Friday, December 10, 2010

AWARENESS - Kirael : Ascension, what is holding you back ?

[Check the website for the full message]
Ascension: What's Holding You Back?

Master Guide Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
KIRAEL: Ascension is part of your life now. It is the perfection of your journey, the outcome of alchemy, Signature Cell Healing, and the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating. I’ve spent years on this dimension bringing you information that would help you with this journey of ascension. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of what ascension means, what it involves.
What do you want to get from this particular event? Do you want to know what it takes for you to ascend? It takes the courage to ask the hard questions, questions that will help you determine the answers for yourself. You see, you couldn’t form the question without knowing the answer, and ascension will give you access to your knowing, to your awareness.
Ascension is powerful. The ascension process involves peeling off the veils, so that you can remember that you have the answers to all of your questions. You will get through this Great Shift, whether it takes two years, five years, or just five days. Your life is in your own hands. So, if you have questions for me, ask them from your guidance—guides, angels, Elven and other beautiful beings of light. Those energies want to hear what I have to say, and the questions they give you will be tailored with clarity and specificity to elicit the perfect answer. You’ll say, “My God, where did that come from?”
In this opening statement, I have been speaking to your cellular consciousness, because I believe the ascension is closer than you think and I want to awaken that deeper part of your consciousness now. You don’t have to wait until 2012 or any other date to ascend into the fourth light. So ask powerful questions. I have the answers that will help you get your own answers.
Working to Perfect the Journey
Q: How do we determine what’s holding us back from ascension?

KIRAEL: In the broadest sense, ascension is about perfecting your journey and doing the five-or-fifty. What do you want to get out of this journey? Maybe you want to be a teacher of Signature Cell Healing or Reiki or some other modality. Whatever you want to teach, ask yourself what you have done to perfect your teaching? Are you doing the journey of five-or-fifty? Are you doing Sleepstate Programming, Masterminding, Prayer, and all the Principles of Consciously Creating? Are you willing to do everything in your power to bring about your ascension in all the areas of your life?

In order to realize your own ascension, you must gain self-awareness by doing the five-or-fifty, which is the answer to everything that you do in this dimensional journey. Keep moving forward until you get where you want to be. If you have the desire, you will do the five-or-fifty and your journey will shine. Your ascension will be one step away.
Talking to Your Higher Self
Q: Will speaking to my higher self assist in my ascension and how do I know when my higher self is speaking to me?
KIRAEL: Speaking with your higher self will expand your self-awareness and assist in your ascension. You don’t have to reach into the ethers to find your higher self. Your higher self is present in your energy field and it will respond as long as you ask the appropriate questions, questions that enhance your journey. Your higher self knows what your journey is. When you question your higher self, don’t be invested in the answer, because you will most likely get the answer you need, not the one you want.
One sure way to know if you’re in contact with your higher self is to do automatic writing. When you do automatic writing, you will know if your higher self is responding, because it will not respond in English. Instead, it will send thoughts into your mind, into that five percent or maybe ten percent or twenty percent of your mind, and they will be thoughts you never had before. When you ask your higher self in English what it said, your higher self goes into your local brain, then connects to your omni brain. When you learn to communicate effectively with your higher self, you will do this journey with the full pride and power of the higher self.
When you work with your higher self and follow its guidance, your world will change in ways you never anticipated. Just remember never to brag about what you’re doing. If you do, your higher self won’t answer you the next time you call upon it. It doesn’t want you to brag about what you’re doing. That’s part of your lesson plan.
Your higher self wants to help you, but if you don’t engage it, it will do its own journey. It will do what it wants to do. It might be traveling to the fourth dimension or some other realm. The higher self is unlimited and powerful beyond your wildest expectation.
If you want to get your higher self’s attention, communicate with it. Get out of the local brain. You operate from your local brain on this dimension and it is the only thing that is holding you back from your ascension. Talk to your higher self as part of the ascension process, but remember that your higher self will only speak back to you if you ask questions that will enhance your journey, and if you are willing to do the five-or-fifty.

Q: Are you saying that we should own our wisdom? After all, you have said before that we are our higher selves.
KIRAEL: Owning your wisdom is a little too third-dimensional. You don’t have to own your wisdom. Owning your wisdom would be like putting it in a glass jar for safekeeping. What good is that? Just accept your wisdom as growing in every moment of every day and be willing to share it.
Know What You Want
Q: What’s the next critical step for me to take as far as my ascension is concerned?
KIRAEL: Hesitation is the only thing that is holding you back from realizing your ascension. Put your foot down and go into the next step. However, before you take your next step, you must decide what you want. You are asking me to tell you what your next step should be, but I cannot tell you until you know what you want. No one can tell you what your next step will be if you don’t know what you want.
Here’s the rub: When you know what you want, you won’t have to ask me what your next step should be. You will know because you can work with your higher self. It knows what your journey is about. If you want to know what your next step is, know what question you need to ask yourself and then get to the answer. In other words, consult your higher self. It’s always with you.
If you don’t want to ask your higher self, I will help you, but you have to get to me first. I’m not as close to you as your higher self is. Remember, if you don’t know what you want, I can’t help you. So know what you want. I can help you all day long when you know what you want. When you don’t know what you want, go to the beach, sit down in the love and light, and decide what you want. If you really want it, it will already be perfectly laid out for you.
A young man with cancer came to see me. He said, “I want to do something and I want you to help me get going.” When I asked him what the plan was, he said, “I don’t know.” He didn’t know what he wanted to do. He needed to know for himself what it would take to move him forward. You have to know what you want and then I’ll tell you what you can do between here and there, but you will have to do the journey, the five-or-fifty.
Further on the website in THIS message....
- Reprogramming the Ego
- Ridding the Mind of Fragmentation
- Emotional Preparation for Ascension
- Living Ascension in the Now
- Shift Children and Portal Workers
- The Gift of Solar Flares
Closing statements
Ascension is about perfecting your journey, bringing it to the full flavor of love and light. That means that every area of your journey is about ascension—that includes your work, your relationships, everything. Be in love and do the journey of five-or-fifty and you will be assured of uncovering and realizing your ascension, which is really the truth of who you are. I’m learning truth just as you are. Everything I’ve said to you today is my truth as I understand truth. I’ve learned so much about your dimension since I’ve come over here. I thought this was going to be a cakewalk, but it turned out to be a career, and I love my career.
Many of you have everything going for you, but you don’t know where you’re going or what you want. When you know what you want and you want it deeply enough, it will come your way. If you want to be a writer, then know what you want to write about. Don’t worry about publishing your work, just write. You can get what you want, but your wants have to be defined. It’s part of the ascension process to know what you want.

