Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TOOL : Simple balanced manifestation..............Plus one and now Plus net!

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, October 1, 2010 at 4:24pm on Facebook

This is what I got this morning ( The equinox). I hope you like it.

Imagine a large + sign in your minds eye.

This represents you - whole, balanced and perfect.

Feel this.

Now imagine something you want in your life.

It can be an object, a situation, finance, whatever.

See it as a point like this .

Feel this.

Ask to see where it is in relation to your +

It will appear somewhere in or around that + symbol.

Make no judgment as to where it is, just accept it.

Now feel into the point .

and feel into the +

and feel and/or see them come together,

the . becoming the central point of the +

Now you are at the appropriate vibration for it to manifest in your life.
No messy thoughts to prevent it.

Go and have fun ................ !

Adam Ben Sun

Plus one -

You can of course simply reverse the process to clear and release things from your experience too!

Feel into it

See and feel it as a . in the centre of your +

See or feel it emerge from here and out into the white area

Let it fade into the background................

And now it occurs to me that we are once again being joined in a network so choose that your + is that point of intersection ........................

The following article goes into more detail -

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