Saturday, October 2, 2010

Interconnectedness of our hearts

We are already interconnected with our hearts, we are already beating within eachothers rythm. That is already happening. Accepting this fact knowing that it will change your perception of 'the others' will change the dynamic of the life's choices. Anyway, that is what I experience.
I say 'I am that I am, just me, nothing more, nothing less, but it is quite something... for me'... I love that phrase.
However I now understand that when I acknowledge my heart to be beating in yours, I understand how my love for me, has an effect on your love for you, or even my love for you and your love for me.

As I love, you love, because we share the heart beat, whomever you are... that is the nature of our heart on earth...maybe that is the reason why those words are so similar : heart and earth....

With beating love,
from my chest to yours,
everlastingly and in deep appreciation !


The Inner Nobility

Nobility – when internalized – is not a social status. It is even outdone of the outer structure and speaks a language that does not compare itself to any other but himself.
It is the highest form of noble attitude, as it is the most difficult to achieve. The hard work to become a noble person inside, without any recognition of it by any other than oneself, brings fruits of wisdom beyond the normal comprehension.
These values activate the cosmic wisdom, the intuition, the deeper knowings.

  • He knows himself to be an eternal student
  • He does not seek to enlighten others out of respect for them
  • Will at all times recognize his inadequacy and his inabilities
  • Understand that the true wisdom is seated in his soul-consciousness and seeks to rediscover that essence
  • Knows that the voice of consciousness can only be heard in silence and withdrawal
  • He leaves behind what insults the soul-consciousness
  • Follows the inner guidance only, and ignores any other law that insults his consciousness
  • Recognizes that intuition is outside of the frequential capacity of the logic mind
  • Lives by the inner wealth-wisdom, knowing it can never be taken away
  • Lives outside fear, doubt and despair, as he has accepted other values
  • Understands that obedience and dependence divides, and that oneness unifies
  • Knows that the path to inner nobility is narrow, without compromise and severe, however not difficult

True Zen-Warriors are aware of their inner judge, their inner consciousness that oversees every action without fail.
This inner judge becomes the living intuitive knowing that no other person can ever teach you.
Through intuition the eyes will pierce through all external matter, the ears will hear what is normally not audible. The inner senses awaken as the intuition activates.

The Quiet Center of Stillness

Inside yourself — within your Personal Inner Hologram — located at the core of your being ... is a place of stillness, emptiness, and peace.
You’ve known it to be there for your entire life, and perhaps you’ve largely ignored it. But now, times are changing for many of you ... You find yourself reaching out to that eternal stillness.
Upon first interaction with this place, your “regular” everyday mind says “there’s nothing there.” Your normal, logical, outward-oriented, educated, adult mind suggests that you simply ignore it — ignore the emptiness and stillness.
But, a deeper part of yourself is attracted to it, and I dare say ... it has already fallen in LOVE with the stillness. In fact, it has started to develop an intimate, personal, secret, one-on-one love affair with the stillness that exists at the very center of your being.
The power of love
draws you to energetic merging and oneness with that which you loveAnd so, just as you would with anything you love, you cannot help but return to it, day after day, multiple times, thousands of times, year after year. You find yourself day dreaming about the thing you love, and how to get more of it. In this case, the “thing” you love and are captivated with is the vast, limitless area of stillness and emptiness, inside yourself.
Soon you start losing yourself in it ... dissolving yourself in it so to speak ... so that who you thought you were, is no longer present. Your personal history is erased. You float in the stillness for seconds, minutes — who knows how long? — you float in the timelessness that is native and natural to the inner realm of stillness.You notice that you are nothing and have not a shred of identity when you are floating in the emptiness of your Inner Cosmos.
But that, when you naturally flow back into the awareness of Creation, as you do so, you are spontaneously re-assembled into a familiar being and identity. Get it? That is called natural self-orchestration. It is always a mysterious, beautiful, magical thing.
The center of stillness inside you is the same center in meBut now — as said before — things have changed. You realize the place that you came from (the stillness and infinite emptiness) is actually the Mother-Father principle of the whole Grand Universe. Everything is flowing from it.
Your personal, intimate, inner place of stillness, is actually the same emptiness that exists in the atom and between the stars. It is the birthplace of you, me, our friends, the planet, the sun, our galaxy and Everything. You realize that it has a center (which is the emptiness and stillness that we've been discussing) that is EVERYWHERE ... and a circumference which is nowhere.
From this, you grow into the understanding that the center of stillness that is inside yourself, is the same center that is inside me. It is a center of stillness that is common to everyone.
(full credits of the text : - in deep appreciation for Teka, the writer of the above material)

