Saturday, January 22, 2011

your name does not mean anything, but your vibration means everything

♥ harmony ♥ never let go of any of your dreams ♥ whatever happens, just relax on it, allow it to move, do not lock it into your thoughts, it needs to be free to actualize, like you ♥

♥ follow your bliss ~ we are born to live in joy ~ the feelings that you have are the compass to bliss ♥
Emotional alignment is found within the art of allowing ♥ from there, the flow takes you to wellbeing and more of every good thing that you are ♥

Is it not so beautiful to get in alignment with yourself, where all that is so great about you lives, and then to follow your impulses from that place the magnificent power of creation goes through you and it is cosmic

Do not allow yourself to see the distorted view of life, and understand that from in your alignment of self, your place of wellbeing, you already do all that you can do in helping people to understand where true abundance, love and joy is ♥

Reality is a balance that lives outside of you ♥

Being in pure positive energy is good, yet expansion is where the exhiliration of life is, it is there were you experience by contrast, the 'more' of life, more being who you are, more alignment, more passion, more of you, more of understanding, more, more, more ... More is the best word that parallels the eternal nature of your being ♥

It is soft, gentle, respectful and allowing to be yourself, discovering the things that work for you, that are resonant with you ♥

When you feel love, by looking at a picture, or giving a kiss, or playing with your dog, or you experience any moment that is exhilirating and provides you bliss and passion, then you are aligned with yourself and many others things will be attracted to you by the universal law of attraction ♥ it is easy and simple to choose for positive feeling and thinking ♥ and it is so fulfilling on all accounts ♥

If you seek harmony in and outside, seek to deliberately to raise your vibration by connecting to only positive subjects ♥ when you feel separation, experience negative emotion, it is an indicator to cease what you are doing and start doing things that you love, all the good things you want so much in life, will appear ♥

Past, present and future are not linear, that is a concept of this reality. If we shift our vibration by becoming more joyful and balanced, we do change our past accordingly and the future. We are rather a vertical line, seen from the bottom as a point, the NOW, and moving like a radio to a better version of ourselves or not, depending on how joyful you are

Friday, January 21, 2011

That which is likened to itself is drawn into reality as such reality is an interesting tool to experience either contrast or alignment, and change is possible by choosing a different thought-feeling ♥

When you start to focus your life with a vibration oriented to positivity and wellbeing, you leave the version of you that is resistant and because of that you leave the version that does not allow focusing upon the positive emotional side of everything in your life will shift your world to eager, happy, interesting, amazing, inspiration, expansive, quantum, cosmic... as deep as the rabbit hole wants to go  

How beautiful it is, to focus on pleasing yourself, on providing wellbeing in the smallest things, and to see abundance when the sun shines, or the birds sing, and the stars are in the night sky ♥ in that line of feeling you attract even more of it, wellbeing, simply ♥ the core frequency that you are is joy and everything you want and are ~ it is all there, allow, relax, breathe ♥

Sever the friendship to negativity with determination, with willpower and strong focus. Do not talk about it, do not stir it up, because as you do, you are the cooperative component of the situation and you energize it again and again.  Break the vibrational habit of negative thought and move your strong focus to what matters most

What appears in your reality is always your choice ~ it is to be honored and respected ~ it is the law of the universe ~ just check if you REALLY want those things that do appear in your reality and adjust if necessary ~ we are energetic power houses <3

Change of reality happens when allowing this one just to be, and putting the energy, passion, flow, attention, positivity, fire, love, joy in the one you want ~ the universe will respond, it must, it is universal law ♥

Cooperative relationship ♥

You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire. But you cannot get to a new-and-improved situation by giving your attention to the current situation. The Universe, and all physical and Non-Physical players in it, is responding to the Vibrations that you are offering; and there is no distinction made between the Vibrations that you offer as you observe, and the Vibrations that you offer as you imagine ♥

. . . If you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law. The experience that you have with others is about what you evoke from them

Forget about the current situation, if you want things to be different in your experience, know and feel it already done ~ the law of attraction will put it right, it must, it is the universal law to be obedient to your wish ♥ It is all in your hands

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What gets attention grows, what does not disappears, just remember that it is your feeling will always accurately tell you what to choose ♥

Thoughts have attraction power when you like something to leave you, you will have to stop talking about it the natural resources around it will clear it all, just let go and focus again on wellbeing, abundance, relaxation, softness

