my flight today, probably because there is more to find in going back home. However, the awareness of this choice lies somewhere deeper. The energy that generated the choice of my reality was pointed into staying in the homeland, instead of flying over to the United States. It will be interesting to see the result of that choice in my life.

So, is life not driven by other movements than the ones we are aware of ? I believe there is some other player in me, or better there, is a deeper layer within each person that just decides differently. Commonly this would be called intuition.
aka Komaya
June 2010

Human Life - it is a mystery

Human Life
It is a Mystery

By Komaya

Today I am sitting in an airport, just watching the colorful people passing by and getting ready for their flight. They are thinking, telephoning, drinking, eating, walking, working, sitting, observing, sleeping. Travel is an interesting concept. Travel is about moving to another place, physically, however it can also be done through imagination and then travel becomes an expansive experience.

The brain allows many ways to view realities. That is the magic of the brain, it generates an expression of an event, and the perception of the event then generates further outflow of the original expression. It builds worlds upon worlds.

I look at the faces of the passing people, they have their own inner worlds, many worlds, you see them think and consider, reflect and plan. Every thought they generate, is linked to a world, and that world generates more thoughts.

It seems to me that one person is an active carrier of worlds, and it is unique, because the wiring of that person is unique, unique qualities, viewpoints, insights, experiences, connections, preferences. Every person is a universe on its own, like a captain of a ship, with crew members playing the roles that the captain designs. He becomes a world-builder, layer upon layer, and the more images and stories – from the past, present and future - the more worlds are being created.
A single moment carries a huge collection of impressions. And it is the point of attention, the chosen point of focus that determines the actual physical experience. Like now, I am sitting in the airport watching people and generating worlds around what I see, and with that activity I generate more images, philosophies and elaborated sense experiences.

I wonder if I ever will be able to just select another place to sit, or another experience to live, just by focusing on it : selecting another image, another time, another space. It certainly feels like a potential. Imagine just going for a sleep, and dream yourself in that castle, or beautiful scenery with nice friends and lovely situations. I have been told that pointing the attention to something, brings energy to it and as such generates the situation ‘real life’. Is real life then really life, or is it just a point of attention, that is swollen with energy and intent ?
As such I choose the experience ‘miss the flight and stay in the airport waiting to get back home with my chauffeur-brother’. I love airports, I love watching people, and have small interactions with them, have fun and a nice chat. I love to write things down and ponder about the way we are running our lives, mine and theirs.

What makes the actual life ? Is it the choice of attention ? This is really interesting. If this is true it might provide me the possibility to generate another reality just by swelling the energy into the feeling, the image, the experience of it. It reminds me of the visualization techniques that top-sporters do to help them achieve difficult movements.
They are reprogramming and focus strongly on the successful event so that it cannot fail to occur.
Can you imagine just having to travel and with strong willpower get to that place of desire. I believe children do that all the time, being absent from this world a bit, sometimes a lot. I remember I was a daydreamer when I was a kid. But then, the body does not disappear, it is still there. However maybe one has several bodies, generating a body with each dream, shifting and shaping life, with multiple experiences together.
Because, is it not said somewhere, that we live in a dream-world, generated only by the brain ? And if that is the case, there is no reason to narrow down humanity into only one expression, and we could be generating multiple worlds at the same time. I heard of multi-dimensionality, and certainly feel it as a very plausible possibility, or better, reality.
Imagine you are in the car, and whoops you just generated one world. And then you imagine yourself in your office, and here again, in a split second you moved into another world, with a different feel, with different players of your game. You imagine going swimming with friends, and yet again you have created a world where you smell the water, and appropriate circumstances. I am sure that just reading the words here, have instantly generated images in your brain.
Taking this a bit further, can you imagine what it does to you, when you just walk in a street, see all the advertisements, aware or unaware, the people, the colors, the lights, the children, the stores. I guess the brain picks up millions of detailed information without us even knowing it. As I am only elaborating on the sense of sight, can you imagine what information the other senses provide every second as well. I was told that indeed the brain captures everything, and a filter slims it down to a narrower reality. I just wonder who put that filter there…
aka Komaya
June 2010

Human Life - it is a mystery

Human Life
It is a Mystery

By Komaya

Today I am sitting in an airport, just watching the colorful people passing by and getting ready for their flight. They are thinking, telephoning, drinking, eating, walking, working, sitting, observing, sleeping. Travel is an interesting concept. Travel is about moving to another place, physically, however it can also be done through imagination and then travel becomes an expansive experience.