The Quiet Center of Stillness

Inside yourself — within your Personal Inner Hologram — located at the core of your being ... is a place of stillness, emptiness, and peace.
You’ve known it to be there for your entire life, and perhaps you’ve largely ignored it. But now, times are changing for many of you ... You find yourself reaching out to that eternal stillness.
Upon first interaction with this place, your “regular” everyday mind says “there’s nothing there.” Your normal, logical, outward-oriented, educated, adult mind suggests that you simply ignore it — ignore the emptiness and stillness.
But, a deeper part of yourself is attracted to it, and I dare say ... it has already fallen in LOVE with the stillness. In fact, it has started to develop an intimate, personal, secret, one-on-one love affair with the stillness that exists at the very center of your being.
The power of love
draws you to energetic merging and oneness with that which you loveAnd so, just as you would with anything you love, you cannot help but return to it, day after day, multiple times, thousands of times, year after year. You find yourself day dreaming about the thing you love, and how to get more of it. In this case, the “thing” you love and are captivated with is the vast, limitless area of stillness and emptiness, inside yourself.
Soon you start losing yourself in it ... dissolving yourself in it so to speak ... so that who you thought you were, is no longer present. Your personal history is erased. You float in the stillness for seconds, minutes — who knows how long? — you float in the timelessness that is native and natural to the inner realm of stillness.You notice that you are nothing and have not a shred of identity when you are floating in the emptiness of your Inner Cosmos.
But that, when you naturally flow back into the awareness of Creation, as you do so, you are spontaneously re-assembled into a familiar being and identity. Get it? That is called natural self-orchestration. It is always a mysterious, beautiful, magical thing.
The center of stillness inside you is the same center in meBut now — as said before — things have changed. You realize the place that you came from (the stillness and infinite emptiness) is actually the Mother-Father principle of the whole Grand Universe. Everything is flowing from it.
Your personal, intimate, inner place of stillness, is actually the same emptiness that exists in the atom and between the stars. It is the birthplace of you, me, our friends, the planet, the sun, our galaxy and Everything. You realize that it has a center (which is the emptiness and stillness that we've been discussing) that is EVERYWHERE ... and a circumference which is nowhere.
From this, you grow into the understanding that the center of stillness that is inside yourself, is the same center that is inside me. It is a center of stillness that is common to everyone.
(full credits of the text : - in deep appreciation for Teka, the writer of the above material)

Becoming an embodied quantum energy

In the search of your inner sovereign self lies a way of liberation. It is in knowing your true essence that your personality can get aligned with that inner essence, and as such can work as a team to get direct inspiration, motivation, and joy into activating your own initiatives. Such a bliss to stop fighting oneself and start the coherent unison song of creation.
As a direct result, by the law of attraction, the unified being that you become, will find others that resonate in the same frequency. It is interesting to find the people you are attracted to for tender and genuine sharing, create coherence, joyful activities, and communicate in the same vibration. What a liberation of loneliness to step this road and find your friends, brothers and sisters.
As you have unified the polarities within you that creates a beingness that demands nothing from any other, you will be able to forge true and lasting friendships that are equally supporting, free, and undemanding. This is the outcome of all the work you have done to understand yourself and to allow the quantum to unite with you again, working as a great team of amazing ONENESS for the sake of expanded experiences of joy, resonance, friendship, freedom, and so much more.
You have become an expansive person, an embodied quantum energy within the human instrument.

The Quantum Field

The field of mystery, beyond our senses, yet very active, the quantum field. From there everything that we are, we know is born, from there comes the wish to exist.
It is the same field that resides in the core of the flower, it cannot be touched, named or controlled.
Powerful force of unknown quality, yet the basis of all life and perceptions here on earth.
Yes, it listens closely to all your wishes, and aligns the experience for you, beyond your own imagination. It is you and it is NOT you. A mystery that lives in the silence of who we are.