Worrying is negatively creating, forget about the current reality and think about something else, you have your own responsible ♥ Follow your bliss ♥

why would we not be in vibrational alignment with what you want, why would you not give your undivided attention to what you want... because you have been trained to blow up the problem, to wrestle it to the ground and to kill it ♥ in the whole process of analyzing it, judging it, playing with it, talking about, it keeps alive in your vibration, and so you must continue to experience it ♥ You have got to change your vibration, there is no medical cure that can take away something that is asked for ♥ It is you that must allow wellbeing You become an example for others, as soon as you line up with what you want ♥

With a small amount of effort we return to become ourselves and to deliver life as it is meant to be, do it for yourself first

You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My mood is my top priority, the mood that I wish to share, the mood that I wish to inspire, is the mood of positive expectation ♥

All effort in fixing something, keeps you in that vibration longer. You need to leave the vibration to recreate or change any situation. Train yourself to wellbeing. Ignore reality. Not enough money, ignore reality and match your frequency to abundance, feel good with music, provide a higher sense of pleasure of life. Reality will adjust to your vibration, it must, it is the law of attraction ♥

Tribute for these amazing islands of Hawaii

Nurture following emotions ♥

Want to feel good, and be willing to find something that does that ♥
You are an extension of something so wonderful ♥
Be easy about it, do not seek improvement, just seek relief ♥

Worthiness, ...♥
Confidence, ...♥
Clarity, ...♥
Completeness, ...♥
Certainty, ...♥
Stability, ...♥
Elation, ...♥
Passion, ...♥
Do you ever get that feeling that everything is all right, and you stand in the middle of 'okay-ness', and that all is so nicely and harmoniously still, knowing that when any action is needed, response etc, it will fluently just come out as it should ? I have that feeling for a few days already ♥

What I want, it's done on a vibrational level : my money is there, my clarity is there, my vitality is there, my harmony is there... and the only reason why I want to write about it is just for the joy of sharing, but it's done, it's done, it's already done. It's lovely to share such powerful statements ♥

Learning to attract joyous co-creators

TEACHER : when you teach a difficult case, look at what this case shows you. Your complaint about them is what YOU do.

When the leap is too big, you can't help someone that is very far away from your vibration.

There are others closer to that specific vibration that can help. Release it and you, stay where you are.  Let those who gravitate to you by law of attraction come to you. Hold your tone. ♥

Live as if you were born again every day, without attachment to the life story. As pure positive energy life fails not to surprise you ♥

Feeling good is the true addiction. If a situation does not feel good it is time to choose a path of least resistance and find anything that will make you feel better.

You can stop any process and withdraw from it at any given moment. Feelings of wellbeing are more important in the creation of a life of wellbeing than anything else.

It is our natural state of being ♥

We are all pure positive energy. Not feeling good and staying there is a path of resistance. Getting into alignment of wellbeing works with good thoughts, or getting into an altered state [dream, meditation] for a while if that is the path of least resistance ♥

Why not to focus on the past ♥

Leadership is the singular alignment to your own unique vibration, being in alignment with yourself, with who you are, and because of that you are a wonderful person to be with. Do not let your perceptions pull you apart, nurture your wellbeing ♥

Non-movement is not really non-movement,
it is very much movement in the unseen creative realm ♥ 

It is so natural to feel good ♥

You are always a vibrational match with your current environment. If you do not like it, you might have left your own vibration for someone else's way of thinking [e.g. couple], or a group's way of thinking, or you had to leave something that was not a match. If you are moving your vibration, your reality will too. Feel good, bathe yourself in wellbeing. That will be reflected in your reality ♥

Let tension go

Connect again with yourself

Life is naturally abundant ♥

The power of now determines everything

Abraham is excellent at putting in clear words what is really important and how it affects everything, be it future, past, there or here ♥

Alignment with self

How fantastic is it to look over the rainbow and find joy, passion and fulfillment ?

Beautiful reality ♥

I know this : I do not stick with reality as it currently is, it changes all the time anyway with the vibrations.  

If I wish a movement in expansion, a better life situation, another circumstance or a flow of healthy energy, I imagine and feel that desired reality. I feel it fully, imagine as much as I can, and disengage from any continuing lower vibration, usually in the form of thoughts that attract depressive people or chronic complainers and events that make me feel less good. When I disengage consciously and choose for joy and wellbeing, I disconnect from the lower vibration and thus it stops repeating in my reality.

If I choose for another reality and feel the vibration of the desire, long for that reality and think a lot about that reality, I understand that not the current action will create the desired result, but the vibration itself.  ♥

No Action needed

I know this : as a vibrating being, the energy that we carry does the action.

With allowance, relaxation and a sense of overall wellbeing, that - which belongs to us - comes to us automatically. That is also the case for abundance and other flow.

Just letting go of negative ideas is our work.
Life is very easy, fun and passionate ♥

This is a Hawaiian waterfall