CREALITY - Where is the Wikileaks cyber war headed?

Relative to the quantum theory, that energy is purely a state of being that does not know time nor space, and exists as a gigantic continuum of fluctuating potentials, WE are the time and space, and as such the creators of reality.
Creation happens by the observation after selective and aware CHOICE. We are the ones creating the events occuring in front of our eyes. Relative to the above question, Wikileaks is a manifestation of a desire... Look at the intent, the reason why Wikileaks has been created, FEEL it, and the answer lies with every reader of this message, everyone already knows the answer to the question.

Now, is this what YOU have chosen, is wikileaks with its intent and driving energy what you want to support ? If yes, feed it with your energy and attention. If no, stop your inflow of energy... and put it into something that you do support.
Questions like this can be resolved with the quantum fields of wisdom.

Now, 'what' is choosing, the fear that is super-imposed and intermingled within the wikileaks concept... or your cosmic quantum heart that knows that we have created it. Every creation, every choice can be changed.

Use your quantum wisdom, and apply the scientific knowledge, synchronized with the higher frequencies that emanate from your source... YOUR source.

So, what do you grow :
oneness, prosperity, cooperation ?
aggression, war, separation ?

What does wikileaks stand for... feel the energy, and make a CHOICE. You either synchronize with it... or you do not and choose a better, more lovingly and unifing subject...

[Facebook :!/?sk=messages&tid=1744140964535]

INDIGO IN ACTION : First Contact ..........

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11:12am on Facebook

Direct contact with the source, which we all collectively are, is natural and normal.

You can do it.


Whatever you do expands the source naturally.

Naturally as a component part of the source you have access to all of it.

Questioning the source will bring to you the energy of searching and more questions.

Searching for what we already know ........

Instead of questioning I make simple affirmative statements

such as show me the potential of this........

My information from source is simple, clear and precise.

It is perfect for me and what I am doing.

It doesn't come in the form of pages of channelled information for others
because the source is all knowing and so are we.

If I were to say I am totally confused and don't know what is going on then source

would perfectly match this for me and show me this scenario in both my inner and outer life.

How much better to simply say "I know.....!"

This simple non-specific statement will give me all knowing - all ways and always.......!

"I know what to do......" will bring the scenario of knowing what to do in both my inner and outer life.

" I trust my abundance,
I am naturally healthy,
I am whole and perfect,
I can do it,
I have it already,
I love myself,
I am confident,
I am enlightened.
I am ascended,
I am beautiful,
I am really good at ......."

As we know everything is possible.

What do you choose?

Aliens, conspiracies, bad bankers, anger, lack and wars?

I don't want to expand that list (anymore).

Want to join me in expanding the other one?

Let me start you off -

I am that I am,
I am happy,

Adam Ben Sun

VIDEO : Heart-Brain Interaction

Global Coherence Initiative

The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body.
Research from the Institute of HeartMath (GCI) shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion - such as care, appreciation, compassion or love - it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.

INDIGO IN ACTION : The Global Coherence Initiative

An extract of the website

The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
This project has been launched by the Institute of HeartMath®, a nonprofit 501(c)(3), a recognized global leader in researching emotional physiology, heart-brain interactions and the physiology of optimal health and performance.
The Global Coherence Initiative is designed to help individuals and groups work together, synchronistically and strategically to increase the impact of their efforts to create positive global change.
Together we will:
Increase personal coherence for the benefit of ourselves and the planet
Help shift the planetary consciousness baseline from self-centeredness to wholeness care
Increase connection and social harmony
Empower our ability to navigate through global changes with less stress and more ease
Empower environmental responsibility and stewardship of the planet
This project has been initiated because millions of people sense that this is an extraordinary time; that a paradigm shift of human consciousness is now under way; that we are at the crossroads of change and must move toward the healing of ourselves and our planet. Many people are feeling a strong desire to help change our present and future conditions and are looking for ways to use their heart, spirit-aligned wisdom and care to make a meaningful difference.
The Global Coherence Initiative is one of many care and compassion initiatives taking place on the planet. Each year, an increasing number of groups and online communities are radiating compassion and care to the planet in these times of need. We and others feel that these collective heart-based initiatives, rather than being a trend, represent the proactive consciousness platform of the future, in which individuals and communities take responsibility for shaping a new world by increasing love, care and compassion for the global whole.
Heart Coherence
Many people recognize that their meditations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do affect the world. Researchers suggest that these activities can have even more transformative and lasting impact by adding heart coherence to the process. Heart coherence is a distinct mode of synchronized psycho-physical functioning associated with sustained positive emotion. It is a state of energetic alignment and cooperation between heart, mind, body and spirit. In coherence, energy is accumulated, not wasted, leaving you more energy to manifest intention and harmonious outcomes.
Adding heart coherence to meditation, prayer and intention practices is an important aspect of the Global Coherence Initiative. It adds order and increased effectiveness to whatever form of practice you are doing.
The Global Coherence Initiative offers education and technology on how to increase individual heart coherence. As groups of people in the Global Coherence community intentionally send coherent love and care to the world, a more powerful heart-filled environment is created. This helps to build a reservoir of positive energy that benefits the planet. This reservoir can then be utilized to help bring balance and stabilization to people, thereby making it easier to find solutions to problems like climate change, the destruction of the rain forests, poverty, war, hunger and other global issues. In addition, by sending coherent heart energy to the planet, you benefit personally. Practicing coherence has a carryover effect that helps to cushion you through stressors and challenges that occur day to day.
Earth Monitoring
The Global Coherence Initiative will include an important scientific measurement component. Advanced sensing technology, now being developed at the Institute of HeartMath, will allow us to observe changes in the earth’s magnetic field and test the hypothesis that the earth’s field is affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative. The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS) will consist of approximately 12 sensors strategically located around the world. This system will enable a new level of scientific inquiry into the relationship between the earth’s magnetic field, collective human emotions and behaviors, and planetary changes.
The GCMS will allow us to test the hypotheses that:
Strong collective human emotions are reflected in the earth’s field.
Groups of people in heart coherence can affect the earth’s field.
Changes in the earth’s field predict earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and similar planetary scale events, in order to give people advance warning.
Our long-term goal is to correlate the following: coherence-level data collected from the GCI community with changes in the earth’s magnetic field, along with changes in various social, environmental and health outcomes.
The Global Coherence Initiative is perhaps the greatest experiment in the history of the world.
—Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series, Co-author of The Success Principles™, and founder of the Transformational Leadership Council.
Community Building
This Web site will be the focal point for the GCI community. Here members will receive updates, instruction, audio and video communications and downloadable Webinars. To connect with others about GCI try GCI Facebook, GCI Twitter or GCI YouTube. We invite you to explore the other sections of the site to learn more about how you can participate, resources for increasing heart coherence, and our supporters, Advisory Board and Collaborations.
What You Can Do Now
You can start now by becoming a member and learning how to increase your heart coherence and tracking your progress. While the monitoring system continues to be developed and the GCI community and activities continue to grow, the world needs your participation. You can play an important part in building this community.
Make a contribution to help create a more coherent world. Donate Now.
Global Coherence Initiative Summary:
Connects—people globally who are committed to making a difference by contributing coherent heart energy to planetary needs
Educates—by providing resources for increasing individual and collective coherence
Guides—through providing information and suggestions on when and where to focus your energetic contributions
Monitors—by tracking coherence and measuring changes in the earth’s geomagnetic field and the potential effects of heart-coherent intentions on the field.
Earth is our responsibility, now is the time.

