Friday, June 11, 2010

Human Life - it is a mystery

Human Life
It is a Mystery

By Komaya

Today I am sitting in an airport, just watching the colorful people passing by and getting ready for their flight. They are thinking, telephoning, drinking, eating, walking, working, sitting, observing, sleeping. Travel is an interesting concept. Travel is about moving to another place, physically, however it can also be done through imagination and then travel becomes an expansive experience.

The brain allows many ways to view realities. That is the magic of the brain, it generates an expression of an event, and the perception of the event then generates further outflow of the original expression. It builds worlds upon worlds.

I look at the faces of the passing people, they have their own inner worlds, many worlds, you see them think and consider, reflect and plan. Every thought they generate, is linked to a world, and that world generates more thoughts.

It seems to me that one person is an active carrier of worlds, and it is unique, because the wiring of that person is unique, unique qualities, viewpoints, insights, experiences, connections, preferences. Every person is a universe on its own, like a captain of a ship, with crew members playing the roles that the captain designs. He becomes a world-builder, layer upon layer, and the more images and stories – from the past, present and future - the more worlds are being created.
A single moment carries a huge collection of impressions. And it is the point of attention, the chosen point of focus that determines the actual physical experience. Like now, I am sitting in the airport watching people and generating worlds around what I see, and with that activity I generate more images, philosophies and elaborated sense experiences.

I wonder if I ever will be able to just select another place to sit, or another experience to live, just by focusing on it : selecting another image, another time, another space. It certainly feels like a potential. Imagine just going for a sleep, and dream yourself in that castle, or beautiful scenery with nice friends and lovely situations. I have been told that pointing the attention to something, brings energy to it and as such generates the situation ‘real life’. Is real life then really life, or is it just a point of attention, that is swollen with energy and intent ?
As such I choose the experience ‘miss the flight and stay in the airport waiting to get back home with my chauffeur-brother’. I love airports, I love watching people, and have small interactions with them, have fun and a nice chat. I love to write things down and ponder about the way we are running our lives, mine and theirs.

What makes the actual life ? Is it the choice of attention ? This is really interesting. If this is true it might provide me the possibility to generate another reality just by swelling the energy into the feeling, the image, the experience of it. It reminds me of the visualization techniques that top-sporters do to help them achieve difficult movements.
They are reprogramming and focus strongly on the successful event so that it cannot fail to occur.
Can you imagine just having to travel and with strong willpower get to that place of desire. I believe children do that all the time, being absent from this world a bit, sometimes a lot. I remember I was a daydreamer when I was a kid. But then, the body does not disappear, it is still there. However maybe one has several bodies, generating a body with each dream, shifting and shaping life, with multiple experiences together.
Because, is it not said somewhere, that we live in a dream-world, generated only by the brain ? And if that is the case, there is no reason to narrow down humanity into only one expression, and we could be generating multiple worlds at the same time. I heard of multi-dimensionality, and certainly feel it as a very plausible possibility, or better, reality.
Imagine you are in the car, and whoops you just generated one world. And then you imagine yourself in your office, and here again, in a split second you moved into another world, with a different feel, with different players of your game. You imagine going swimming with friends, and yet again you have created a world where you smell the water, and appropriate circumstances. I am sure that just reading the words here, have instantly generated images in your brain.
Taking this a bit further, can you imagine what it does to you, when you just walk in a street, see all the advertisements, aware or unaware, the people, the colors, the lights, the children, the stores. I guess the brain picks up millions of detailed information without us even knowing it. As I am only elaborating on the sense of sight, can you imagine what information the other senses provide every second as well. I was told that indeed the brain captures everything, and a filter slims it down to a narrower reality. I just wonder who put that filter there…
aka Komaya
June 2010

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