Friday, December 10, 2010

INDIGO IN ACTION : First Contact ..........

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11:12am on Facebook

Direct contact with the source, which we all collectively are, is natural and normal.

You can do it.


Whatever you do expands the source naturally.

Naturally as a component part of the source you have access to all of it.

Questioning the source will bring to you the energy of searching and more questions.

Searching for what we already know ........

Instead of questioning I make simple affirmative statements

such as show me the potential of this........

My information from source is simple, clear and precise.

It is perfect for me and what I am doing.

It doesn't come in the form of pages of channelled information for others
because the source is all knowing and so are we.

If I were to say I am totally confused and don't know what is going on then source

would perfectly match this for me and show me this scenario in both my inner and outer life.

How much better to simply say "I know.....!"

This simple non-specific statement will give me all knowing - all ways and always.......!

"I know what to do......" will bring the scenario of knowing what to do in both my inner and outer life.

" I trust my abundance,
I am naturally healthy,
I am whole and perfect,
I can do it,
I have it already,
I love myself,
I am confident,
I am enlightened.
I am ascended,
I am beautiful,
I am really good at ......."

As we know everything is possible.

What do you choose?

Aliens, conspiracies, bad bankers, anger, lack and wars?

I don't want to expand that list (anymore).

Want to join me in expanding the other one?

Let me start you off -

I am that I am,
I am happy,

Adam Ben Sun

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