The Quantum Field

The field of mystery, beyond our senses, yet very active, the quantum field. From there everything that we are, we know is born, from there comes the wish to exist.
It is the same field that resides in the core of the flower, it cannot be touched, named or controlled.
Powerful force of unknown quality, yet the basis of all life and perceptions here on earth.
Yes, it listens closely to all your wishes, and aligns the experience for you, beyond your own imagination. It is you and it is NOT you. A mystery that lives in the silence of who we are.

The intent of the site is to offer you a portal for providing clarity to indigo children, parents, adults and elders in the broadest sense possible.
Through understanding and this personal clarity one might find a way to expand oneself as to stimulate the quality of life, to be able to express the dormant qualities, to become a beacon for others if they so ask for it.
There will be a change in the perception of your life, enabling the unlocking of your true qualities, and understanding the reasons for your inability to activate them, over the boundaries of what you thought was possible. The results will be astonishing, that is guaranteed. You will be invited to discover your hidden potentials and open your own door, enhancing your own life, and understanding the purpose of being here.
Points of attention
- From fear to fearless
- Resistance to change and how to overcome that
- Understanding energetic influences and their impact
- Balance, harmony, zen
- Open the intuitive channels
- Understanding what your body is made from
- Deep insights, beyond mental comprehension
- The laws of resonance
- Indigo versus non-indigo
- The psychological attributes of an indigo : pros and cons
- Development of the right job opportunities based on inner qualities
- Children, how they function truly
- From error to pure creative endeavours
- Forging YOUR own life based on who you are, professionaly, personally, socially
- Coaching can be done in English, French and Dutch
- Surprise yourself and have real joy in your life
- How to get that diamond spark of true love and joy back in your eyes
- Participate in energetic Qi Gong, martial arts, singing, music sessions and painting
- Meet your fellow indigo resonant family

You might also discover that you change something in your life by just reading some of the material, without any verbal interaction. You will know things without really understanding how it is possible.
You can only 'win' a different, expanding and amazing life. Heart-opening.

Some attributes of the indigo

  • Self-worth is generally not a big issue
  • Any authority needs to be respectful and open
  • They are highly intelligent and intuitive and not often express that in the normal ways
  • Creative and enjoy inventing things
  • They need to understand and always ask why
  • Some experience difficulties with control and repetition, resisting authority, sometimes not expressed
  • Social systems considered ‘inadequate’ are big trouble for them
  • Highly energized, they feel anger as well as fear, and sometimes have trouble to keep the balance
  • They like to help making this world a better place
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially
  • When in balance and harmony, they are soft and gentle people. When they are not they will shout more than anyone else, or totally turn inward to hide from other people
  • They understand and feel without others having to speak
  • They open up when the other is soft and gentle
  • They tend to experience the world as a difficult place to be
  • Ask the questions ‘who am I’ and ‘why am I here’
  • Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone
  • Deeply empathic with others but often intolerant of stupidity
  • May choose for full shielding (no emotional expression) or no shield (no emotional defenses)
  • Spiritual interest from a very young age, intuitive understanding of the invisible world and the interconnectedness of the human species
  • Strong intuition and psychic abilities
  • Have a fast mind, hyperfocus abilities and often do not need much to understand
  • Highly energized they influence electrical appliances and feel the impact of those appliances
  • There often is a sexual interest, sometimes expressed in alternative types of sexuality, or suppressed
  • Seek meaning in life and understanding about the world, through phases of religious or spiritual activities, groups, books, experimental
  • Passionate about life and themselves, seeking continuous expansion

Please feel invited to comment on the above.
In appreciation.

