Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CONSCIOUSNESS : The Quantum Human

[Heart Consciousness Note : here is an extract of message that comes from Lee Carroll, Kryon. Read the full message on It was recevied on Monday, 18 October, 2010 at Santiago, Chile. It is yet another inflow of consciousness particles that provides clarity to any consciousness seeker. Ultimately there is no outside source that reveals to you who you are , however in the process of awakening it helps. I have chosen this extract as it talks about the quantum layers of our fabric. Quantum and multi-dimensionality is being revealed rapidly.]

How would YOU make the Human?
There's an energy visiting this planet at the moment that is rebuilding this wisdom. So, how would you build a Human Being? Oh, dear ones, I want this to ring true to you. No matter what you think channelling is, it's time for you to use some compassionate and spiritual logic.Let me take you to an esoteric place. It's a place we have discussed so many times.
Look at the design of your lives while I take you to the Cave of Creation. In that multidimensional place is the Gaia accounting of humanity. Deep within the earth, it is a multidimensional cave that will never be found. It has quantum attributes, since there is a multidimensional crystalline structure for every soul on the planet. I didn't say every lifetime. I said every soul.
When that soul has had many lives, the crystal vibrates with those lives, and everything that has ever been learned by that Human during those lifetimes resides energetically and quantumly in that crystalline structure. The purpose of that crystalline structure is to talk to the Crystalline Grid of the planet. All knowledge the Human Being has learned, therefore, is deposited on Earth and stays there.
Everything that has ever happened to that Human is still here on the planet.Now, I ask you a question. Does this all sound to you like the Human Being might be a little more important than you thought? I've just given you a secret - that the earth's vibration itself, even the speed of time, is determined by what humans have learned spiritually and esoterically. If you have an epiphany that God is inside of you, if you start to live differently because of it, drama starts to vanish in your life, and you're able to part the darkness and never return to it. You learn to claim the power that is divine within yourself and have joy.
You affect the earth, and every footstep is known by Gaia. You spread light wherever you go. It's an old metaphor we give, but the best one we have. Known by God, you are. Known by Gaia, you are. Your magnificence and your mastery begin to provide the very earth with a higher vibration. As you solve your problems, the very vibration of the planet increases. What a system! It is beautiful. And it's not for random Human Beings who were placed here by accident in order to suffer! Do you see that? Do you understand the spiritual logic of that?
We want you to see the face of God, which is always joyful, for there is a piece of the Creator inside you. We've told you about the Wind of Birth. How could we describe something which is outside the possibility of your understanding? You see yourself as singular, but you're not. However, in a linear, 3D perspective, that's all you have. When you look at yourself in the mirror, how many do you see? "What do you mean, Kryon, how ‘many'?" The question is about how many Humans you see in the mirror, old soul.
Let me tell you that if you have the mind of God, you will see all of you. Your entire Akash is there. Hundreds of expressions of your soul are there, the many lives of birth on earth are there.In God's mirror, you're all of them and also a piece of the Creator as well. How can we explain to you how you can be many places at the same time? How can we explain to you that the very wisdom that you carry is being placed upon the planet as you walk? There is no time in a quantum state. In a quantum way, you are still living those lives, helping the planet as you live them.
The old soul burns very brightly in the quantum spectrum of spirituality on planet Earth."What? Kryon, I don't know what you're talking about." I know. I know. I want to give you my eyes for a moment. I see a room filled with those who have made a change on the planet for up to 30,000 years. The indigenous and the ancients are here. Some of you are your own ancestors! Some of you are even Lemurians.
It's beautiful what you've done, and you keep coming back and doing it again. What have I told you for at least 26,000 years? Many of you have been waiting for this moment, and you're not about to miss it. Even if some of you pass over the veil in these next years, you're going to come right back. Because you're not going to miss the finale! It's not going to be the end of the planet, but the end of an old energy and the beginning of new energy.
How do we describe the Wind of Birth? In your time, it would represent that attribute right before you're born. Oh, in a quantum way, it's timeless. Therefore, right before you come in, you meet the potential of the children that you're going to have. I can't explain it because you're stuck in a linear time frame and God is not and the plan is not. So my hypothetical questions continue. What would you say to these souls who potentially will be your children? What would be your message?
If, indeed, what I've just said rings true to you, there's even a grander plan than you know, isn't there? What if it was all put together in a grand fashion in a quantum system and wasn't random at all? What if there's purpose for everything? However, since you are stuck in a linear, straight-line system, you can't see anything but things that occur in two directions - past and future.
So everything looks random and almost chaotic. But in actuality, everything depends on Human free choice. Your reality depends upon the energy that's being developed on the planet through this choice, and the higher the energy, the better the plan is seen and understood.

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