The brain allows many ways to view realities. That is the magic of the brain, it generates an expression of an event, and the perception of the event then generates further outflow of the original expression. It builds worlds upon worlds.

I look at the faces of the passing people, they have their own inner worlds, many worlds, you see them think and consider, reflect and plan. Every thought they generate, is linked to a world, and that world generates more thoughts.

It seems to me that one person is an active carrier of worlds, and it is unique, because the wiring of that person is unique, unique qualities, viewpoints, insights, experiences, connections, preferences. Every person is a universe on its own, like a captain of a ship, with crew members playing the roles that the captain designs. He becomes a world-builder, layer upon layer, and the more images and stories – from the past, present and future - the more worlds are being created.
A single moment carries a huge collection of impressions. And it is the point of attention, the chosen point of focus that determines the actual physical experience. Like now, I am sitting in the airport watching people and generating worlds around what I see, and with that activity I generate more images, philosophies and elaborated sense experiences.

I wonder if I ever will be able to just select another place to sit, or another experience to live, just by focusing on it : selecting another image, another time, another space. It certainly feels like a potential. Imagine just going for a sleep, and dream yourself in that castle, or beautiful scenery with nice friends and lovely situations. I have been told that pointing the attention to something, brings energy to it and as such generates the situation ‘real life’. Is real life then really life, or is it just a point of attention, that is swollen with energy and intent ?
As such I choose the experience ‘miss the flight and stay in the airport waiting to get back home with my chauffeur-brother’. I love airports, I love watching people, and have small interactions with them, have fun and a nice chat. I love to write things down and ponder about the way we are running our lives, mine and theirs.

What makes the actual life ? Is it the choice of attention ? This is really interesting. If this is true it might provide me the possibility to generate another reality just by swelling the energy into the feeling, the image, the experience of it. It reminds me of the visualization techniques that top-sporters do to help them achieve difficult movements.
They are reprogramming and focus strongly on the successful event so that it cannot fail to occur.
Can you imagine just having to travel and with strong willpower get to that place of desire. I believe children do that all the time, being absent from this world a bit, sometimes a lot. I remember I was a daydreamer when I was a kid. But then, the body does not disappear, it is still there. However maybe one has several bodies, generating a body with each dream, shifting and shaping life, with multiple experiences together.
Because, is it not said somewhere, that we live in a dream-world, generated only by the brain ? And if that is the case, there is no reason to narrow down humanity into only one expression, and we could be generating multiple worlds at the same time. I heard of multi-dimensionality, and certainly feel it as a very plausible possibility, or better, reality.
Imagine you are in the car, and whoops you just generated one world. And then you imagine yourself in your office, and here again, in a split second you moved into another world, with a different feel, with different players of your game. You imagine going swimming with friends, and yet again you have created a world where you smell the water, and appropriate circumstances. I am sure that just reading the words here, have instantly generated images in your brain.
Taking this a bit further, can you imagine what it does to you, when you just walk in a street, see all the advertisements, aware or unaware, the people, the colors, the lights, the children, the stores. I guess the brain picks up millions of detailed information without us even knowing it. As I am only elaborating on the sense of sight, can you imagine what information the other senses provide every second as well. I was told that indeed the brain captures everything, and a filter slims it down to a narrower reality. I just wonder who put that filter there…
aka Komaya
June 2010

Iconoclastic Life

It is about making another choice, one that is different from the routine.

It is about stepping out of the ordinary and adventuring into the unknown.

It is about being afraid, but still making up your mind for doing it.

It is about self-trust and confidence, driven by something else than the need for security.Bold

It is about daring to smile in the face of difficulty and enjoying every moment of it.

It is about something bigger than you can imagine, and still stepping into the unknown.

It is about a choice, a possibility, an opportunity, into unreal expansion.

aka Komaya
June 2010

Iconoclastic Life

It is about making another choice, one that is different from the routine.

It is about stepping out of the ordinary and adventuring into the unknown.

It is about being afraid, but still making up your mind for doing it.

It is about self-trust and confidence, driven by something else than the need for security.Bold

It is about daring to smile in the face of difficulty and enjoying every moment of it.

It is about something bigger than you can imagine, and still stepping into the unknown.

It is about a choice, a possibility, an opportunity, into unreal expansion.

aka Komaya
June 2010

Iconoclastic Life