What is an indigo - interactive post

Just sharing with you some of my own perceptions of what an indigo is. This is of course to be updated with your own experience, if you like to share that. Just for fun and for ease of understanding... for the sake of expandin ourselves with joy and ease, love and grace.
Indigo children and adults are very loving and soft people. They have an expressive flow for love and life which is usually too charged for non-indigo people.
At first they do not understand why others are so nasty with each other, and then, out of defense, they usually reply back in ways that are considered inappropriate, aggressive, loud or emotional.
The first years of an indigo are usually all right. They tend to play on their own, or silently, just witnessing the outside, they are lovely and kind little children.
Problems start when they are forced to interact with other children, and they feel alienated from their own inner source when they are repeatedly taken away from their inner activities.
They love to day dream and have great fantasy. They build worlds within worlds, and are very happy when they can do that whenever they want.
Young indigo teenagers experience much discordance in their world, parents, school, authority and their highly energized minds are usually ahead of understanding why and how things happen. Usually they find the other non-indigos not able to keep up with their speed of thought.
This usually worsens when they grow up, and most of the indigos feel alone, and choose then to compromise themselves, by slowing down their own natural flow and trying to harmonize with others. This compromising makes them feel unhappy in the way that they ‘know’ they are not truthful to themselves.
They have a high inner ethic, understand respect and honor, and are – when balanced and harmonized – very capable of handling most difficult situations, where most people will fail, they will stand.

Indigo children and adults of all ages will calm down their inner rage with following attitudes :

  • Unconditional love, and forgiveness for their experiments
  • Softness towards them, whatever they say or express
  • Honesty of communication
  • Humor and genuine emotional and mental balance
  • A safe and sacred space that allows them to be truly themselves, whatever they express
  • True friendship and compassion
  • A high moral of respect and honor, and the understanding that they bring great wisdom

Friday, October 1, 2010

Quantum Earth

Have you noticed how easily different worlds intermix with your own dominant reality ? That the movie that you just watched, reflects a part of your own story, that the actors are even talking your talk.
Have you noticed how closely you are already connected to what is around you. The circumstances of the house you live in, the noise in the garden of the neighbour, the sun that shines at a certain time on your paperwork...
Have you noticed how appropriate other people reflect your own needs, say the things that you need to hear, or even give you exactly what you wanted the day before and now are happy to receive ?
Did you see how accurate your own local universe already reflects your needs, sometimes hidden needs, your fears maybe, choices and dreams ?
Maybe it is time to stop a bit and look around, without judgment, and see where you are, how that feels, and how you like it already. Maybe it is time to add more of joy and love to the existing equation, more of happiness, expression and enthusiasm. Or silence, harmony and softness.
What about being joyful already, and looking out for more of it ?
Welcome to the Quantum Earth, the existence that has it all and offers more of it. It is there now, free for everyone to grasp it, and create with it. Inspiration to flow....

Bashar- Accelerate Your Self

Bashar about the right attitude for gaining flow and coherence...

What is Zen ?

One day a student from Chicago came to the Providence Zen Center and asked Seung Sahn Soen-Sa, 'What is Zen?'

Soen-sa held his Zen stick above his head and said, 'Do you understand?'

The student said, 'I don't know.'

Soen-sa said, 'This don't know mind is you. Zen is understanding yourself.'
'What do you understand about me? Teach me.'
Soen-sa said, 'In a cookie factory, different cookies are baked in the shape of animals, cars, people, and airplanes. They all have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same dough, and they all taste the same. 'In the same way, all things in the universe - the sun, the moon, the stars, mountains, rivers, people, and so forth - have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same substance. The universe is organized into pairs of opposites: light and darkness, man and woman, sound and silence, good and bad. But all these opposites are mutual, because they are made from the same substance. Their names and their forms are different, but their substance is the same. Names and forms are made by your thinking. If you are not thinking and have no attachment to name and form, then all substance is one. Your don't know mind cuts off all thinking. This is your substance. The substance of this Zen stick and your own substance are the same. You are this stick; this stick is you.'
The student said, 'Some philosophers say this substance is energy, or mind, or God, or matter. Which is the truth?'
Soen-sa said, 'Four blind men went to the zoo and visited the elephant. One blind man touched its side and said, 'The elephant is like a wall.' The next blind man touched its trunk and said, 'The elephant is like a snake.' The next blind man touched its leg and said, 'The elephant is like a column.' The last blind man touched its tail and said, 'The elephant is like a broom.' Then the four blind men started to fight, each one believing that his opinion was the right one. Each only understood the part he had touched; none of them understood the whole.
'Substance has no name and no form. Energy, mind, God, and matter are all name and form. Substance is the Absolute. Having name and form is having opposites. So the whole world is like the blind men fighting among themselves. Not understanding yourself is not understanding the truth. That is why there is fighting among ourselves. If all the people in the world understood themselves, they would attain the Absolute. Then the world would be at peace.'
World peace is Zen.
The student said, 'How can practicing Zen make world peace?'
Soen-sa said, 'People desire money, fame, sex, food, and rest. All this desire is thinking. Thinking is suffering. Suffering means no world peace. Not thinking is not suffering. Not suffering means world peace. World peace is the Absolute. The Absolute is I.'
The student said, 'How can I understand the Absolute?'
Soen-sa said, 'You must first understand yourself.'
'How can I understand myself?'
Soen-sa held up the Zen stick and said, 'Do you see this?'
He then quickly hit the table with the stick and said, 'Do you hear this? This stick, this sound, your mind - are they the same or different?'
The student said, 'The same.'
Soen-sa said, 'If you say they are the same, I will hit you thirty times. If you say they are different, I will still hit you thirty times. Why?'
The student was silent.
Soen-sa shouted, 'KAAATZ!!!' Then he said, 'Spring comes, the grass grows by itself.'
(source of information :

