Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Initiative Takers !

The new energy attitudes are there

they look like some of the old attitudes

but then, there is more depth to it

like it became thicker, bigger, more influential

Initiatives, taking them,

without a commander telling you to perform the job

That is powerful !

It is powerful just to self-ignite

to take a chance,

to stand for something

as the first one

Or to join something out of the ordinary

like a new way of looking at things

like choosing for joy, instead of the usual fear

The initiative of breathing life into life

or love into love

like daring to sense and feel

without boundaries

Initiating new concepts, new inventions

without degrees and schooling,

just from the inner source

I would say WOW, that's a person I like to be with,

to communicate with, to endeavour with

to take new roads with

to have fun with

The initiative takers !

cool bunch, yes

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