Tuesday, December 7, 2010

AWAKENING : We are the aliens ... it is our returning divinity.

by Adam Ben Sun on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 4:29am (on Facebook)

Well of course we are !
Have we not expanded into limitless being? (or regained it I should say)

Are we not beyond time and space now?
So would it be beyond our comprehension for ourselves in the future to come to give ourselves now a hand?

As we begin to experience the present moment timelessly there is no future anyway, it is all now, so we should absolutely expect to see ourselves at all stages of our development.

So all of these messages from aliens, sightings and happenings are just us talking to us from other dimensions, perspectives and timelines.

We have become accustomed to seeing orbs in our photographs now and seeing larger ones over american cities is just a step on the way.

There are many reports of apparently alien ships appearing over nuclear missile sites and powering them down.

Have we not all pledged to serve the highest good for humanity? Surely then it is us collectively doing these things for the collective.

I just slept from 6am to 6pm and after more of the huge releasing of my present lifetimes past experiences, something we are all engaged in right now, I found myself in Afghanistan. I felt myself really physically there. I also found myself removing large shells from a rack - the explosive kind that is. Disarming them.

It is us that we see hovering over cities appearing to join and split from each other and the whole. Just as we do as humans with the source which we all are.

We are limitless - we can do or create anything - we are timeless too! Would you not go and help a struggling child? Are we not doing this now? Helping ourselves up from another point in space and time?

How often are we told that the higher self or guides that we talk to are ourselves? We have ensouled this aspect of ourselves now so what are we expecting or experiencing now? And what are we doing?

A lot it seems...................

Adam Ben Sun

UPDATE - Tonight on spirit quest radio Adamus said for us to expect to see more lights in the sky and that this is our returning divinity. Not aliens form other planets he stressed but our divinity returning to us from other dimensions. So are the various light spots, flashes and colors many are experiencing around them.

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