Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SELF-MANAGEMENT : Ground the Multiverse and Access All Points !

by Adam Ben Sun on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 12:45am on Facebook

Yes I know you can do it yourself in your own way of course but you might find this helpful ! Feel into and imagine what you consider the multiverse to be. I find it helpful to see it as a grid system which intersects with others.

Draw this into your heart and into your point of essence sometimes known as your god cell.

Draw yourself into alignment with the center of the earth to that point which is the essence and heart of the earth itself.

So now you have a point of essence which is you, as grounded as it can possibly be !


Wherever you have placed your point of view the multiverse will now manifest your choice. It has to physically manifest around your point of choice because you have grounded it. Whatever you choose, wherever you choose it, HAS TO MANIFEST !!!

Read this to see how to do it -


Every possible choice you can make already exists and is happening right now! You just have to choose which you would like to experience. So how do you do this?

1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into. What ? !!
What you are wanting basically. What exactly is it you want from life ? How does it look ? What is happening ?Where are you ? What are you doing and who with ? You know the type of thing.....................

Just choose how you want it to be.

2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.
Oh yeah ? and just how do I do that ?
You FEEL IT !!!
How does it feel to be whatever you are choosing?
Now don't tell me you don't know how to feel !
How does it feel to hit your thumb with a hammer ?
How does it feel to put your hand on the hot plate ?
How does it feel when you kiss your lover for the first time ?

OK. So feel what it is like to be in this new place.
Feel what it is like to touch and smell and experience this place. Feel the situations there , the people , the activities, the weather the heat or cold etc.


This takes you to that point in the multiverse where this is already happening and it begins to form itself around you. I feel big sensations building in my chest above the heart when it is a place or a scenario which is going to be beneficial to me and these just dissipate if it is not a good situation for me.
So you have your own personal guidance system too! I then FEEL these good feelings INTO the desired place or situation. That's an odd sentence but you will know what I mean when you do it !

3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.
You do this also by feeling, feeling appreciation etc.
Appreciate everything you can about it, how good you feel there, how much you appreciate this new life, people , what is happening, wealth etc. etc. This appreciation is the most important part of the whole exercise so don't neglect it !

4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
So what did you choose ? A new house ? Go and look at some houses you like etc . Don't go crazy you just need to do something symbolic of the new life, thing or situation you want to have.

5) Keep it going.
Feel the new way you want it to be not the old way it has been.
Hold the vision of what you want life to be for you and just look on how it is now as a temporary picture which is becoming different. Only what is coming up from inside you is real because you are creating/manifesting it now. What you are seeing outside of yourself is already created and manifested and so is in the past. So to be in the now is not looking at what is around you but what you are now creating inside yourself !!!! Remember there are infinite choices so don't try to limit yourself in any way. And as every possible choice is already created you are merely selecting which particular version of life you wish to experience.

So how is it done?

By FEELING !!!!!!!!!!

Adam Ben Sun

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