Friday, February 25, 2011

because I am creator

I sometimes receive these notes about having to protect my pc or myself
but I can't help it, I cannot be afraid of all this

I was told 'put your stuff away, it will be stolen'
I do not worry, and I never get stolen
I like to give away for free, it is my pleasure

I was told 'to protect my pc from bugs'
I do not do this, and my pc works like a charm
If I get a notification about a harmful virus
I KNOW it is not true, because it cannot be in my reality

I was told to be careful with men during my travel
I do not worry, I am never attacked nor threatened

I was told you need insurance for everything
I have no insurance at all, no health insurance
because I do not worry, I take care of my health with how I feel about myself
loving thoughts are my ally

I was told you need money to live
yes, in this world it is set up like that
yet, I do not worry, and there are plenty
people that want to support me with food and shelter

If I choose to have money, it will come
because I am creator
If I choose to have friends, they will come
because I am creator

If I am in need of anything, it will come
because I am creator
If I want change, it will come
because I am creator

it is simple and easy,
life is simple and easy
no difficult concepts, no books, unless for the joy
of the reading, but suffering is just an option
it does not need to be like that
nothing needs to stay in unwanted position

why ? because I am creator
and love is my platform, joy is my expression
and freedom is my truth

inner circle outer cube

I have this inner being
within me, it is a circular thing
I have my personality
it is the cube around the inner being

the inner being creates with a different set of laws
the simple laws of attraction, therein lies the
glue called love, the equality called freedom, and the movement called joy

the outer being is a collection of ideas and thoughts
that are building the persona and its world

the circle knows everything and is everything

the cube thinks it is separate and creates out of that concept
for experience of what it is not, the contrast

the cube is the filter that shows the outside world as it is
changing the cube's make up changes the outside world
you think differently and the outside world changes

today I see a clouded sky, that is the working of thoughts
of the consciousness where I live, and I have accepted to live there
in that current bath of thinking, so I experience this too
if I like sunshine, I have to make a change, it starts within
with a choice

or even better, change the cube's thinking to align with the circle
and you are the knowing, you are whatever you like
you are free

changing the cube is done by leaving the cube ideas behind
and to flow in the circle of allowance and total trust

they seem quite the opposite of each other
but blending is possible ~ if allowed
and understood to be one and the same

it feels like becoming 'female' and getting it in
no struggle, no fixing, there is no work to be done anymore
it is all done, it is chilling time, circle is who I am totally
cube is the experience of who I was not

the circle is the creator, the inner master
that dwells within, nothing more relevant than that

it is easy and simple
light and joyful

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stillness of heart

There is a stillness. A Oneness that exists in between the beating of the heart. These are the waves coming out of you. Notice that.

All of you, on this Earth, are accustomed to the beat of things, nearly no one hears the silence of the heart. They don't feel the power of stillness.

When the heart speaks its silence, the mind knows nothing. The heart is your portal into the inner being, the divinity center of all-that-is.

Anything can be created from this space.

this too shall pass

one day a good friend said to me 'what do you want it to be ?' ~ and there the conversation went silent as we went beyond all the questions that were ever asked ~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Your vision to keep

~ be willing to walk alone if others do not share your cause ~ if someone does remain by your side who does not share your vision, you must find a way to avoid participation in their negative mindset ~ cut yourself off from their negativity by listening to your own positive voice ~ turn attention inward, not outward, and you will vanquish problems ~

On joy

~ there are fortunate times ahead ~ like water smiling up at the Heavens, expect to feel grateful for the joy of life itself ~ this is a time when you can easily foster the qualities of unwavering friendliness, peace and loyalty ~ Only through true joy -- the kind that does not depend on outward circumstances -- will you find  success ~ focus on the overall joy of your journey despite everyday ups and downs ~ true joy rests on firmness and strength within ~ it requires a gentleness and faith ~ share wisdom and understanding with your friends ~ remember that joy isn't something you find ~  it's something you create ~

Eckhart Tolle ~ on Our Creative Universe

Question:  What kind of guidance would you offer to people to remember, or be aware that we are a creative force in a creative Universe?

ET:  The awakening process has two aspects, or two dimensions, to it. One is the finding the Source within, as yourself.  Then, [there is] bringing that into your life more and more – so that your daily life becomes interspersed with that Stillness.  As your life becomes interspersed with that Stillness, the ego then begins to fade.  You embody a different energy field – as if something from another dimension were coming through you into this world. 

The most essential thing is the foundation for all subsequent “awakened doing”, as I sometimes call it.  The world is full of people who are doing, but it’s mostly unawakened doing.  This comes out of unhappy states, and creates more unhappy states.  Our first task is to bring that dimension, the other dimension, into this world.  With your normal everyday life, see if Presence can flow into the smallest things – listening to another person, walking from here to there, and so on.  Presence implies acceptance of whatever is, in the Now, in alignment with the form of the Now, as a spiritual practice.  The more you are aligned with the form of the Now, the more this energy comes through.