AWARENESS : Coherence as Healing Power

(photo reference :

It has been discovered that when 2 people are asked to feel each other, the brain waves went into a synchronisation, adapting themselves to each other to go into 'harmony'. Also was detected that both brain hemispheres of those two people started to pulse in synchronisation, which normally only happens during meditation.

It is to be noted that the person with the highest coherence showed signs of influencing the other by reorganizing the brain waves, as the most coherent brain waves have the effect of reorganizing the less coherent brain waves naturally.

The more coherence, the higher the quantum state, and thus the less coherent person will be affected by experiencing a sense of higher coherence and organization, which provides deep levels of mental clarity and understanding.

Add to this experiment my own input, that the influence is not only generated between two people that allow (this is an important word : allow, if not wanted the synchronization will not take place) the connection. The influence is the same, when one connects to a book by reading it, or listens to music, or any other chosen material connection. On top of that, any other connection that is made in the mind itself, like dreaming about someone or thinking about an event, will have the same effect of syncrhonization.

This all proofs that any connection to objects, people, with inclusion of sensing with all senses [smell, hear, touch, seeing and tasting] has a determining effect on oneself. Continuous influences are put upon each person. One could be overthrown by the idea itself that one is always influenced, however inner wisdom might lead any person, who becoms aware to the concept of oneness, that if ALL the influences are allowed by the mere fact of existence here, a solution could be offered on how to live on earth in the best way. Allowance of all influences might generate a feeling of wholeness that in turn will deactivate all tension [by the mere acceptance of all influencing waves], and therefore open the doors to a frequential uplifitng that will provide more clarity of life.

It is thus the opposite of what one thinks : by withdrawing from effects of the world as much as one can [which comes from a need for protection], the result could be total isolation, which in turn has a negative effect on the natural sense of communion and lovebond that the species is made to appreciate. By allowing everything in, the wholeness concept of healthy love will have its grander effect and allow true expansion and a sense of compassion for all life.

It is my belief and experience that NATURE has the greatest sense of organizational coherence and therefore is the greatest force in the matter world that will provide natural clarity, understanding and therefore an allowance of flow, which is dictated by through wisdom. It is the compound basis for quantumwisdom through its purpose of clarity. Just by connecting to a flower, looking at a tree, the organizational principle kicks in and one starts to understand things, events, experiences and the reasons behind events without even having to 'think' about them. NATURE is also declared as the greatest power of unconditional love by great teachers of wisdom.

The organization The Global Coherence Initiative [] has an active lead in providing positive assistance to the world by synchronizing the hearts and minds of people directed for the support of areas that would benefit from the overal organization principle of syncrhonization. More about the organization in another post.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

SELF-EMPOWERMENT : Stuck on an escalator - what do you do ?

I actually encountered this real-life about 4 months ago at the airport of Beijing. Suddenly the escalator stopped working, and I remembered this video. Because of that I started to laugh and could not stop, the Chinese Police was watching me closely, not sure how to react as usually people are not very at ease in their neighborhood. They chose to let me laugh, and to ignore me, but the rest of the people were amused as well. It was hilarious, as soon as I stepped of the escalator, it started again. I was thinking 'there you are human creator, you are creating your own little jokes'...
But yet, underneath the laugher and all, there is some hidden treasure here... it is like the old does not work anymore, and the new kicks in. The escalator that supports you stops, and now it's up to you to start walking.... isn't that a fantastic learning ? It is time for self-empowerment, and it's up to us to start walking your own walk, your speed, your direction... and not the one dictated by your inner automatic machine... thrilling ...

As yet, please enjoy 2 minutes of real humor....

AWARENESS - Adyashanti : Wisdom of Do Nothing

How can you meditate in a way that is authentic and useful in terms of awakening to your true nature? In this powerful satsang, Adyashanti explains in detail how the simple instruction to "do nothing" disengages the movement of ego, gives rise to the natural clarity of awareness, and brings us to the very heart of love and compassion. Recorded on March 15, 2006.

ZEN : Wisdom of Do Nothing

How can you meditate in a way that is authentic and useful in terms of awakening to your true nature? In this powerful satsang, Adyashanti explains in detail how the simple instruction to "do nothing" disengages the movement of ego, gives rise to the natural clarity of awareness, and brings us to the very heart of love and compassion. Recorded on March 15, 2006.

ZEN : Wisdom of Do Nothing

How can you meditate in a way that is authentic and useful in terms of awakening to your true nature? In this powerful satsang, Adyashanti explains in detail how the simple instruction to "do nothing" disengages the movement of ego, gives rise to the natural clarity of awareness, and brings us to the very heart of love and compassion. Recorded on March 15, 2006.

