Saturday, October 2, 2010

Some attributes of the indigo

  • Self-worth is generally not a big issue
  • Any authority needs to be respectful and open
  • They are highly intelligent and intuitive and not often express that in the normal ways
  • Creative and enjoy inventing things
  • They need to understand and always ask why
  • Some experience difficulties with control and repetition, resisting authority, sometimes not expressed
  • Social systems considered ‘inadequate’ are big trouble for them
  • Highly energized, they feel anger as well as fear, and sometimes have trouble to keep the balance
  • They like to help making this world a better place
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially
  • When in balance and harmony, they are soft and gentle people. When they are not they will shout more than anyone else, or totally turn inward to hide from other people
  • They understand and feel without others having to speak
  • They open up when the other is soft and gentle
  • They tend to experience the world as a difficult place to be
  • Ask the questions ‘who am I’ and ‘why am I here’
  • Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone
  • Deeply empathic with others but often intolerant of stupidity
  • May choose for full shielding (no emotional expression) or no shield (no emotional defenses)
  • Spiritual interest from a very young age, intuitive understanding of the invisible world and the interconnectedness of the human species
  • Strong intuition and psychic abilities
  • Have a fast mind, hyperfocus abilities and often do not need much to understand
  • Highly energized they influence electrical appliances and feel the impact of those appliances
  • There often is a sexual interest, sometimes expressed in alternative types of sexuality, or suppressed
  • Seek meaning in life and understanding about the world, through phases of religious or spiritual activities, groups, books, experimental
  • Passionate about life and themselves, seeking continuous expansion

Please feel invited to comment on the above.
In appreciation.

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