Sunday, October 10, 2010

The silent heart

Humans seem to possess 2 hearts : an emotional heart and a silent heart. It looks like a double heart where the still one is below the emotional one.
The still one is made from beyond this world and cannot be seen, invisible, yet very active and alive. It is ONE in essence with all-that-is, and is free from thought.
It just is, and can only be felt. It is the answer behind the magic of our world, and shapes this world but with different attributes than the Emotional heart, because it is a heart of allowance.It builds everything YOU need because IT knows what you need, which is very different from the emotional 'knowing', your human 'thought of what you need' which is a huge restricted box of choice....
The emotional heart has electrical/energetic wires of many colors, that move and change the whole time, interconnecting themselves with other emotional hearts, or events, or thoughts, or organizations. It is never really happy and wants, desires, needs and craves.
Neverending its search for things it cannot find. It forgot that it searches its double invisible entity : the silent heart, and looks through the world but cannot find it... until it becomes still as well....
Magic happens when those hearts synchronise....

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