AWARENESS - Connecting to the internet

[Heart Consciousness Note : connecting with people or through computers have their effect on your thought patterns. Although the heart is the ultimate and only true source of wisdom, thoughts have their huge effect and determine sometimes a life of difficulty, instead of the wisdom of allowance coming from the heart. The below article makes an interesting link with current human behaviour, during times of link-up with the pc generated information. Yet, always remembering that nothing outside of yourself - including this article - is of higher wisdom. You are always the only and best self-manager, the only place of the true master who dwells within. Learn other ways, and find your own way back home : to you...].

Original title : The Interwebs: Electronic Insanity and Mental Environmentalism[]

Are your heartfelt attempts at being genuine, authentic and intimate with other human beings, or even your self, being dashed by addicts having conversations with invisible people? Finding it hard to read 4 or 5 pages, let alone a whole novel, unless it’s something from the Young Adults genre? Well, since the 1997 AOL sign-up boom, which was followed quickly by the emergence of social networking websites, massive file sharing, and high quality streaming video, a dialog has been brewing from all participants, “Is the Internet playing with our brains?” Recent studies and publications seem to be tilting the meter from “likely” to an emphatic, screaming, undeniable “YES!”

At the forefront of this discussion is Nicholas Carr’s recent book, The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our Brains. Carr points out that any advancement of technology, but especially those of communication, have a naturally occurring rewiring effect on thought and behavior. Marshall MchLuhan, Neal Postman, and other popular media-technology analysts anticipated this mass effect many years ago, though few could’ve anticipated the computer would go from being the size of a few school buses to fitting in the corner of our pockets so quickly. The Internet and the psychosocial dysfunctions that accompany it seem to have crept up on us all like a psych-brain virus with a decade long incubation cycle. Or, an incremental assault on thinking and being.

We can now step into computer or gamer addiction support groups the same way a drug addict does. “Digital Depression” was identified some time ago by Dr. Peter Honey who noted, “the profusion of communications technology (mobiles, email, blueberries, wireless PDAs and laptops) are contributing to a rise in employee stress levels, currently affecting 64% of the working population,” and that was back in 2003. Since then, the landscape has been numbingly dotted by WI-FI, Android, Internet televisions, and the advertising/social networking behemoth Facebook, which, if ranked as a country, would be listed as the world’s third largest nation (also sporting a 14 billion dollar price tag). It’s hard not to feel like an insect in an expanding electronic colony.

Our very personalities, what defines us as who we are (socially speaking), seem to be degenerating into a miniature Internet, with no time allotted for reflection on just what it is we actually are — what “holds” this experience of being together. The persona itself has become a kind of hyperlinked body, connecting to whatever the latest crap we lapped during our last surf, or we drop into the bits in our personal meme hall of fame when there happens to be an uncomfortable silence.

A study from the International Center for Media and the Public Agenda, “24 Hours: Unplugged,” asked 200 students on the campus to give up all media for a full day and blog on private Web sites about their experience. Student reaction showed addiction-like withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, misery, and being jittery, the authors wrote. It’s no surprise that conversation is also falling into an abyss of flippant snark, data regurgitation, and monocultural babble (enter Quagmire’s “Giggidys” here) alongside the clockwork like dialog dongs of “Umm,” “Huh?” and “What happ’n?” So too our relationship to the self as well as the outside world is becoming a desperate realm of agitated ghosts. This is well illustrated in the deeply unsettling documentary “We Live in Public” which stands as a modern textbook account of the depth of psychological unease and violence that can befall individuals when they become the center-point of their own 24-hour CCTVed, digital utopia. Even Charles Manson pointed out how grotesquely juvenile the consciousness of a culture is that requires movies to see the obviousness of our shared plight — “Avatar” anybody?

We now gobble food and relationships as carnivorously as we gobble data — without stopping to actually taste, savor, enjoy, and digest. We move on to the next brief satisfaction. The public declaration of one’s “availability” speaks something nasty about who and what we assume relationships are: “…soft, strong, and disposable,” as Madeline Kahn said in “Clue.” It’s getting to the point where one may wonder if Oscar Wilde would have enough toner to finish printing the satire our digital selves are worthy of.

In this swelling info-orgy more people from all walks of life are finding it necessary to disconnect. Bill McKibben noted that, “In the case of the so-called information society, it may be the largest psychological experiment in history.” Arianna Huffington and Ellen Kunes, have drawn attention to this problem with the “Unplug and Recharge Challenge.” They write, “We’re addicted to our personal digital assistants…Thankfully, we’re both on the road to recovery.” Carr points out on his blog Rough Type, “James Sturm, the cartoonist who has taken a four-month sabbatical from the Internet, continues to write (and draw) about his experience as one of The Disconnected.” Outside of Sturm’s welcomed soldiering, another answer may lie in Maggie Jackson’s “Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age,” which closes with a chapter of her at a meditation retreat in Colorado, through which she attempts to reclaim her attention. It seems that alongside the Internet and the kind of world culture that monetarism allows for — differential advantage, Gulf Oil spill, political ego-worship, porn-driven advertising, slavery and suffering — we are coming into a few realizations, and the need for real active change on a personally subjective and a socio-global level is needed now more than ever. This is coming as we begin to realize that our minds are not only being diabolically shaped through language, media, social manipulation, technology, and catastrophe, but also that we haven’t even “met” our own mind. As the band Salon of Refuse puts it, we’re far too busy with our “Faces to the screens.”

The summer edition of Kalle Lasn’s Adbusters, “The Whole Brain Catalog,” calls for a historic new movement, dubbed, “Mental Environmentalism.” The need for this new movement springs from a disturbing prediction from the United Nations: “Mental disease will be bigger than heart disease by 2020.” Lasn’s article “Ecology of Mind: The Birth of a Movement,” outlines “an introduction to some of the mental pollutants, information viruses and psychic shocks we have to deal with daily.” This invigorating article ends with a call to subjective arms. “As more people trace their anxieties, mood disorders and depression back to the toxins in our mental world, the first murmurs of insurrection can be heard…we are witnessing the birth pangs of the quintessential uprising of the 21st century…What begins here today will be known as the environmental movement of the mind.”

