Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SELF-MANAGEMENT : Dying to the old and creating miracles...............

by Adam Ben Sun on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 11:55am on Facebook

As your old way of life dies it is natural to feel grief at the loss. It is wonderful that you now realise that you are the creator at the center of your own universe, and as such will always be supported.

All energies serve you.

Choose exactly how you wish your new life to be and FEEL into it.

You will find that those who resonate with your creation will be drawn to you and those who do not will fall away from you quite naturally and without any problems.

As a mother,father,son,daughter,lover, etc. you have naturally given your love to family members and others.
Many people love others but can not find it inside them to love themselves.

It is the most important thing to do to love yourself and this alone will help your family and others in ways which are indescribable releasing them to do the same.

There can be no higher expression of love.

I don't know what I do for a living.
I am a human BEING, not a human DOING!
This is important too.

To be your authentic self and not a job description.

The sadness at releasing and putting down these old ways and restrictions will soon pass when you see the universe supporting you in ways you never thought possible!

So expect miracles, you are after all creating them yourself!

with thanks and appreciation to
Hilde Janssen

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