Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quantum Education

Today I share with you the color of another frequency, stemming from a quantum layer of multi-diversity, and flowing into LIFE here. It speaks with the language of wonder and contentment, blowing the bubble in the winds of expansion as the words flow out of the typewriter.

Over and over we are told that the master energies are on the planet, that the master beings are back, remembering who they are, not the name they have, but the expanded version of themselves, it can be felt more than understood. The masters that we are sharing with each other the marvel of the new colors.

This blog is meant to become an expansive version of itself, through the sharing with you - masterpieces of the universe, in equality of worth, and in balance, knowing the uniqueness.

This was the first bubble of introduction. The hot topic of this blog moves now to that specific angle that is being touched by many. Usually focused on children, however growing adults, the adults and the elders are as well in this eternal cycle of learning and understanding.
So it embraces us all. We move ourselves now from a pre-destined packaged human to a sovereign-responsible creator. At this stage we are learning by ourselves how to get the quamtum creator in its full field of allowance and strength.

It involves an act of self-activating creation of the NEW BOOK OF EDUCATION INTO THE QUANTUM HUMAN. We are all, together writing this specific book, one of the jewels of the divine works of oneness. From one bubble to many more to expand, beyond understanding.

Shifting from the pre-defined to the quantum. We are learning to view things with FRESH EYES. Letting go of the image that only one blows the bubble, it is about seeing that the bubble might blow themselves as well.

Educating ourselves into the fields of mystery, becoming the magicians as new rules are applied. The stuckness of predefined energy, the form, the trapped matter, the bird in the cage ? Even the cage is wanting to free itself now. The free energy is asking for attention, as the bird slowly starts to see the dissipation of its cage, observing with every breath of the quantum layers.

We become quantum, we are already multi-dimensional. Do you SEE it ? There lies the key, seeing from other perspectives, listening with other ears, quantum senses activated. Therein lies the new self-education, purposefully put out for beings of all ages....the children are master Quantum Beings, their joy is a frequential color that allows them to keep the FRESH EYES. What a wonder would it not be to have them run the schools, the content of the school program...who better to understand their needs than themselves, and we support them ?

Quantum Education has many facets : to children, from children, to you, from you... interaction that allows the sparkle of unseen potentials realized. Becoming the quantum teachers of truth, where we know the human creator potential to be extending beyond everything that exists here and now, in the VISIBLE range. The potentials are always 'reachable'.
So, creating from another source than the pre-set definitions. It is a mind-set, a being-set, an attitude that is so unpredictable that it has the greatest surprises in store. Everything is allowed, blending old with new, all the colors of creation, the tones of creation.

We are the painters of the canvas, WHAT DO WE WANT IT TO BE ?
From here a new point of perception can be chosen, as we sense our own inspiration, blended with the one of others, reaching a oneness painting. Breathing it to LIFE by the means of the wave of LOVE, passion, daring, crossing borders, and joyfully jumping in the watercolored pool of creation.
Great endeavours, magnificent inventions, lots of laughters and embracing friendships emerging from this ONENESS quantum school that we are already setting up, all beings alike, everyone invited to share their unique color : nature, trees, flowers, children, adults, elders, water, fire, stones, clouds... it is all bringing the party into its culmination of a quantum creation.
AN example all this, meant to MATERIALIZE from behind the Q curtains. You are invited to be part of that.
From my Q heart to yours.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sleeping - a non-natural state of being

Humans are designed to sleep hours per day. During those hours, the time-machine appears to continue to tick, and one awakens a few hours later, believing that the resting period was good, also believing that time passed, which is not the case, there is no time.
I believe much thought manipulation happens during the hours of sleep, and that the unconscious sleep is a non-natural state for the beings that we are.
As much as disease is not a true part of us, sleep is not a true part of us. It is all embedded in the thought culture of this plane, however I believe it not to be part of truth.
I do still sleep as well, and when I am with people that sleep a lot, I tend to imitate, however I feel from the inside that sleep is often a disguise for not being here and now, just a way to be away from what truly is not of our liking. As long as life is not changed into a dynamic chain of only joyful actions and activities, sleeping is deployed as a deceptive way to get away from living a fulfilled life.
It is not very easy to put these words down, it contradicts the overall human thinking, but that is exactly the reason for the output. It only is an invitation to ponder about it.
As I start to see the 'dark' lifeless patterning of sleeping to get away from life, I am here to express that. Sleeping is - by the way - not the conscious interactive and inneractive state of connection to life within. The type of sleeping I am talking about is allowing unconsciousness to overflow you and recreate your patterning into unconsciousness, the standard thinking of the fearing humans. It is a way for controlling the minds of people and reorganizing the consciousness into the layers of fear, lack, control, and smallness. Sleeping into unconsciousness is not an act of expansion into consciousness.
How to get about it then ? I can only offer how I found a way to go about it : when sleeping in, remaining confident and locked into the highest consciousness, allowing the eyes to close, but keeping the spirit open, wide awake, allowing the body to rest, but exercising a type of meditational sleep, where the mind remains awake.
Also, for the persons liking to sleep a lot, I would invite those to check if they really want to be here, and if their life is fulfilling 'in brutal honesty'. People that love life, do not need much sleep at all ! So, let's get to the core of honesty, but be aware that no-one can force you, if you do not want. Once you are aware that this is the standard invitation, to get to sleep in a deceptive unconsciousness, you can change your attitude towards it. Up to you.
Everyone needs to find his/her own way. I share the awareness of the 'unconscious sleep' to be part of deception of the human lower mind. Be aware that during the sleeping times the mind control continues it work, until you say 'no more, no more am I part of this deception'. Make your own research on this, as a healthy critic, do not accept all this, just check it out for yourself, and foremost check within yourself.