Tuesday, October 12, 2010


On this earth every thing and every living being has an energetic signature. This energetic signature has the potential to bond with you, that is the nature of energy : it bonds.

It is up to you, when you know about the bond that it represents, to choose if you want to be bonded by that type of energy.

Some bonds will uplift you and raise your own frequency, some bonds will definitely lower your state of being, make you feel less good. Most people will not dare to disengage from the bonds that feel less good out of obligation. It can take lifetimes before they actually choose for letting go and allowing themselves to rise to their own natural frequency.

A bonding can also be with substances, houses, possessions, besides people... and those bonds have an effect on you. It is wise to understand how things and people make you feel, so you can choose again, instead of having to suffer something you do not desire anymore. Everything has an effect on you, until you release its grip. It might mean that you disengage with certain bonds.

If you like to raise yourself into awareness, truth, you will benefit highly from sources that provide you awareness, and allow yourself to shift away from the sources that lower your frequency of joy, love, abundance, inspiration etc.

There might come a time that you even let go of all connections and work mainly from the inner master, instead of any outside voice. Then, you get into your source of truth, which is ultimately the one to follow : yourself.

Be aware that in this world, everything asks of you to bond... The bonding is usually done without any conscious free will, it just takes you without asking. Those are soft iron magnetic forces that humanity usually is not aware of. You might be sucked into a shop because of a certain magnetic set-up that wants you to buy, where actually you do not choose to have items from that shop. This might be very recognizable...

The art of neutrality will help to overcome the duality obstacles and judgments, and provide inner insights that are deep and outdone of polarity. Learning not to need, learning to use, learning to choose consciously...

Also learning to detach, and become a free being again.


Courageous, the one that finds that emptiness is the end of the road, or rather, the beginning of truth.

It takes inner balance and harmony to find that the world of form and movement is only an expression of that, what you are looking for : Your Self.

As such the world of expression is not the 'thing' that gives answers. More exactly it IS not there, quite literally, IT is exactly not there.

IT is where you cannot find it, not within the rules and laws of the world of form. It is beyond where it cannot be found.

What is beyond : you are.

It takes courage to face this truth, however it is simple, once it is accepted. LIFE flows from there on, simply. The zen heart knows, it has always known, the human heart discovers from the place of forgetfulness, but then again, with courage, continuity, determination, harmony, forgiveness the human heart will learn to become ONE with the zen heart, the divine heart of the strong 'human'.

Stillness from the 'soft-iron' movement of duality allows to find that 'golden' zen heart.

No Need to Understand

No need to understand. IT happens without knowing 'how' and 'why', all the time, continuous.
There is no worry, because IT knows who you are, what your most hidden needs and secrets are, as IT is within you, your inner essence, YOUR music, the original first thought that you are, your blueprint.
Because of that, it will wish you to become you again, in fullness of being, totality, so that you can safely come home. Why ? Because that is what you wish too, simple.
A silent yet awake ZEN mind hears this, sees this without learning it from books, it is instantly aware of the pathway to that place called 'home'.
The Activated ZEN mind is complete understanding from and to the silent space, the absolutely filled emptiness, that which is nameless in this world, yet the LIFE force here and now, that you are.
Smiling gentle, and watching, observing the painted scenery, the music that is being played and the flowers that grow, patiently allowing until your free will starts to see with clear eyes.

No Need to Understand

No need to understand. IT happens without knowing 'how' and 'why', all the time, continuous.
There is no worry, because IT knows who you are, what your most hidden needs and secrets are, as IT is within you, your inner essence, YOUR music, the original first thought that you are, your blueprint.
Because of that, it will wish you to become you again, in fullness of being, totality, so that you can safely come home. Why ? Because that is what you wish too, simple.
A silent yet awake ZEN mind hears this, sees this without learning it from books, it is instantly aware of the pathway to that place called 'home'.
The Activated ZEN mind is complete understanding from and to the silent space, the absolutely filled emptiness, that which is nameless in this world, yet the LIFE force here and now, that you are.
Smiling gentle, and watching, observing the painted scenery, the music that is being played and the flowers that grow, patiently allowing until your free will starts to see with clear eyes.

Freedom & Breath

Something happens when one stops 'wanting' things and lets the world enfold itself like it does, just allowing what it is showing...
There is a stillness moment of breath, a feeling of 'it is all right, it is okay' and tension is allowed to leave....And it does, it does that, like a cloud that continues in the sky, not contained, not controlled or wanted.
There is only gentle breath and stillness, silence maybe and some opening from within, aaaaahhh, it feels so good.
As tensions go, a natural inflow of something that could not approach before is slowly entering one's consciousness, like a lost part that returns home, and one feels more and more complete in this natural state of freedom and breath.
Things suddenly look and feel different, totality expressed, inspiration flowing, a natural movement, not to be understood, it is fine. Things that are part of you, are now allowed to be with you and IN you again.
Breathing fresh air, looking with fresh eyes, something has changed.

I am Creation

Creating from allowance or creating from desire/need.
The first one is always a surprise, an amazement, an gratefulness. It is I AM, simply who I AM. Breathing and releasing, without wanting to understand 'why'.
The second one is linked to an object/person of desire, from thought, a wish, a tension. It wants more of something, or demands control and organization from known concepts. It wants to know the beginning, middle and end.
The first one comes to you in a natural flow, because it chooses so and belongs to you naturally.
The second one is unfree, wants, does not release, and ultimately does not satisfy ever.
So how does one stand in life : by allowance or by greed ?
Do I want money ? Do I want friends ? Do I want anything, food, a house, sex, power ? Or am I living here/now knowing that everything is already there.... There is quite a different feel to both attitudes.
I AM Creation is surrender to LIFE, stillness, knowing and being, fearless, strong and yet allowing. It generates inspiration, draws in newness, invention, the unknown. It is music to all senses, a delight. Can you feel it now ? It is here...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The silent heart

Humans seem to possess 2 hearts : an emotional heart and a silent heart. It looks like a double heart where the still one is below the emotional one.
The still one is made from beyond this world and cannot be seen, invisible, yet very active and alive. It is ONE in essence with all-that-is, and is free from thought.
It just is, and can only be felt. It is the answer behind the magic of our world, and shapes this world but with different attributes than the Emotional heart, because it is a heart of allowance.It builds everything YOU need because IT knows what you need, which is very different from the emotional 'knowing', your human 'thought of what you need' which is a huge restricted box of choice....
The emotional heart has electrical/energetic wires of many colors, that move and change the whole time, interconnecting themselves with other emotional hearts, or events, or thoughts, or organizations. It is never really happy and wants, desires, needs and craves.
Neverending its search for things it cannot find. It forgot that it searches its double invisible entity : the silent heart, and looks through the world but cannot find it... until it becomes still as well....
Magic happens when those hearts synchronise....