Tuesday, December 7, 2010


by Adam Ben Sun on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 2:52pm on Facebook

Living the dream..........

What we consider to be dreaming is the natural state and we stepped out of it into what we now consider to be reality.

Here in this illusion we all have dreams which we see play out in our lives. All we need to do is extend this energy and feeling into our daily lives to see them take on the same fluid aspect as our dreams.

And everything is possible in a dream............................

All the philosophies and techniques people have dreamt up don't matter.

We all know how to dream...............We return to our natural state and awake from the dreamtime illusion we have considered life to be!

Now we are awaking it is like living in a dream isn't it? You don't plan a dream it just unfolds and everything is possible!

We don't judge anyone or anything in a dream do we? Anything is possible which may upset some people who still need things to be right or wrong !

Hence the need to be in unconditional love before we go into it, who needs to create any more nightmares ? ! We have all heard so much piffle about dreams but it is exactly the energy we are now living in!

From Komaya II -
"Sharing with you that yesterday, I did this : I felt myself into a frequency of another choice, knowing that it would then manifest in my life. On the other hand, besides the conscious choices that I make for my own comfort, there is another 'invisible hand' that predetermines where I end up. It is allready stored within and works relentlessly in manifesting that outcome... It comes to you even without activating the worlds.... Like : allowed to come to you... you see what I mean... that works as well....2 layers : one that talks (this one), and the other one that does not talk (powerful).... you sense, you know..."

You have all the answers yourself of course as we are all one. Do you realize that there is only one of us? There is only one of all of us? That this one is split into many parts to give the illusion of separation?

Please do not imagine me to be a guru or saviour or mr. right or any such thing. I will always turn such statements back to you and your own knowledge and power. I am a sovereign being and so are you and as such need no completion - I am whole not half a person and so are you. And when you are whole you can exercise the power and authority of the whole as you now resonate with the whole one we all are part of and all of at the same time!

Hope that sentence makes sense and I suggest meditating on that one!

Komaya II again-
'I am now experiencing it... this whole discovery journey has lead me in totally knowing this to be a dream... like in the movie 'inception'.... created at the right time... of course... as it is my timeline. I thank you very much for the article, it is all working very deeply into me. I generate coins, I generate people and situation, ... all of it is 'expression' through me... I does not exist, not really, IT expresses... '

This is why we are all spending so much time sleeping and feeling tired, the energies of the real life have been experienced while sleeping in this one- we are more used to the life outside the dream!

So let yourself go from the illusion and become the dream...................

(but please read the rest of this article for some important things to do first!)

You may have missed the point of this post - we have all heard about dreaming etc and this isn't news to anyone.
But if you make the jump to see that this is the experience available to you in your everyday life now you will see that it has enormous value!

You simply need the fleeting thought or to mention something for it to happen - not forcing it or doing strange rituals to bring it in - this will push it further away in fact.

So why are you not seeing a world of your creation every morning?


It is entirely responding to your vibration and those of others around you.

Just open your eyes to what is being manifested and tweak your thoughts to produce what you really desire!

The ones you have with zero effort involved are the ones which manifest easily so stop trying so hard !

Albert Einstein used to cat-nap in the afternoon after which he came up with his theories - so daydreaming works too!

I look forward to hearing about what you are creating..........


Otherwise you will be prone to obsession and the stuck energies will build up and overwhelm you.

Do it now - take a deep breath and as you breath it out imagine and feel the energy traveling down your body and into the earth.Your shoulders will drop and relax as you do.Do it three times.Go back and do some of the exercises which place you at the center of the earth or create one of your own.

I recommend 'INTO THE BLUE YONDER!' as one which will keep you in the flow and bring you clarity.

You will find it in my notes with some others.

When you are ready try grounding the whole multiverse!

Then you will truly be whole!

You will also find this in my notes -


An example -

If you scroll down my page you will see I went out on thursday to 'see what we have been creating'. The day before I had a conversation on the phone with my brother asking advice about his computer. I told him it needed a new special type of battery and he could probably get one at the 'pound shop.' There are two very large ones where he lives and I expected them to stock a sheet of these flat batteries with the one he needed on it. Here in Halifax where I live there is a very small shop and it doesn't carry much stock so I was sure they would not be there and had never seen them there either.

But when I went out I found myself intuitively going there instead of where I had decided to go and there right beside the till were a whole row of these batteries on individual cards ! It made me laugh! On the same street is the very large store which used to be woolworths which has been getting a re-fit over the last few days. They had now put the sign up over the door - you guessed it - The Pound Shop !

Let yourself go from the illusion and become the dream...................

Adam Ben Sun
with appreciation and thanks to Komaya II
and all of you!

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