NASA physicist Thomas Campbell’s “My Big TOE: A Trilogy Unifying Physics, Metaphysics, and Philosophy” is a worthy handbook for this “Mental Environmentalism” movement, as it not only derives quantum mechanics and general relativity, but also opens the reader to the universe that is experiencing this universe. Campbell’s 900-page mind-expanding slap-in-the-face offers one a kind of map of consciousness and subjectivity — how to easily unload one’s accrued mental baggage and move deeper into one’s own individual awareness to discover, as he calls it “Big Truth.” MBT also outlines the logical, scientific measures an individual needs to take to become a powerful, mobile vehicle in the deep oceans of consciousness rather than a helpless life raft baking to death on the surface.

Ways to break the digital compulsion besides the obvious (God forbid) turning off the toys?

- Limit (or better yet cut off) caffeine and sugar intake. Yes, it’s heresy but we’re metabolically attempting to recreate 3G with this incessant chemical suckling. It’s thoroughly destroying our attention. This means folks will have to read tiny labels.

- Attempt meditation formally, informally (naturally), or through binaural beat audio technology — which will no doubt become a hugely popular new drugless form of achieving deep relaxation and profoundly wondrous altered states of consciousness once the kids pick it up. Maybe try that ancient Buddhist practice of sky gazing.

- Take heed from “Fight Club.” Listen rather than sitting there, pre-loading your turn to speak, like a butt sitting at the thin end of a needle’s prick.

- Look deeply into someone’s eyes for an evening rather than a screen.

- Talk to a stranger for no real reason — save for maybe the fact that they are also another living corner of reality, walking along the very same mystery that you are.

- Date a new person you didn’t meet online.

- Live without going onto Google for a while — it blows the mystery and ends the personal, subjective investigation. It’s the difference between looking at a field guide to North American insects and digging in your own backyard to find out for yourself.

- For you readers, try Adyashanti, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Thomas Campbell; all these authors’ works are dedicated to un-programming the mind.

Internet addiction, digital lifestyles, living inside screens, cultural programming, entertainment distractions, and the constant flow of data maybe returning us to the deeply relevant suggestion mentioned half a century ago, “Wouldn’t you love somebody to love” (other than yourself)? Mental Environmentalists, start looking inwardly and outwardly, and don’t give up. The answer is already there, smiling.


[Heart Consciousness Note : of course we - awakening humans - would not settle for less, it is obvious that just one layer of beingness is a bit ... boring ? We know we are meant to expand, fly, grow, express, enjoy... and here is this little video that is a great uplift. Enjoy, of course. Remember : you are the self-manager, no teacher outside of you can give you to you. That task is within you for you alone, dear masters. So please take the message as 'the voice outside of you that IS you, you are the one talking, you feel ?]

AWARENESS - Quantum is Freedom

As soon as quantum particles are understood by the logical mind, they stop being quantum and become related to the logical mind, thus loose their multi-dimensional capacity, become linear and locked. They immediately loose the capacity of quantumness.
Quantum requires undefinition, it cannot and should not be understood...quantum is an expression of freedom, intellectual understanding is a concept of restriction.

CONSCIOUSNESS : The Quantum Human

[Heart Consciousness Note : here is an extract of message that comes from Lee Carroll, Kryon. Read the full message on It was recevied on Monday, 18 October, 2010 at Santiago, Chile. It is yet another inflow of consciousness particles that provides clarity to any consciousness seeker. Ultimately there is no outside source that reveals to you who you are , however in the process of awakening it helps. I have chosen this extract as it talks about the quantum layers of our fabric. Quantum and multi-dimensionality is being revealed rapidly.]

How would YOU make the Human?
There's an energy visiting this planet at the moment that is rebuilding this wisdom. So, how would you build a Human Being? Oh, dear ones, I want this to ring true to you. No matter what you think channelling is, it's time for you to use some compassionate and spiritual logic.Let me take you to an esoteric place. It's a place we have discussed so many times.
Look at the design of your lives while I take you to the Cave of Creation. In that multidimensional place is the Gaia accounting of humanity. Deep within the earth, it is a multidimensional cave that will never be found. It has quantum attributes, since there is a multidimensional crystalline structure for every soul on the planet. I didn't say every lifetime. I said every soul.
When that soul has had many lives, the crystal vibrates with those lives, and everything that has ever been learned by that Human during those lifetimes resides energetically and quantumly in that crystalline structure. The purpose of that crystalline structure is to talk to the Crystalline Grid of the planet. All knowledge the Human Being has learned, therefore, is deposited on Earth and stays there.
Everything that has ever happened to that Human is still here on the planet.Now, I ask you a question. Does this all sound to you like the Human Being might be a little more important than you thought? I've just given you a secret - that the earth's vibration itself, even the speed of time, is determined by what humans have learned spiritually and esoterically. If you have an epiphany that God is inside of you, if you start to live differently because of it, drama starts to vanish in your life, and you're able to part the darkness and never return to it. You learn to claim the power that is divine within yourself and have joy.
You affect the earth, and every footstep is known by Gaia. You spread light wherever you go. It's an old metaphor we give, but the best one we have. Known by God, you are. Known by Gaia, you are. Your magnificence and your mastery begin to provide the very earth with a higher vibration. As you solve your problems, the very vibration of the planet increases. What a system! It is beautiful. And it's not for random Human Beings who were placed here by accident in order to suffer! Do you see that? Do you understand the spiritual logic of that?
We want you to see the face of God, which is always joyful, for there is a piece of the Creator inside you. We've told you about the Wind of Birth. How could we describe something which is outside the possibility of your understanding? You see yourself as singular, but you're not. However, in a linear, 3D perspective, that's all you have. When you look at yourself in the mirror, how many do you see? "What do you mean, Kryon, how ‘many'?" The question is about how many Humans you see in the mirror, old soul.
Let me tell you that if you have the mind of God, you will see all of you. Your entire Akash is there. Hundreds of expressions of your soul are there, the many lives of birth on earth are there.In God's mirror, you're all of them and also a piece of the Creator as well. How can we explain to you how you can be many places at the same time? How can we explain to you that the very wisdom that you carry is being placed upon the planet as you walk? There is no time in a quantum state. In a quantum way, you are still living those lives, helping the planet as you live them.
The old soul burns very brightly in the quantum spectrum of spirituality on planet Earth."What? Kryon, I don't know what you're talking about." I know. I know. I want to give you my eyes for a moment. I see a room filled with those who have made a change on the planet for up to 30,000 years. The indigenous and the ancients are here. Some of you are your own ancestors! Some of you are even Lemurians.
It's beautiful what you've done, and you keep coming back and doing it again. What have I told you for at least 26,000 years? Many of you have been waiting for this moment, and you're not about to miss it. Even if some of you pass over the veil in these next years, you're going to come right back. Because you're not going to miss the finale! It's not going to be the end of the planet, but the end of an old energy and the beginning of new energy.
How do we describe the Wind of Birth? In your time, it would represent that attribute right before you're born. Oh, in a quantum way, it's timeless. Therefore, right before you come in, you meet the potential of the children that you're going to have. I can't explain it because you're stuck in a linear time frame and God is not and the plan is not. So my hypothetical questions continue. What would you say to these souls who potentially will be your children? What would be your message?
If, indeed, what I've just said rings true to you, there's even a grander plan than you know, isn't there? What if it was all put together in a grand fashion in a quantum system and wasn't random at all? What if there's purpose for everything? However, since you are stuck in a linear, straight-line system, you can't see anything but things that occur in two directions - past and future.
So everything looks random and almost chaotic. But in actuality, everything depends on Human free choice. Your reality depends upon the energy that's being developed on the planet through this choice, and the higher the energy, the better the plan is seen and understood.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