It’s vital for us to be grounded in the Presence of everyday life.  The foundation is continuous acceptance of the is-ness of Now.  Through that, Presence arises more and more.  You work with the present moment, as your teacher so-to-speak.  Bring a “yes” to it.  With that, the Presence comes.  You have to first come to an acceptance of the is-ness of things – not the world situation – just your limited reality.  After a little while you will notice that there is another aspect to Presence.  It’s not just still - there’s also a dynamic aspect to Presence.  That’s where “awakened doing” comes in. 

First it changes the way in which you deal with others.  One day, something else wants to be done that needs doing.  You might perceive it as something that you need to do.  Suddenly you know what it is that you need to do.  It comes from within, or it comes from without – some situation in your life.  Then, “awakened doing” begins to happen.  That doing is not the egoic doing, where whatever you do is a means to an end.  There is deep enjoyment in the doing.  There is not an excessive desire to achieve, but you achieve actually more - because there’s so much enjoyment in the doing that the end result looks after itself.  A very different kind of doing arises, that is not motivated by desire.  The normal way is thinking “I need to achieve this”. 

As Presence moves through you, it’s not based on desire anymore, it’s based on enjoyment.  It’s not based on wanting or needing anything, because you’re coming from fullness.  The action is not designed to fulfill you.  It’s not designed to add something to you.  The action is coming out of the fullness in which you already dwell – so there’s no neediness in it. 

Obstacles arise, as they will, especially if you do things that go against the conditioning of the world – you may find obstacles.  You also may find enormous power helping you.

Obstacles may come in the form of uncooperative people, or situations, but enormous power will also flow into what you do and help you in many ways.  Just the right thing, just at the right moment, just the right person.  When obstacles do arise, they are not regarded as enemies.  The ego regards any obstacle to its course of action as an enemy.

An obstacle is accepted for what it is, and you work with it – not against it.  Or you work around it, or you take its energy and turn it around.  It becomes incorporated into what you have to do.   You don’t see any more enemies in the form of unhelpful situations, uncooperative people.  Everything is embraced for what it is, accepted for what it is, and transformed.  It’s not so much that you are doing it, you become a vehicle for the doing.  It happens through you.  The power comes when it wants to come.

For several years after the shift that happened to me, there was not much happening externally – and after that, gradually, people came to ask questions.  There was some doing, some speaking happening.  Answers were suddenly coming, and that lasted for several years.  I knew somewhere that there was a power here, but it’s not reaching many people for some reason.  It wasn’t happening yet.  It was fine, people would come once or twice a week and ask questions.  A workshop here, a workshop there, and then big spaces. 

I was once in a country church in England, in a small village in Somerset, and the church was completely empty – and suddenly the words came out of me that said “Use me”, and “I’d like acceleration please”.  I don’t know who I was talking to.  The words, where they came from, I don’t know.  The Consciousness was listening, it seems.  At first nothing happened and I went back home.  A few weeks later, I woke up knowing that I had to leave England and move to the west coast of North America.  I did not know why.  That was the beginning, and eventually the writing started there.  That was the acceleration happening.  I did not know [at the time] that it was part of the acceleration that I had asked for.  And then things accelerated more and more.  Be careful with what you ask for.

I don’t have the sense that I am “doing” any of this.  I just go with it.  Am I speaking as a person? No, its Consciousness speaking, using this mind, to express what is most helpful for this moment.  So be in the service of that.  You are in the service of that.  Get rid of the idea that you have to “do” anything as a separate entity.  Be open to what it is that wants to be done in this world, then conscious doing happens through you.  Every so-called “individual” has a different function in this world.  The more you get out of the way, you do it by bringing Presence into everyday life, then the answer of what it is that wants to be done comes through you.

It’s a wonderful adventure to be aligned with that.  There is a lot that wants to come through at this time.  It doesn’t choose between people, it doesn’t say “You are special, I’m going to choose you”.  Whenever a person becomes transparent to it, it comes through.  It doesn’t ask “Who are you, what are your credentials?”  It doesn’t ask, “What is your personal history?  Are you worthy?”  It’s timeless Presence.  It’s not interested in your past history, whether you were the most virtuous person.  Wherever the opening is, the light comes through. 

