Thursday, December 30, 2010

ACTION : Set your tone - be selfish

Never face reality
if it does not make you feel good
Be selfish, want to Feel GOOD

set YOUR tone
pay attention how you FEEL
vibrational asking
is not the asking we 'think' or 'talk'

the vibration - not the one thought - that we offer
brings about the result in life

what we think, or pondering, considering
focus on... the attention to that
causes an emotional reaction
an indicator of self

relax and lighten up
make yourself feel good
observe content of manifestation
it is the vibrational match

deliberate creation :
wanting is a birthing of an idea

power of the universe
in the moment
non-physical energy rushes to fill it in 

find out how you vibrate
and you know why things happen or not...

ACTION : It is NOT true !

they say the world is sad
it's not true !

they say we are not capable
it's not true !

they say we always need more
it's not true !

they say we are just human
it's not true !

they say we will fail
it's not true !

we do not understand, we are silly
it's not true !

we are small and fake
it's not true !

we fail and we should better get a job
it's not true !

we need them to survive



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nope, no 'old' for me

mmmm, getting on with our lives
like we used to do in the old energy ....?
 not really man....
not possible man....
no way man .... [smiles]....

every second is charged with particles of gold,
with amazing cosmic power,
 with the love of... god and self...
and every breath we take is so deep, that it does not end ever....
so what about our thoughts, our gestures, our ideas, our heartbeat, our joy....
 imagine what it does to us, having this pulsing life....

the experience has dramatically turned into a new sensing,
a new feeling, and new expressing, a new evolving of matter and hologram,
our eyes see what was hidden, our senses are awake and alive...

maybe we step on the pavement in a conventional way,
but every step generates flowers wherever we go,
or gold wherever we look, or miracles,
wherever we ponder with our ideas.... already happening...

but I know you know that too ....

Initiative Takers !

The new energy attitudes are there

they look like some of the old attitudes

but then, there is more depth to it

like it became thicker, bigger, more influential

Initiatives, taking them,

without a commander telling you to perform the job

That is powerful !

It is powerful just to self-ignite

to take a chance,

to stand for something

as the first one

Or to join something out of the ordinary

like a new way of looking at things

like choosing for joy, instead of the usual fear

The initiative of breathing life into life

or love into love

like daring to sense and feel

without boundaries

Initiating new concepts, new inventions

without degrees and schooling,

just from the inner source

I would say WOW, that's a person I like to be with,

to communicate with, to endeavour with

to take new roads with

to have fun with

The initiative takers !

cool bunch, yes