Saturday, September 25, 2010

YOUR Life is YOUR dream

What we experience as LIFE is what we choose to experience. It is very simple. Say you wish to experience what it is to be an angel on earth, then that desire will transpire in every breath that you take and will generate the settings of that wish. You will create the appearance of anything that serves that wish and will even create 'others' to support you or trigger you.
The wish is not coming from your personality, that is a secondary wavelength. The Pilot Wave Frequency comes from what we call Higher Self. It is the wish of Higher Self to explore and experience, and thus to steer its bio-energetic projection into feeling, seeing, smelling, touching etc that experience. If it 'wills' you to experience fear, it will generate all the circumstances for that fear.
If your higher self 'wills' you to experience a military setting, it will generate a bio-energetic projection that thinks it loves the military, and explores that world of frequency.
Although awakening from this 'dream' is yet another step. The higher self might choose to have an amazing awakening experience, by putting out the setting of the right people, the right 'stage' for an awakening to occur. It then desires to push forward the manifested reality into a new level, where the bio-energetic imprint is experiencing the illusion of being a magician in the world of matter, someone who 'knows' more than others and can more easily reshape the clouds in the sky.
In this 'time', it seems there are crosslines of realities, where the bio-energetic imprint has the sense of choice, that will heavily influence the reality it lives in. It knows then that 'how it thinks' will shape the setting of its experience. All thoughts that seep through the bio-energetic imprint are the foundation of the reality-dream.
The bio-energetic imprint becomes the beacon of the soul, that steers its creation into its desired outcome. It will work with the bio-energetic imprint as one, and shine through its holographic skin to show its essence. The belief systems that you hold are the shapers of your reality, without it you do not appear in this dream-reality. Change your belief on things, make it easy or make it difficult, make it exciting or boring, make it stuck or make it flowing, it is all up to you.
What you dream is you, and when you want to change it, it will, based on your WILL, your desire. When you know yourself, you have a better understanding 'why' you are in this particular life, with these particular 'people' and the particular settings.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

THAT Frequency of Love

This blog is dedicated to YOU. It is in honor and respect for your outpoor, for your connection to the frequency of LOVE that you are. Can you feel your own inner smile when just reading these words ?
That frequency of love, the one to tune into, to make music with, to forge words with.
That frequency of love, the one that transcends all pains and worries, and heals whatever condition.
THAT frequency that is your home. Can you feel the truth of these words, as you switch your inner radio to THAT, what you know is total bliss.
THAT frequency is the one that stimulates, that regulates, that emanates EVERYTHING that you are : the outpoor of pure gold, the outpoor of wisdom, the outpoor of creation and inspiration. Tuning your inner radio to THAT frequency, and you are home.
Oh, did I mention that you are also total, alive, precious, tender, strong, balanced, harmonized and absolutely loved.
To all senders/emitters, tune into THAT frequency and lets talk with the radio called heart... Let's talk 'heart'.