Sword dance ~ Realm of light

~ this beautiful video has a sacredness about it ~ worthwhile watching ~

Near misses and accidents are not possible when you are in your aligned center ~ that reality cannot reach you because of your allowance of loving flow ~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Self Acceptance

A few words that are relevant in this communication :

'what someone else thinks of you is not relevant, it does not matter ~ what you think of you is the determinant factor of your life'

'I am doing it all ~ I am the one making me fail or pass'

'you are the creator of your reality or someone else is ~ you can't have it both ways'

just give up

sometimes it is good to just make a stroll and not minding anything ~ the universe or feeling better ~ just giving up any sense of need or want ~ and what others think about it ~ [laughters]

you do not have to tolerate

I read this quote 'Many people, because of fear and timidity, settle for less than they are truly capable of achieving. They engage in health habits that are harmful to them. They stay in relationships that don't make them happy. They stay in jobs they don't like. If you are not satisfied with any part of your life, there is no need tolerating it..just work on changing it. You got yourself into it, and only you can get yourself out of it'
Totally true ~ you will not be saved by someone ~ it all has to come from ourselves ~ the energy, the motiviation, the courage, activating what is NOT supported by anyone but yourself, yeah, sounds good ~ here as well, it's up to everyone to survive or live ~

I read yesterday somewhere 'you do not have to tolerate anything, anything that you do not like' ~ so, there we go ~

Courage and spirit ~ enjoy ~

disconnecting from thoughts

A while ago I had a connection with a seer through e-mail ~
she said she felt I had an alcohol problem and was lonely ~
I was wondering about it ~
I do not drink and I am all right on my own ~

yet I was staying in a house of someone that drinks,
and there was a brewery very close to the house
and the overall energy I could feel was a hidden loneliness
disguised by amusement, television and more of those masks

thoughts do create the outside and
I know that the outside is a reflection of the dominant thinker
so this owner of the house had created this brewery
as it was part of his vibrational escrow~

so the seer was feeling the dominant energy of where I sat, not mine ~
she was mistaking the energy source

it is interesting because I believe
that this mistake happens all the time ~

all what is of mental energy is not ours ~
our thoughts are not ours ~
they are a reflection of the mental layer
that surrounds us

yet we choose the thoughts
but they are not ours

 we are positive energy alone ~
 all the rest is not ours

so what happens when one starts to disconnect from thoughts ?
then the outisde must disappear too
because in this reality
we shape our outside with our thoughts

and if we do not choose them ourselves
we start to feel like the dominant energy thinker
and we make the mistake to start to think
like the dominant thinker, because that one
is taking over the platform as we give ours away
in allowing it

like a manager decides on everyone's
way of behaviour and thought-patters
as we surrender our energy to that leader

but none of that is true
we are empty-thought
we are naturally thoughtless

the mind has been added to our natural state
to play with when one becomes creator
or to suffer from when one does not make conscious choices

or to leave the movie all together
and who knows where we go then
another movie ?

It all depends on ourselves
and our choices and focus

Monday, February 21, 2011


~ Stay in contact with the person within ~
~ You are your own best kept treasure ~
~ You are what you are seeking, and always have been ~

~ get inspired ~ ignite your own light ~
~ move into creation ~ and enjoy it ~

Say it loud ! Make it clear !

MixPod ~ the iPod on your computer

if you have a blogspot or a website ~ you can have it beautified with a free Mixpod app ~ it is the same as an iPod but then on your computer screen ~ you just have to select how your Mixpod looks like, what music it contains, you then get an embed code ~ it works like a marvel, if you like to see how it works, you can check mine on this blogspot ~ it is on the right side when you scroll down ~


How much can we affect other people's interaction with us ~ practical insight by Abraham ~ very good !

How much can we affect other people's interaction with us... Their behavior by our imagining ?

Dramatically ! Conclusively!! Completely!!

So I can stay with the same two teenage boys and husband...

No they are the one exception <grin> [wild group laughter]

You see here is the way that it works. As you live with them and you see contrasting things that do not please you. And you hold those things that do not please you as your object of attention. Then its reflected in your vibration so then you don't have access to what you really want.

In other words you are a match to what you don't want rather than a match to what you do want.

So what happens is, you have to find a way of pulling back from observing so much what is displeasing you. And find a way to imagine more what you do want. Or to selectively sift and give more attention to what you do want.

Lets say that there is someone very close in your life, someone that lives with you, and you are observing something that does not please you. You are not setting your own tone. In other words you're letting their behavior, and your observation of it set your tone!

So, you feel powerless because the Universe is now responding to that that is being offered. But if you can find a way of stepping back... often when they are asleep or not with you... and really get your cork floating, at the same time as your holding them as your object of attention. You'll begin to notice right away that their behavior begins to change.

Now sometimes people say " But Abraham you said I cannot create in someone else's experience?"

