Friday, September 17, 2010

Why am I here - philosophical expressions

Pretty question, he ? I love it very much, second best behind the everlasting grand question 'who am I'.
I guess it is about finding a reason for existence, here and now. So what is that reason ? One simple answer : to express myself...
In order for me to express myself, my color, I need to have an audience, and that is where YOU come into play. Say, I want to fight someone, so I invent others to fight with. Say, I want to paint for someone, so I invent others to admire me, or to trigger me. And if the 'normal' world of people does not suffice, I create ghost, invisible entities to trigger me, to play with me, to scare me, or to illusionary guide me, as if I do not know myself. What grand creations...
However, as soon as that all is understood, experienced and expressed, then I change the scenery. I choose for instance to be 'on my own', so discreate the others, they leave me, or I go away, and find some place that has less interaction. But in truth, does anyone really want to be totally alone ? Not me, I can't, it is just .... not 'pleasurable'. I want life here to be 'pleasurable', whatever that might be, it all depends on how you are wired, what your likes and dislikes are, and how is that chosen ? I guess is a cosmic imprint of choice from something that oversees you : soul, sovereign integral, higher self, the mind itself maybe.
So, we continue the game... and continue the game... and continue the game... Until it is all played, replayed, crosschecked, doublechecked, etc... until you come to the end of your dreams, where all reasons stop.
So, where next, out of this dream, maybe plunging into another... until nothing.
There is this one 'unmagnetic' spot, unique in its kind : stillness. After the movement and explorations of life there is nothing left but.... stillness. I like that stillness, empty. What happens when one moves into that spot. Life is over, death, another world ? Exciting, dangerous, wanted and not wanted. It is there, always... I am contemplating it... because it is taking away the answers and questions, also the one 'why am I here'.
And what about that great concept 'love' in all this ?

The social world INSIDE of you

Hahaaaa, that is quite a strange title. When one thinks of social, it is usually about the others, the friends, the family, the companies, organizations.
How amazing is it not to discover that there is vibrant life as well IN you. To be even more blunt, there is no other LIFE than the inside life. Would that be too much to grasp ? Nothing you cannot handle, trust that and just calmly reflect on it.
The new social entrepreneurship is the one that happens inside. Do you know that the outer war stops when YOUR inner war stops ? Check it with yourself : if you have any conflict outside, it is generated by an energy conflict inside, somewhere. Sometimes it is hidden, sometimes it is clear. It all depends on the honest look and deep intent for truth to know the fears that are still there.
Social Entrepreneurship. So let's turn things around. The need for Social Entrepreneurship, in the new empowered way, demands a clarity from the inside. The intent for having good friends, clear communication, straightforward empowered effects and creations, all that comes from what you energize inside of you.
Is this woo woo language ? Absolutely not, because YOU are linked to YOUR world, whether you like it or not, you see. What you think, feel, do, sense, even fear or worry about, has the effect of being expulsed in your outer world. Just check it out, for yourself, nothing to loose.
Empowering from inside, balance from inside, and all the questions on the outside are ready to be solved. Understand this, it is important !
Shall I add to it, that it is empowering, self-loving, respectful, creative, abundant and absolutely thrilling to live a life that has this great depth ?

Quantum Communication

I have been reading some text on the website. I love the energy from that work, and was triggered into stating some of it in my own words here. In appreciation for Teka !

I am that I am, the point of utter stillness, where you are as close as you can get to 'source', is all IN you, all of it, also the worlds that you create here on earth are projected from there.

I would like to focus on that inner world. We are all there, in that inner world, and we can communicate. Quantum communication. It works with ordinary attention, like a spotlight of awareness, and it shines its light to illuminate the “things” that you wish to experience.

The inward-oriented attention that navigates the subtle fields of a person’s hologram of thoughts, memories, imagination and feelings, is steered by the intuitional guidance system that emanates from the core of your being. So, you do not have to know 'how' you can quantum communicate, you just focus yourself inwardly and 'find'.

