Friday, February 11, 2011

I would recommend not framing any thought at all the rivers of flow will never hang on to a stone, do they

abundance and prosperity, as a vibrational pie

and the light was it was seen with new eyes then beauty arises, it is recognized to be yours beautiful divine human, soft, tender, loving and compassionate, strong and balanced a creator spark of the highest order

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We do not exist

We do not exist, only in a relative way. We are a complex system of memory and relative reactions of electrical kind, and are to be seen as pure light and color. That light and color is a holographic mixture that our brain has taught us to discern as matter and the 5 senses are programmed to make us feel that matter. But we are not at all, it is a design in the mind.  The mind has also been designed to protect itself from anhiliation, so it will not allow the human to disconnect from it. Therefore thinking becomes a state of being that keeps the program running. As long as we run the program we do not remember that we are basically very different life-forms.  Some will not awaken into their true nature, some will this lifetime.

Time and space are equally just version of the sensic program ~ however time is a stretch of one point, and space is another stretch of one point alone.  From that point, everything is generated, and all options are materialized, the matter that appears is defined by the choice of thoughts. Yet, most of the people are not aware of their thinking process, they think it is normal to think all the time. It is not, we humans are not the thoughts. On top of that, the earth reality ~ which is an illusion as well ~ has a matrix superimposed that provides people with thoughts from a program, so most people are not even living their own choices.

We are made of vibrations and frequencies ~ to step into another reality, one must face the door of stillness, the one big moment of disconnect from all the past and then he shifts into another dimension ~ more aware, more empowered, more truthful to his beingness.

That beingness is conscious, a spark of all that is.
god is the power within we are the creators of the outside depending on our beingness let's honor our own creations and move them along the pointers to love, compassion and a sense of unity let's not split ourselves from the world that we have created, yet blend with it and regenerate our home in what we ultimately are ourselves : total divine bliss

beating as one with your own inner self generates the miracles beyond any mind or thought conception it is after this union that inspiration of divine language flows through and the brain becomes what it is designed to be : a translator, not a guide

I would not want any change of heart honored as it is, it always has served only one flow, one move, one way and that is the one of love if I can recommend something, then it is a change of mind I honor and respect the heart that has shown me strength in times of dispair, compassion in times of hardship, and beauty in times of disharmony and so love is eternal and everbeating the infinity that I am

behind the senses of the human, another world lives, it is a true world, it is where your soul resides and wants you to come back to from there on you generate thousands of earths if you wish so you are not just one human, you are a creator-spark remembering who you are, totally, is an act of self-love and it is an example of divinity for others, who seek bliss you remember by tuning into your wellbeing, the source where there are no vibrations of disharmony just like a tree does, it is a great teacher of who we are silence is a portal to it and the shift happens, much wisdom and capacity is restored we experience a great sense of joy

when man is silent, he sees things and hears things from beyond new senses are being trained, divine senses

we are human flowers to be nurtured and cared for, gentle and soft we are amazing beauty and what we see with our eyes is just an expression in wellbeing we see the passion in it, the fire of life

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

we are self-sufficient batteries of energy capable and already generating everything we need remember, the inside matters, how you vibrate ~ the outside is a result of that, not the opposite take charge of yourself

all efforts in fixing something, keeps you in that vibration longer (and thus reality) you need to leave the vibration to recreate or to change any situation train yourself to wellbeing ignore reality not enough money, ignore reality and match your frequency to that of abundance, feel good with music, provide a higher sense of pleasure of life reality will adjust to your new vibration, it must, it is the law of attraction

look at today ~ it is already the past ~ it does not have to stay like that, it does not have to be like that ~ there is more to experience than habitual thought ~ there is love for life, love for sharing, love for flowing, love for expanding, love for being your true, honest and powerful 'you' ~ there is your divine inner heart ~ it creates your reality for you, use it, become one with it