VIDEO : Self-management : STOP IT ! great fun

The quick way to get rid of mental patterning...

SELF-MANAGEMENT : Ground the Multiverse and Access All Points !

by Adam Ben Sun on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 12:45am on Facebook!/note.php?note_id=142797942428050

Yes I know you can do it yourself in your own way of course but you might find this helpful ! Feel into and imagine what you consider the multiverse to be. I find it helpful to see it as a grid system which intersects with others.

Draw this into your heart and into your point of essence sometimes known as your god cell.

Draw yourself into alignment with the center of the earth to that point which is the essence and heart of the earth itself.

So now you have a point of essence which is you, as grounded as it can possibly be !


Wherever you have placed your point of view the multiverse will now manifest your choice. It has to physically manifest around your point of choice because you have grounded it. Whatever you choose, wherever you choose it, HAS TO MANIFEST !!!

Read this to see how to do it -


Every possible choice you can make already exists and is happening right now! You just have to choose which you would like to experience. So how do you do this?

1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into. What ? !!
What you are wanting basically. What exactly is it you want from life ? How does it look ? What is happening ?Where are you ? What are you doing and who with ? You know the type of thing.....................

Just choose how you want it to be.

2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.
Oh yeah ? and just how do I do that ?
You FEEL IT !!!
How does it feel to be whatever you are choosing?
Now don't tell me you don't know how to feel !
How does it feel to hit your thumb with a hammer ?
How does it feel to put your hand on the hot plate ?
How does it feel when you kiss your lover for the first time ?

OK. So feel what it is like to be in this new place.
Feel what it is like to touch and smell and experience this place. Feel the situations there , the people , the activities, the weather the heat or cold etc.


This takes you to that point in the multiverse where this is already happening and it begins to form itself around you. I feel big sensations building in my chest above the heart when it is a place or a scenario which is going to be beneficial to me and these just dissipate if it is not a good situation for me.
So you have your own personal guidance system too! I then FEEL these good feelings INTO the desired place or situation. That's an odd sentence but you will know what I mean when you do it !

3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.
You do this also by feeling, feeling appreciation etc.
Appreciate everything you can about it, how good you feel there, how much you appreciate this new life, people , what is happening, wealth etc. etc. This appreciation is the most important part of the whole exercise so don't neglect it !

4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
So what did you choose ? A new house ? Go and look at some houses you like etc . Don't go crazy you just need to do something symbolic of the new life, thing or situation you want to have.

5) Keep it going.
Feel the new way you want it to be not the old way it has been.
Hold the vision of what you want life to be for you and just look on how it is now as a temporary picture which is becoming different. Only what is coming up from inside you is real because you are creating/manifesting it now. What you are seeing outside of yourself is already created and manifested and so is in the past. So to be in the now is not looking at what is around you but what you are now creating inside yourself !!!! Remember there are infinite choices so don't try to limit yourself in any way. And as every possible choice is already created you are merely selecting which particular version of life you wish to experience.

So how is it done?

By FEELING !!!!!!!!!!

Adam Ben Sun

VIDEO : A Funny Moment in Church

Enjoy a little bit of human humor...

SELF-MANAGEMENT : Dying to the old and creating miracles...............

by Adam Ben Sun on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 11:55am on Facebook

As your old way of life dies it is natural to feel grief at the loss. It is wonderful that you now realise that you are the creator at the center of your own universe, and as such will always be supported.

All energies serve you.

Choose exactly how you wish your new life to be and FEEL into it.

You will find that those who resonate with your creation will be drawn to you and those who do not will fall away from you quite naturally and without any problems.

As a mother,father,son,daughter,lover, etc. you have naturally given your love to family members and others.
Many people love others but can not find it inside them to love themselves.

It is the most important thing to do to love yourself and this alone will help your family and others in ways which are indescribable releasing them to do the same.

There can be no higher expression of love.

I don't know what I do for a living.
I am a human BEING, not a human DOING!
This is important too.

To be your authentic self and not a job description.

The sadness at releasing and putting down these old ways and restrictions will soon pass when you see the universe supporting you in ways you never thought possible!

So expect miracles, you are after all creating them yourself!

with thanks and appreciation to
Hilde Janssen


by Adam Ben Sun on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 2:52pm on Facebook

Living the dream..........

What we consider to be dreaming is the natural state and we stepped out of it into what we now consider to be reality.

Here in this illusion we all have dreams which we see play out in our lives. All we need to do is extend this energy and feeling into our daily lives to see them take on the same fluid aspect as our dreams.

And everything is possible in a dream............................

All the philosophies and techniques people have dreamt up don't matter.

We all know how to dream...............We return to our natural state and awake from the dreamtime illusion we have considered life to be!

Now we are awaking it is like living in a dream isn't it? You don't plan a dream it just unfolds and everything is possible!

We don't judge anyone or anything in a dream do we? Anything is possible which may upset some people who still need things to be right or wrong !

Hence the need to be in unconditional love before we go into it, who needs to create any more nightmares ? ! We have all heard so much piffle about dreams but it is exactly the energy we are now living in!