And we say, this is not creating in their experience. What it is is setting your tone so that you have vibrational access to that part of them. So what happens is as you are offering a consistent vibration, then you only have access from anyone, things that match your consistent vibration.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

in awareness, both concepts of anger or fear are transmuted to energy of pure creative passion in awareness nothing is boring at all because the flow of life smiles in every stream

in awareness, both concepts of anger or fear are transmuted to energy of pure creative passion ♥ in awareness nothing is boring at all because the flow of life smiles in every stream

Regain energetic independence

if you seek to be independent energetically
and having your own sovereign flow of mastery

maintaining your health with your own energy
keeping your balance without feeding off others
without being disturbed by others feeding on you
and experiencing an inflow of inner wisdom

this is what you can do
and see what happens in your life
it does not mean any intent of loosing friendship
or connections ~ but it has an effect
on taking away that what is
not healthy for your energy balance

some that feed on you will no longer be able to do that
you will regain inner clarity
balanced vitality and health

as you produce only your own energy for you
the best that you have and totally tuned to you
to your unique tone
it will bring about a purification from yourself to yourself

it is easy

imagine an infinity sign starting
in your heart center going upwards to your
back head then flowing through your front head
to the heart center again
then flowing further to the bottom back
through your front belly
and back to the heart center

do this regularly an smoothly
no forcing and allowing the energy
to flow at its own speed
it knows better than you how to do this

at first you need to get it initiated
you have to activate the flow yourself

it does work on your command
do not overload it with intentions
it does not need your intentions
it knows what you need

share your experience with me

Creating space

creating space

first depressurize anything that is in your field

by making a conscious choice of letting go
any worry or thought around anything that 'was'

it is gone anyway


then some new space is made
don't call back the old thoughts now

in the space something new can arise
the energy will move into that space

it has to, there can be no emptiness
in the universe

with focused and will intent
the new energy will adapt
to your new thought - feeling

by the simple act of vibrational allowance

you will get inspiration
or a manifestation that supports the wish

and you will then be able to walk into
what you wished for


you will know that you are doing
the right thing, that space is made
when you feel lighter, you feel better

it is simple, yet precise
with love always

An architecture of creation

just sharing something that has come through me ~
that can be used for manifestation through energetic architecture ?
your choice ~ it is very easy and does not require understanding any of it

you want a certain manifestation in life
choose it well and keep it in your being while doing the below

imagine a person on each point of the 4 triangles


12 friend with good/neutral energy, 12 guides, or 12 versions of yourself it does not matter very much, as long as their are heartcentered beings there
imagine yourself in the center point
see each person sending energy 
from their heart to their triangle point
and directly as well to your heart center

you receive all the lines of energy
in the center of the experience
let the energy be transformed into
that desire by intervention of the universe

no need to understand any of it,
just allowing the flow to happen

Releasing all structure

any kind of needing or sharing
is still working on the flawed premise of separation

when you need someone, anyone, you activate
a prison for yourself and the other
you tie eachother into an energetic link
where energy is exchanged at all times
and ultimately the strongest one
will grow thicker, the other will grow thinner
energetically and physically

it is always a destructive cycle to 'belong' to someone
or even something, a thought, the past, or the future
all destructive in their nature ~ always

 all relationships of 'mine' ~ 'there' ~ 'his/her' ~ tomorrow ~ yesterday
are based on the flawed premises of belief in lack
or belief in space and time

nothing of that is true, as soon as separation
gets into place as a thought
it generates myriads of worlds where that thought
is re-energized and provides duality at all time

once you activate your sovereign energy system
where the unconditional heart thrives ~ the knowing of unity of all things
where you disconnect from needing anything from others
from the government, from police, from food and shelter
from money, from machines, from matter,
you are on the road of freedom

on that path you start to release ~ with greater love for all that is
emotional disruptive attachments, thoughts about others,
thoughts of fear and lack, needs and disruptive desires
and beliefs that you are not complete yet

and an emptiness comes in, suddenly you have nothing
to think about anymore, nor to fuss about

you release the thought packages and the energy
constraints that float around you

you become an empty cup

and you will be tempted to step in the duality energy again
because you might feel bored for a while

when you step back in, the noise starts again
and you will step out again, until you are fed up with the cycle

and then you understand that you have lived everything that you
wanted ~ everything of it
the attraction to it is gone, and you dive inwardly
there is emptiness there

and then, you find a new phase of LIFE when you
start to release the matter around you, and yourself
you start to let your atoms freeflow in the ether
and you blend with everything ~ an upgraded state of
making love to yourself

and you become who you really are
by releasing all structure, all demands of this world,
all pushes and pulls

you are consciousness, and your physical life
is a projection of thought that you have chosen
to experience, until you step out of the movie
so to speak ~

you are totality ~ I am that I am
that is what you are
you are a universe, you are universa
you are stars and planets and all life itself

but then ~ do you loose anything ?
only the lie, you only loose the lie
and you live here out of free choice
not because you have been sucked in a system
that took away your energetic ~ spiritual freedom
and you create your own world here, out of
joy and free will, AND with the knowing that you are everything
and a creator on yourself
that is freedom