The common, everyday, internal imagery, the feelings, memories and dreams that you see and interact with inside yourself, are packets of total communication. The ego may say that the thoughts and feelings that you see inside yourself are your exclusive property, but they are not. The thoughts immediately link into other thoughts from those who hold a similar frequency and mind-style.

Now it is all about starting to tune in, and find your resonant family !


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reasons for Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship is about what we really like the most : love and care in expression, providing a healthy flow of energy that uplifts all parties intended, moulded in the play of social interaction. In freeflow of expression that is, undefined by borders of smallness. It is social and wise in the sense that it knows the decision to be made for the goodwill and betterment of all. It will generate more than what is calculated by the most advanced brains. Money will only be a means that supports the flow to continue, if that is so desired.
When the feeling of wellbeing is molten in every day's social and business action, the result of the entrepreneurship is living with a depth, an invisible layer that demands to be noted. One can sense when an action, a word or an activity is forged on some intent. Sensitive people will know your intents, and you do not have to say one word, just by looking at you. Nothing can remain really hidden for long.
The question truly becomes : why do you do this, why do you want to be doing this, instead of something else. It is your turn now, why are your here and what can you bring to this place ? Who you are is the foundation of what you bring forth. Right ?

Getting to Social Entrepreneurship

Yes, it has taken this 4th post to get to the point of the existence of the Blog. It is extremely easy for me, I like to go back to the basics and provide a clear understanding, so when someone reads, it is straightforward and transparent.
Social entrepreneurship : having a business with a social character. It is about expressing and embodying the desire of care for others. We love the world, we created it, we are the world and we care about ourselves and others. Why ? it is simple, because we cannot do this harmonizing alone. It needs the involvement of all parties, of all hearts.
It is very much like an orchestra : the music is fantastic when it is all played in the intended resonance. Working together ! Yes ! and that is why there are such magnificent groups of people, connecting their heart to their chosen goal, in the joy of bringing it all together and succeeding in flowering the earth with thoughts of beauty.
As this paradise is getting manifest, I ask you : 'who would not want to be here/now?'.
Finally a platform of unity is appearing, and it will provide a standing ground for many that were waiting to get out there, in the world.
It is all enfolding quite rapidly, and you can see the effects in the world.
Captains, get to your steering wheels, it is time to land and have a beer with the other captains ! No need to stay in the safe waters anymore, IT is happening NOW.
With overjoy from my captain heart to the other hearts !

So, how on earth did we create this earth

Then I come to the next question in my mysterious mind. How on earth did we create this earth ? I look around and see shops and stores : we believe that we need things, so we create the buildings, the colors, the shapes, the tools.
We create the money for easy exchange, better than to provide a bread for butter, easier. We create clothes to keep us warm, because we created fluctuations in the weather. We create other people, because it is fun to experience humor with a friend, or to have frictions with another friend.
We create children, because we want to perpetuate this world and ourselves. And then we can love them. We talk because we want to listen. We have cars because we believe there is space between one spot and the other. And we even create that we forget that we are the designers of the whole play, such grand creators that we are.
We create our enemies because we like to play the fights, and we create stories around it, loads of stories, from the past and the future, so that we actually believe that we might have been kings, or important people, caring for others, being loved. We create an awareness of existence, a seeking of the divine. We create invisible worlds, and pretend that they are shadows of ourselves. And then we need to work to get them 'away' or 'integrated'.
So, I guess that is the creation of this world, a grand experience of expression of creation. Knowing this, we continue to fine-tune so it 'feels' better, so it harmonizes.... the ultimate fulfilling of cosmic desires. Isn't that interesting ?

