Thursday, September 16, 2010

Energizing the Human Design

Although I might seem very technical with my description, the intent is to understand some part of the mystery of existence. The only part that I can dig into with the mind, is the mind aspect, the mind world, that little part of what we are : our personal existence here on earth.
It eases me to seek and find why things are happening as they are on the planet, this dimension, as I am in search of rebalancing what - for me - seems to be disharmony.
For that, I have searched to be unbound from any restrictions, and have gone beyond many borders, both inside and outside. It has been a success story, because I found what I wanted to know. Up to the point of this world, of course. The rest of 'what is' remains in the realm of that particular msyterious field. The force of the universe works through to this dimension, agreed, acknowledged and it is a bliss. But that is - let's say - beyond my little mind perception. It is the field of no-mind that cannot be explained in any word here.

Coming back to the dynamics of this earth : magnetics and energy, electricity. It all moves, it needs to move to live. No interaction, no life... the human design cannot really stand if there is no form of interaction. Interaction is generated by 'movement' : noise, emotional sharing, mental sharing (this one too), physical activation, even etheric contacts are part of the mind-system. The people that have 'crossed over' have only shifted a frequency, just like a radio, and at will one can tune into that frequency. Usually the will to do that is determined by 'love', or the opposite. Every emotion towards someone is an activation of the human design.

With that I mean that as long as you are connected to anything here in this world, you exist, even over the borders of time. If there is believe, thought, emotion, there is existence. Beyond that you are what you are : stillness. The closest thing to that stillness is 'I am' in its purest form.

I have personally experienced a total disconnection from all people I knew : my energy got so thin, that I was 'seduced' to cross over to another frequency. However, what was presented to me as another option, was far less good than the one I am in right now. It re-emphasized that this is the place of my dominant choice, although it is the same fabric as the dream-world.

Everything happens in the mind in this dimension. What you do with is, is entirely up to your choice, it is your choice... everything that you experience today IS your choice. Denying helps nothing., and clarifies everything.

Love is a power of bondage, and is the best tool in this world. It creates beauty, care for others, connection, flowers, birds, trees... This is a lovely place to be, once you know you are the creator.

With love to YOU, dear friends !


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