From Komaya II -
"Sharing with you that yesterday, I did this : I felt myself into a frequency of another choice, knowing that it would then manifest in my life. On the other hand, besides the conscious choices that I make for my own comfort, there is another 'invisible hand' that predetermines where I end up. It is allready stored within and works relentlessly in manifesting that outcome... It comes to you even without activating the worlds.... Like : allowed to come to you... you see what I mean... that works as well....2 layers : one that talks (this one), and the other one that does not talk (powerful).... you sense, you know..."

You have all the answers yourself of course as we are all one. Do you realize that there is only one of us? There is only one of all of us? That this one is split into many parts to give the illusion of separation?

Please do not imagine me to be a guru or saviour or mr. right or any such thing. I will always turn such statements back to you and your own knowledge and power. I am a sovereign being and so are you and as such need no completion - I am whole not half a person and so are you. And when you are whole you can exercise the power and authority of the whole as you now resonate with the whole one we all are part of and all of at the same time!

Hope that sentence makes sense and I suggest meditating on that one!

Komaya II again-
'I am now experiencing it... this whole discovery journey has lead me in totally knowing this to be a dream... like in the movie 'inception'.... created at the right time... of course... as it is my timeline. I thank you very much for the article, it is all working very deeply into me. I generate coins, I generate people and situation, ... all of it is 'expression' through me... I does not exist, not really, IT expresses... '

This is why we are all spending so much time sleeping and feeling tired, the energies of the real life have been experienced while sleeping in this one- we are more used to the life outside the dream!

So let yourself go from the illusion and become the dream...................

(but please read the rest of this article for some important things to do first!)

You may have missed the point of this post - we have all heard about dreaming etc and this isn't news to anyone.
But if you make the jump to see that this is the experience available to you in your everyday life now you will see that it has enormous value!

You simply need the fleeting thought or to mention something for it to happen - not forcing it or doing strange rituals to bring it in - this will push it further away in fact.

So why are you not seeing a world of your creation every morning?


It is entirely responding to your vibration and those of others around you.

Just open your eyes to what is being manifested and tweak your thoughts to produce what you really desire!

The ones you have with zero effort involved are the ones which manifest easily so stop trying so hard !

Albert Einstein used to cat-nap in the afternoon after which he came up with his theories - so daydreaming works too!

I look forward to hearing about what you are creating..........


Otherwise you will be prone to obsession and the stuck energies will build up and overwhelm you.

Do it now - take a deep breath and as you breath it out imagine and feel the energy traveling down your body and into the earth.Your shoulders will drop and relax as you do.Do it three times.Go back and do some of the exercises which place you at the center of the earth or create one of your own.

I recommend 'INTO THE BLUE YONDER!' as one which will keep you in the flow and bring you clarity.

You will find it in my notes with some others.

When you are ready try grounding the whole multiverse!

Then you will truly be whole!

You will also find this in my notes -


An example -

If you scroll down my page you will see I went out on thursday to 'see what we have been creating'. The day before I had a conversation on the phone with my brother asking advice about his computer. I told him it needed a new special type of battery and he could probably get one at the 'pound shop.' There are two very large ones where he lives and I expected them to stock a sheet of these flat batteries with the one he needed on it. Here in Halifax where I live there is a very small shop and it doesn't carry much stock so I was sure they would not be there and had never seen them there either.

But when I went out I found myself intuitively going there instead of where I had decided to go and there right beside the till were a whole row of these batteries on individual cards ! It made me laugh! On the same street is the very large store which used to be woolworths which has been getting a re-fit over the last few days. They had now put the sign up over the door - you guessed it - The Pound Shop !

Let yourself go from the illusion and become the dream...................

Adam Ben Sun
with appreciation and thanks to Komaya II
and all of you!

TOOL : Simple balanced manifestation..............Plus one and now Plus net!

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, October 1, 2010 at 4:24pm on Facebook

This is what I got this morning ( The equinox). I hope you like it.

Imagine a large + sign in your minds eye.

This represents you - whole, balanced and perfect.

Feel this.

Now imagine something you want in your life.

It can be an object, a situation, finance, whatever.

See it as a point like this .

Feel this.

Ask to see where it is in relation to your +

It will appear somewhere in or around that + symbol.

Make no judgment as to where it is, just accept it.

Now feel into the point .

and feel into the +

and feel and/or see them come together,

the . becoming the central point of the +

Now you are at the appropriate vibration for it to manifest in your life.
No messy thoughts to prevent it.

Go and have fun ................ !

Adam Ben Sun

Plus one -

You can of course simply reverse the process to clear and release things from your experience too!

Feel into it

See and feel it as a . in the centre of your +

See or feel it emerge from here and out into the white area

Let it fade into the background................

And now it occurs to me that we are once again being joined in a network so choose that your + is that point of intersection ........................

The following article goes into more detail -

AWAKENING : We are the aliens ... it is our returning divinity.

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 4:29am (on Facebook)

Well of course we are !
Have we not expanded into limitless being? (or regained it I should say)

Are we not beyond time and space now?
So would it be beyond our comprehension for ourselves in the future to come to give ourselves now a hand?

As we begin to experience the present moment timelessly there is no future anyway, it is all now, so we should absolutely expect to see ourselves at all stages of our development.

So all of these messages from aliens, sightings and happenings are just us talking to us from other dimensions, perspectives and timelines.

We have become accustomed to seeing orbs in our photographs now and seeing larger ones over american cities is just a step on the way.

There are many reports of apparently alien ships appearing over nuclear missile sites and powering them down.

Have we not all pledged to serve the highest good for humanity? Surely then it is us collectively doing these things for the collective.

I just slept from 6am to 6pm and after more of the huge releasing of my present lifetimes past experiences, something we are all engaged in right now, I found myself in Afghanistan. I felt myself really physically there. I also found myself removing large shells from a rack - the explosive kind that is. Disarming them.

It is us that we see hovering over cities appearing to join and split from each other and the whole. Just as we do as humans with the source which we all are.

We are limitless - we can do or create anything - we are timeless too! Would you not go and help a struggling child? Are we not doing this now? Helping ourselves up from another point in space and time?

How often are we told that the higher self or guides that we talk to are ourselves? We have ensouled this aspect of ourselves now so what are we expecting or experiencing now? And what are we doing?

A lot it seems...................