Energizing the Human Design

Although I might seem very technical with my description, the intent is to understand some part of the mystery of existence. The only part that I can dig into with the mind, is the mind aspect, the mind world, that little part of what we are : our personal existence here on earth.
It eases me to seek and find why things are happening as they are on the planet, this dimension, as I am in search of rebalancing what - for me - seems to be disharmony.
For that, I have searched to be unbound from any restrictions, and have gone beyond many borders, both inside and outside. It has been a success story, because I found what I wanted to know. Up to the point of this world, of course. The rest of 'what is' remains in the realm of that particular msyterious field. The force of the universe works through to this dimension, agreed, acknowledged and it is a bliss. But that is - let's say - beyond my little mind perception. It is the field of no-mind that cannot be explained in any word here.

Coming back to the dynamics of this earth : magnetics and energy, electricity. It all moves, it needs to move to live. No interaction, no life... the human design cannot really stand if there is no form of interaction. Interaction is generated by 'movement' : noise, emotional sharing, mental sharing (this one too), physical activation, even etheric contacts are part of the mind-system. The people that have 'crossed over' have only shifted a frequency, just like a radio, and at will one can tune into that frequency. Usually the will to do that is determined by 'love', or the opposite. Every emotion towards someone is an activation of the human design.

With that I mean that as long as you are connected to anything here in this world, you exist, even over the borders of time. If there is believe, thought, emotion, there is existence. Beyond that you are what you are : stillness. The closest thing to that stillness is 'I am' in its purest form.

I have personally experienced a total disconnection from all people I knew : my energy got so thin, that I was 'seduced' to cross over to another frequency. However, what was presented to me as another option, was far less good than the one I am in right now. It re-emphasized that this is the place of my dominant choice, although it is the same fabric as the dream-world.

Everything happens in the mind in this dimension. What you do with is, is entirely up to your choice, it is your choice... everything that you experience today IS your choice. Denying helps nothing., and clarifies everything.

Love is a power of bondage, and is the best tool in this world. It creates beauty, care for others, connection, flowers, birds, trees... This is a lovely place to be, once you know you are the creator.

With love to YOU, dear friends !


My Heart Yours

It's my heart , it's yours
where you go, it always goes
It may be called stealing , but in peace
It follows you wherever with ease
(by CP)

Pure feelings

I miss you more than words can say,
I think of you each single day,
I love you like my sister and friend,
I'll always love you till the end,
The more I think, the more I weep,
at least I have memories to keep,
I know we'll meet again soon enough,
but I can't wait cos this is tough,
every time I see a pretty flower,
I think of you then my eyes shower,
every time I take out my photo pile,
I look at you and me and I smile,
all the memories I hold in my heart,
no need to miss you,
we're not apart.
By Amanda Linzi

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Human Design

First Design
A human entity is a design, it is a product of a certain kind that answers to certain laws. The human design answers to the laws of energetics and magnetics, just like the world it lives in.
The Different Layers
The design has several layers that inter-influence, and those layers have been named the emotional, the mental, the physical, and the etheric. All those layers have sublayers that respond to the main layers. Everything in the design has subtle and not so subtle effects.

The Inner & Outer Worlds
The inner worlds of the human design allow the human to dive into the fantasies that are wished, but not chosen yet. The outer worlds of the human design is the most dominant fantasy that particular design is made for to wish.

It is then capable of understanding its own makeup in order to choose other fantasies and reshape his/her world in the knowing of its desires and wishes. The outside projection that the human design sees, is the full and dynamic outpoor of the dominant choice of the human.

If the human is aware of the choice possibilities, it will generate an outer world that responds to the most urgent inner desires. If the human is not aware, he will receive a standard program that has more or less the attributes of the normal programmed lifeline.
Everything of the human design is ignited through the mentalization of its world, which makes the whole world concept a living thing, responding to his/her wishes. Most human are unaware of what they want and 'receive' the standard, trying to shape that standard in their own fashion, providing them sufficient 'uniqueness' from others and thus satisfying the needs of individuality. However it never is really very different from the standard, and the program still runs.
It can be only different in a meaningful way, when the human gets a grip on core desires, the deeper and hidden desires, and therefore ignites a totally new program, quite away from the standard. It will then appear to be a 'sorcerer' that models a world that is resonding to those core desires. It will then even be capable to change its own body into a newer design and appear different in the world, live a different life if that is so desired.
Time and space are dimensionalities within the human design, and having a grip on the dynamics of this world, the newly awakened sorcerer will be able to keep on living as long as he wishes, redesigning his own template at will, still playing the game of the mental world.
Until he gets bored of his everlasting reshaping, remodeling, re-experiencing, etc... he might then choose to deactive himself from the mental world and 'go home'. The magician will have understood at that deep awareness state that he played a role in his own dreams, within dream, within dreams. Shaping, painting, modelling whatever was desired : the good, the bad, the ugly. Everything.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Being Present

