Saturday, December 4, 2010

CONSCIOUSNESS : Consciousness Drives The Universe

Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. This means ultimately everything in the universe and that even matter is consciousness in the most subtlest and dense form.

This video has Grant Morrisson, David Lynch, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Michael Talbot, David Wilcock, Wayne Dyer and Neil Kramer in it.

AWARENESS : David Icke - Reality

David Icke talks about the nature of reality.

AWARENESS : David Icke - The Great Illusion of Time and Space

David Icke talks about how the Illuminati are trying to keep the Earths Consciousness or vibrational level as low as possible by keeping us in a vibrational prison thus limiting what we perceive as reality.

Friday, December 3, 2010

EDUCATION : El Sistema : social and communitarian development

The State Foundation for the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela (FESNOJIV - Fundación del Estado para el Sistema Nacional de Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela), commonly known as 'El Sistema' is a government-funded organization, founded by maestro José Antonio Abreu, aimed at systematizing music education and promoting the collective practice of music through symphony orchestras and chorus as a means of social organization and communitarian development.

"To play and to fight, a great motto for a great orchestra" : So read the headline of an article about the National Youth Orchestra in the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional from February 2, 1976. To Play and to Fight is the guiding maxim of the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela. It reflects the firmness of purpose and perseverance which has always characterized the conduct of its members and has made of El Sistema the most important orchestral and social program in Venezuela of the last decades.

For El Sistema’s musicians, To Play and to Fight means undertaking music as a collective experience which also involves individual effort; it entails a relentless pursuit of excellence and, above all, it means persevering until dreams become reality.

The website :

SELF-MANAGEMENT : The DaVinci Method : written by an indigo for indigos

How it Works

The DaVinci Method details how to leverage your personality type the same way all great entrepreneurs have, leading to health, wealth and happiness. Because of your DaVinci type personality, you are capable of amazing genius and ingenuity, but first you have to learn how to get out of your own way.

Discover the secret to harnessing your DaVinci-type personality just like the world's most successful entrepreneurs, artists and inventors.

The website :
The other website :

ENVIRONMENT : The Orion Project : Developing Clean Energy Solutions to Empower the 21st Century

The Orion Project is an organization created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and Enlightened Abundance. Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability. For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil-fuel based economic and industrial interests.
Imagine a world where every home and village has its own clean source of electrical energy, free from the cost of fossil fuels, nuclear power or a centralized electric grid.
Imagine every means of transportation running off of clean power plants, using no source of fuel and creating no pollution.
Imagine the developing world blossoming with these new technologies and the equatorial rain forests protected from slash and burn subsistence farming and logging.
Imagine all inter-city transportation above the ground and the millions of acres paved over with highways freed for productive agriculture and recreation.
Imagine all manufacturing being clean-fuel sourced, using no-cost or low-cost energy.
Imagine the possibility of 100% recycling because the energy cost of transporting recycled materials, processing them and scrubbing pollution out of the air and water approaches zero.

EDUCATION : Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

About this talk
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

About Ken Robinson
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.
Why don't we get the best out of people? Sir Ken Robinson argues that it's because we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies -- far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity -- are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says. It's a message with deep resonance. Robinson's TEDTalk has been distributed widely around the Web since its release in June 2006.

Sense of respect

Respect starts with respecting yourself as a being with rights. It is about getting to the point where one understands what respect of self truly is, what the silence of self truly is. It is much less something that can be discussed, it needs to be lived, and often without having to talk about it.
The sense of respect steers many decisions, about allowing others in one's perimeter or not, or when declining an invitation. Life is made of choices, and being the most for yourself is to respect first yourself. Others should not be put in the equation, as this is about one's unique perception of what can be or not.

The center point of respect starts and ends with oneself. Sharing time with others is a choice, sharing wisdom with others as well. You define where you allow yourself to be, and that is one of the pillars of sovereign wisdom. You might receive invitations you will not accept, and that is sovereign choice.
You might change your mind and heart about things, and that is your choice. You might make new contracts and end others, and that is your choice. Self-respect is self-love, it shapes your life where you want it to go.