Adam Ben Sun

UPDATE - Tonight on spirit quest radio Adamus said for us to expect to see more lights in the sky and that this is our returning divinity. Not aliens form other planets he stressed but our divinity returning to us from other dimensions. So are the various light spots, flashes and colors many are experiencing around them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

AWARENESS - Bashar : Creating Your Reality

[Heart consciousness note : the below is an invitation for exploration of self, ultimately every experience on earth is about REMEMBERING who we are, and in that remembering an inner wisdom will open up, for freedom, joy, and love for the totality that we are.]
The video : Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs !
Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 26 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.
It generates your own tools for creation. Are you ready, creator ? [smiles]

Comments on the Indigo Society

[Note : Indigo Society is a social network for Indigos ( I joined that group to observe the energy of the network and to connect if I felt it is harmonious, or interesting. This is a post that I sent to an Indigo, I thought it was worthwhile posting it here too... for indigos from an indigo, flowing from my heart to yours.]
The way I go about writing is that I carefully choose what I keep busy with. You might have noticed my first trial yesterday in getting into responding to people that post threads. I usually do not mix with those.
Now, I found on the IS that the energy of most people is scattered, fearful, defending their position in a wild sometimes aggressive way... so the indigo energy of this site needs balancing, harmony. I do not mean any boundary, but a healthy, respectful interaction instead of shooting arrows at each other, cheaply... Natural wisdom that does not scream and shout, but gently respects the other, leaves a space for the other, with humor and valor.
A certain energetic upgrade is necessary on IS to become something that supports each other, in openness and truth. So, today, I will just observe again but not really interact, until I sense another indigo coming online that will use discernement, respect, love and balance. Then I will know to connect.
We all need to unite as one voice, the voice of what really matters, we ARE expression, creation and we all ARE love, the very essence of our selves. The mind controlling frequencies of lower nature (fear, anger, worry, sadness) are all floating in the air, the internet, everywhere. Old souls will have to learn to sense what is FOR life and what is AGAINST life. Self-destruction is not an option, yet many indigos face that through their unbalanced screams, but end nowhere, and no-one 'loves' them (they think).
My best friends are the ones that take a few seconds before answering, the ones that first check within themselves what is really happening. The heart will never lie to you, the mind does it all the time. It is about CHOICE. Do you want to become yourself or not, you see.
This earth is in chaos, the old mixes with the new. Indigos have guts, have valor and have love, but unless they seek out true balance, correct attitude, it is all useless. Indigos are also carriers of certain frequencies that break the old, and they break. But love should be the drive to all actions, not thoughts. Thoughts can and are controlled, it is not WHO we are. Thoughts are never genuinely from a human, it is energy-matrix made for control. So, therefore, we need to resort to the only true 'item' we have : the heart.
Unless I sense people with a heart, I choose not to connect to the minds of others. Tried it yesterday on IS, and in the evening, I was ill. My body speaks for me. It is normal in these times to feel disarray : all the minds of the people are getting chattered, the system is breaking down. The mind cannot keep remembering, it fails. Time and space is becoming unstable, we will have to live in the NOW, otherwise we are helpless, and food for the sharks that want to eat us.
Balance, here/now, love and stability is a prerequisite to receive the higher impulses from your own universe within, we already know everything. This life is meant to be one that allows remembering, we do not need teachers, it is all there. But the right frequency needs to be maintained, daring to stand your ground and only remember that we ARE already one family. Stop the fighting and get to the REAL work.
The mind is NOT the support to build your life on, it cannot, it is only a translator of energy into matter. Synchronicity and creation, allowance of things to come to us, nothing more needed. We can make things appear, without having to work for it, instantly. That is what the true awakened human does. Connecting, touching, and looking at nature will reveal the deepest secrets of LIFE on earth, not the think tankers, and knowledge based minds... it just appears so....
As we are all connected, we do feel the emotions of others, but we can choose not to react to them, again : wisdom and discernment. We are balance and love, all the time, divine, all the time.
Thanks for allowing me to write this down, it is not meant for you, it is meant for the grander scheme of things, for myself, I write from the heart you see, it is just some wisdom that comes from there... My mind does not know, never knows... Writing is one of the natural outputs for me....
With respect to the great being that you are, and all the others, masters in disguise, nothing less, nothing less.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

AWARENESS - Pleiadians - Bringers of the Dawn [part 1]

Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution.
Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning his or her existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and consciousness.

AWARENESS - Creating your Reality

[Heart Consciousness note : magnificent work from Teka - This is an extract from his writings.]
Setting the stage for the selection of desirable future realities
You are a Creator. You are making, attracting and customizing your personal reality. Now, if a Creator says that things are separate from her, and that she does not know what others are thinking and feeling ... then so be it! This is an effective command that she is broadcasting to the universe.
Thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs are a Creator's tools to shape and fashion her personal reality. In this case, the Creator is calling out for the reality of separation to flow to her, for her to experience ... and more than likely, she will get it and her thinking and feeling will be confirmed.
Furthermore, through the SCN, she will be connected to other beings around the planet of a similar energy and philosophy. They will share ideas, feelings and holographic content that support their beliefs and feelings regarding separation.On the other hand, if she orients herself to align with the expansive, embracing, nurturing energies and attitudes of unity and wholeness, and allows herself to flow with greater possibilities, and even test-drive the thoughts and feelings of others, then so be it!
She will have empathy for them, and will for a time, flow with their thoughts and feelings, and have the opportunity to see the world from their point of view. She is not a victim of a Creator, she is the Creator, Herself.
All is shared in a spacious, interconnected, intelligent universeMost of the examples offered to you are about obvious events that are common to all, to boldly clarify how energy, feelings and experiences are shared and individually translated between people. But please know that the entire universe is made of vibrating energy, and so even the most subtle, beautiful and quiet frequencies are shared and translated throughout the cosmos ... and most clearly with those in your Resonate Family.Though humankind’s hurdles are great and some problems may seem insurmountable, I say that the path to a sustainable future begins on a personal level with the development of more beautiful, profound expressions of inner harmony.
The journey ahead will need us to have practical experience of our primal unity, so that we can work together and channel the knowledge and abilities from the highest realms of the mind. But the paths we choose and the maps we make to guide ourselves and humanity to a new future of peace, will emerge from the shared harmonic pulsations of our energetic hearts and the Center of Stillness that we have in common.