What happens when you do not get into thought and images of somewhere else, the dream state ?

Suddenly you find that the world is so alive, there is an amplification of sense perception, you are more awake. You just look, and you sense the body energies, and you accept the isness of the moment.

Awakening out of thinking brings you in a state of alertness, an intelligence is there that was not there before.
Another attribute is being activated, it is not the mental memory, it is the eternal memory.

You will without any effort remember all moments of the awake presence, you see and hear everything. You are always.

You change your relationship with yourself, there are no compulsive judgments to yourself nor the others, because you just observe what is, not getting into mental fantasies of what you might believe. You free yourself.

Being Present

What happens when you do not get into thought and images of somewhere else, the dream state ?

Suddenly you find that the world is so alive, there is an amplification of sense perception, you are more awake. You just look, and you sense the body energies, and you accept the isness of the moment.

Awakening out of thinking brings you in a state of alertness, an intelligence is there that was not there before.
Another attribute is being activated, it is not the mental memory, it is the eternal memory.

You will without any effort remember all moments of the awake presence, you see and hear everything. You are always.

You change your relationship with yourself, there are no compulsive judgments to yourself nor the others, because you just observe what is, not getting into mental fantasies of what you might believe. You free yourself.

Where you are is YOU

Truly, maybe we pay not enough attention, however, where we are that is what we are ...

We like it differently, than we change what we are, on the inside and we will be in another setting that is more attuned with what we are, what we like.

If a building opposite the street is being repaired, a part of you is being repaired.... If you have many flowers around you, you are emanating beauty. In other words : you are your surrounding, everything of it.

Flowing naturally where you belong, where you are attracted. When you are with someone, it will be a mixture of the both of you. When you are forced to be somewhere you do not like it, you will feel this and be 'out of synch', it is then time to move back to where you resonate in harmony.

However it starts with you. Your inner state matters, the outer is a result, is the past.

But remember, you are that you are, your human part, and the grand invisible part that remains a mystery in this world, but has the decisive hands on the wheel of your life. Allow it to nurture and inspire you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Empty your cup

It is the emptiness that makes the vessel useful. What is a cup without the emptiness within ? It is the emptiness of a thing that makes a thing useful ! Therefore in what you believe to be emptiness, you will find all usefulness. You will then become the vessel of transmutation.
When you are completely and utterly in touch with the core of your own emptiness, you will then understand that everything comes from that emptiness and by being at ONE with the emptiness you will be able to transmute all things that come from it.
For you will be able to shape the emptiness in whatever form you wish it to take. For you will understand the relationship of emptiness to form.
That is the magician's understanding and his pure state.

Empty your cup

It is the emptiness that makes the vessel useful. What is a cup without the emptiness within ? It is the emptiness of a thing that makes a thing useful ! Therefore in what you believe to be emptiness, you will find all usefulness. You will then become the vessel of transmutation.
When you are completely and utterly in touch with the core of your own emptiness, you will then understand that everything comes from that emptiness and by being at ONE with the emptiness you will be able to transmute all things that come from it.
For you will be able to shape the emptiness in whatever form you wish it to take. For you will understand the relationship of emptiness to form.
That is the magician's understanding and his pure state.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When climbing into the lotusflower
A whisper floats to me and says
'They are just stories,
leave them behind'
I feel the flower is my home
as the flower eases itself
into my own heartspace
where there is peace and warmth.