Saturday, March 12, 2011

if you are kind and soft, there is no power on earth that can push or pull you there is tremendous power in gentleness, it adheres to cosmic power, it cannot be destroyed ever yet it is strong, stronger than the hardest diamond on earth it responds to other laws you see therefore the greatest force on earth is the one in our hearts always has been

sometimes we are as soft as silk, as caring as the breath of life, as gentle as the smell of a rose yes, sometimes we are that powerful

it is kind and courageous to allow things to float your way as the universe serves us to the extreme loving detail, it will always be exactly what belongs to us, what we need, what we are

neutral peace spot

Sometimes I find myself in a space of tension

and this is what I do to realign with myself

I exit the space where the tension arises

and sometimes I physically step out from the place I am

I leave the thoughts and feelings behind

and find a place where the energy is neutral

usually that would be a place where I am on my own

and there would be other people, like a nice cafe

I would let the energies around me just settle down

no need for talking with others on any subject

that has triggered the tension

the energy settles, and I allow the ease of

being to come back

for others this ease might be singing a tune,

drinking a coffee, looking at beautiful things

or going in nature, it all depends on the preference

of what is ease and wellbeing

after a while, the natural neutrality comes back

and the tension softly fades away

and the neutrality is what brings back a

feeling of peace and allowance

once that peace has been restored over the tension

one can choose to go back to the place one left

yet, I like to take this neutrality with me


and to go often back to the neutral space

until the neutral peace becomes such a part of me

that it overrides the tension

there will be a tipping point, where the tension

is not really attractive anymore

and one chooses to remain more in the neutral peace

without attachment

the tension originators will not hook up anymore

and when the neutral peace has taken over

the majority of your vibratory system

there will be changes in your life

positive changes, uplifting changes

changes for betterment, the neutral space

is filled with the power of positive attraction

that attraction provides new things

to come, without asking, without demand

just naturally

so, when tension arises

I step to the neutral peace

as much as necessary

until something gets going

which will always be what suits

one best, what is good for the

wellbeing, adapted to what one needs

the neutral peace spot

Sunday, March 6, 2011

everyone has a different outlook on life ~ and it is all here together in this dimension ~ everyone has his/her own world ~ those worlds are all valid ~ the universe is so big ~ every vantage point is valid ~ we truly are the center of our own universe ~ we continue our exploration of time and space as long as we want ~

you are physical and non-physical ~ if you work with the two in harmony, you feel frisky, passionate, lovely, flowing, wellbeing ~ you feel totality and you are exactly that ! and so is your manifestation ~ it is here that all is clear, it is here that you do not have to search anymore ~ everyone is trying to find a framework, an explanation or an 'ascension' ~ they are just another way to bridge coming back to you, very simply ~ we are total by combining you physical and you non-physical, here and now ~ we focus into alignment, we do not have to leave any place to be in alignment ~ there is no separation necessary ~

About true joy : feel grateful for the joy of life itself ~ foster easily the qualities of unwavering friendliness, peace and loyalty ~ only through true joy -- the kind that does not depend on outward circumstances -- will you find success ~ focus on the overall joy of your journey despite everyday ups and downs ~ true joy rests on firmness and strength within ~ it requires a gentleness and faith ~ share wisdom and understanding with your friends ~ remember that joy isn't something you find ~ it's something you create ~

The true and quiet power of one's own inner heart and nature insures the best influence upon others ~ be true, firm and loving in yourself and there will be good fortune ~

life causes you to ask ~ and source will answer always ~ with the joy of life it becomes a great flow ~ you have to let in what you ask for as well by bringing yourself in vibrational alignment with your asking ~

the manifestation follows the vibrational output ~ so vibrate and chill, the manifestation is coming [laughters] ~

when one does not see a clear way to go forward

physical and non-physical

you are physical and non-physical ~ if you work with the two in harmony, you feel frisky, passionate, lovely, flowing, wellbeing ~ you feel totality and you are exactly that ! and so is your manifestation ~ it is here that all is clear, it is here that you do not have to search anymore ~ everyone is trying to find a framework, an explanation or an 'ascension' ~ they are just another way to bridge coming back to you, very simply ~ we are total by combining you physical and you non-physical, here and now ~ we focus into alignment, we do not have to leave any place to be in alignment ~ there is no separation necessary ~

Abraham - Quantum physics is ok, and cosmic birthdays


We have been miseducated about health in this society.

In the basis we are natural and healthy, whatever we eat, whatever we do, we are totally healthy in our basic stance. The dis-ease comes from what we have been told, what others believe and the whole money-driven society for the selling of products that should provide us health.

It is all wrong. We are in origin vibrational beings, and the body is a result of everything we vibrate on. The vibration includes the thought and emotional package, and if we believe that we have cancer, because a doctor says it shows in his papers, than cancer we take in and it becomes a reality.

We do not have to accept the body reality as the only truth of life. We are vibration first, if illness shows, then you are activating the wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts are thoughts that are untrue about who you really are.  Those thoughts would be the guilt and self-imposed pain thoughts, anger towards other, resentment, sadness, stress-patterns, obedience to others while not wanting to do what you do etc.... everything that puts you down in a negative spiral of beingness, is destructive, one way or the other.

You get headache, as you think too much, you worry. You stop smiling because you think others do not like you etc... It all starts with you own vibration. Somewhere down the line you have accepted the false premise that you are less than whole, less than pure positive love and less worthy of anyone else.

Those false premises are dis-ease making, and seduce you into living a life that destroys yourself  and burdens others with it.

The cure to all of this is to nurture only positive thoughts, to let go of anything that is ill-making ~ even if you are right, even then ~ what would you win if you win the discussion ? an enemy anyway ~ do not strive to 'win' a game, you would never be a real winner anyway.

A person that starts to uplift himself can do this in easy steps : looking at a flower, just breathe, start to appreciate the little things, do not talk too much, stay with yourself and do not intermix with those that want to talk ill from others, when others look at bad news, seak out the good news, look at happiness, start a hobby that you like very much, make a new turn in your life, go bigger and make a travel, go where the laughters are and the smiles, connect with those that love life and are passionate, whatever happens, inspire yourself, and ultimately be gentle with yourself and nurture your own softness and wellbeing ~

You are ensured of a healthy life and much more than that. The law of attraction takes care of more of goodness in your life. It is important to relax in simplicity, and to take another route out of the habits.

Health is a state of being, and we do not need any doctor. If your arm hurts because you did a job that was too heavy, than the body tells you not to continue, not for the money, not for anything. In your life money should not matter, because that is a source of much dis-ease.  Make you and your balance/harmony matter the most, the abundance will be attracted because of your energy.

As such you grow into the consciousness that you are indeed a creator of everything in your life, your own doctor, your own decider, your own government.

You are health and have always been and will always be.
Every human is a powerful being, and much more capable than is generally believed.

Awaken to your heart, it will tell you everything you need.