What is Zen ?

One day a student from Chicago came to the Providence Zen Center and asked Seung Sahn Soen-Sa, 'What is Zen?'

Soen-sa held his Zen stick above his head and said, 'Do you understand?'

The student said, 'I don't know.'

Soen-sa said, 'This don't know mind is you. Zen is understanding yourself.'
'What do you understand about me? Teach me.'
Soen-sa said, 'In a cookie factory, different cookies are baked in the shape of animals, cars, people, and airplanes. They all have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same dough, and they all taste the same. 'In the same way, all things in the universe - the sun, the moon, the stars, mountains, rivers, people, and so forth - have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same substance. The universe is organized into pairs of opposites: light and darkness, man and woman, sound and silence, good and bad. But all these opposites are mutual, because they are made from the same substance. Their names and their forms are different, but their substance is the same. Names and forms are made by your thinking. If you are not thinking and have no attachment to name and form, then all substance is one. Your don't know mind cuts off all thinking. This is your substance. The substance of this Zen stick and your own substance are the same. You are this stick; this stick is you.'
The student said, 'Some philosophers say this substance is energy, or mind, or God, or matter. Which is the truth?'
Soen-sa said, 'Four blind men went to the zoo and visited the elephant. One blind man touched its side and said, 'The elephant is like a wall.' The next blind man touched its trunk and said, 'The elephant is like a snake.' The next blind man touched its leg and said, 'The elephant is like a column.' The last blind man touched its tail and said, 'The elephant is like a broom.' Then the four blind men started to fight, each one believing that his opinion was the right one. Each only understood the part he had touched; none of them understood the whole.
'Substance has no name and no form. Energy, mind, God, and matter are all name and form. Substance is the Absolute. Having name and form is having opposites. So the whole world is like the blind men fighting among themselves. Not understanding yourself is not understanding the truth. That is why there is fighting among ourselves. If all the people in the world understood themselves, they would attain the Absolute. Then the world would be at peace.'
World peace is Zen.
The student said, 'How can practicing Zen make world peace?'
Soen-sa said, 'People desire money, fame, sex, food, and rest. All this desire is thinking. Thinking is suffering. Suffering means no world peace. Not thinking is not suffering. Not suffering means world peace. World peace is the Absolute. The Absolute is I.'
The student said, 'How can I understand the Absolute?'
Soen-sa said, 'You must first understand yourself.'
'How can I understand myself?'
Soen-sa held up the Zen stick and said, 'Do you see this?'
He then quickly hit the table with the stick and said, 'Do you hear this? This stick, this sound, your mind - are they the same or different?'
The student said, 'The same.'
Soen-sa said, 'If you say they are the same, I will hit you thirty times. If you say they are different, I will still hit you thirty times. Why?'
The student was silent.
Soen-sa shouted, 'KAAATZ!!!' Then he said, 'Spring comes, the grass grows by itself.'
(source of information :