Friday, December 10, 2010

CREALITY - Where is the Wikileaks cyber war headed?

Relative to the quantum theory, that energy is purely a state of being that does not know time nor space, and exists as a gigantic continuum of fluctuating potentials, WE are the time and space, and as such the creators of reality.
Creation happens by the observation after selective and aware CHOICE. We are the ones creating the events occuring in front of our eyes. Relative to the above question, Wikileaks is a manifestation of a desire... Look at the intent, the reason why Wikileaks has been created, FEEL it, and the answer lies with every reader of this message, everyone already knows the answer to the question.

Now, is this what YOU have chosen, is wikileaks with its intent and driving energy what you want to support ? If yes, feed it with your energy and attention. If no, stop your inflow of energy... and put it into something that you do support.
Questions like this can be resolved with the quantum fields of wisdom.

Now, 'what' is choosing, the fear that is super-imposed and intermingled within the wikileaks concept... or your cosmic quantum heart that knows that we have created it. Every creation, every choice can be changed.

Use your quantum wisdom, and apply the scientific knowledge, synchronized with the higher frequencies that emanate from your source... YOUR source.

So, what do you grow :
oneness, prosperity, cooperation ?
aggression, war, separation ?

What does wikileaks stand for... feel the energy, and make a CHOICE. You either synchronize with it... or you do not and choose a better, more lovingly and unifing subject...

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