Sunday, July 11, 2010

I wish neither to possess nor to be possessed.
I no longer covet paradise.

More important, I no longer fear hell...
The medicine for my suffering I had within me
from the very beginning, but I did not take it.

My ailment came from within myself,
but I did not observe it.

Until this moment.

Now I see that I will never find the light,
unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel,
consuming itself.
Bruce Lee

The Warrior Heart

There is something about having a warrior heart.
It is a heart that beats its own perfection in carrying and expressing the values it cherishes, the courage of standing tall in the face of adversity. He understands that there is no opponent, and that adversity is coming from himself alone. He sees the truth.
The warrior heart is one that transcends the current limits, the heart that goes beyond the belief systems that have been miseducated upon it. It feels that another power generates the beauty of what it sees and it wants to find the depth it feels.
So it goes further than the normal setting, and it is brave in doing so, because it demands total self-trust and honesty. It demands loyalty to self alone, and understand that others have their own path to walk. He knows he needs to walk this journey on his own, sovereign, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone.

And there is more to it. A true warrior heart is one that has tackled its own demons, the ones that are inside of the body and the mind.

The warrior heart is the one that has understood that only the activating of inner peace is the generator of true peace in the world. The true warrior is the one that stops the fight, all fights, the inner and outer fights.

It has understood that the only maker of wars is himself, so he stands back and observes in a stillness that is from beyond this world. He only activates true valor by expressing gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and humility.

aka Komaya
July 11, 2010

Afsanah Guesthouse - stillness and space

The Zen-type guesthouse has had a profound effect on creating a space of stillness during the whole stay. I stayed here with Joanna for about a month, and thoroughly enjoyed the natural zen beauty, the trees, the big rocks, the birds, even the temperature.
I arrived in June 2010 and leave around July 11, today to continue with the journey.
(picture of the entrance to the restaurant of the Afsahan Guesthouse)
Afsanah Zen energy is a dream come true : it is a place where - because of its stillness - truth can emerge from within. The sounds of normal noisy life are stilled here, the silence brings a new level of understanding, and stopping the movement brings new life, paradoxally.
I have grown into understanding much more of the fabric of earthly life, the mechanics of the matrix. I have sensed other worlds, the world of Buddhism is close to the Zen feeling. I have seen and sensed the energy of India, the colorful purpose of a great nation. India is not what it seems : in its amazing colorful simplicity, it is a platform for another kind of love for life.
Being here was a bliss for the heart, for the soul, for the body. It has brought another, deeper, perspective into sensing why I am here, why humanity is as it is today. Much more clarity and strenght, courage and wisdom.
Next and powerful, maybe last stop is now the Fuji Yama in Tokyo. We are leaving today, and on the day of my biological birthday, I will hit the grounds of Tokyo main city. What an amazing life !
aka Komaya
July 11, 2010