Friday, December 10, 2010

AWARENESS - Kirael : Ascension, what is holding you back ?

[Check the website for the full message]
Ascension: What's Holding You Back?

Master Guide Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
KIRAEL: Ascension is part of your life now. It is the perfection of your journey, the outcome of alchemy, Signature Cell Healing, and the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating. I’ve spent years on this dimension bringing you information that would help you with this journey of ascension. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of what ascension means, what it involves.
What do you want to get from this particular event? Do you want to know what it takes for you to ascend? It takes the courage to ask the hard questions, questions that will help you determine the answers for yourself. You see, you couldn’t form the question without knowing the answer, and ascension will give you access to your knowing, to your awareness.
Ascension is powerful. The ascension process involves peeling off the veils, so that you can remember that you have the answers to all of your questions. You will get through this Great Shift, whether it takes two years, five years, or just five days. Your life is in your own hands. So, if you have questions for me, ask them from your guidance—guides, angels, Elven and other beautiful beings of light. Those energies want to hear what I have to say, and the questions they give you will be tailored with clarity and specificity to elicit the perfect answer. You’ll say, “My God, where did that come from?”
In this opening statement, I have been speaking to your cellular consciousness, because I believe the ascension is closer than you think and I want to awaken that deeper part of your consciousness now. You don’t have to wait until 2012 or any other date to ascend into the fourth light. So ask powerful questions. I have the answers that will help you get your own answers.
Working to Perfect the Journey
Q: How do we determine what’s holding us back from ascension?

KIRAEL: In the broadest sense, ascension is about perfecting your journey and doing the five-or-fifty. What do you want to get out of this journey? Maybe you want to be a teacher of Signature Cell Healing or Reiki or some other modality. Whatever you want to teach, ask yourself what you have done to perfect your teaching? Are you doing the journey of five-or-fifty? Are you doing Sleepstate Programming, Masterminding, Prayer, and all the Principles of Consciously Creating? Are you willing to do everything in your power to bring about your ascension in all the areas of your life?

In order to realize your own ascension, you must gain self-awareness by doing the five-or-fifty, which is the answer to everything that you do in this dimensional journey. Keep moving forward until you get where you want to be. If you have the desire, you will do the five-or-fifty and your journey will shine. Your ascension will be one step away.
Talking to Your Higher Self
Q: Will speaking to my higher self assist in my ascension and how do I know when my higher self is speaking to me?
KIRAEL: Speaking with your higher self will expand your self-awareness and assist in your ascension. You don’t have to reach into the ethers to find your higher self. Your higher self is present in your energy field and it will respond as long as you ask the appropriate questions, questions that enhance your journey. Your higher self knows what your journey is. When you question your higher self, don’t be invested in the answer, because you will most likely get the answer you need, not the one you want.
One sure way to know if you’re in contact with your higher self is to do automatic writing. When you do automatic writing, you will know if your higher self is responding, because it will not respond in English. Instead, it will send thoughts into your mind, into that five percent or maybe ten percent or twenty percent of your mind, and they will be thoughts you never had before. When you ask your higher self in English what it said, your higher self goes into your local brain, then connects to your omni brain. When you learn to communicate effectively with your higher self, you will do this journey with the full pride and power of the higher self.
When you work with your higher self and follow its guidance, your world will change in ways you never anticipated. Just remember never to brag about what you’re doing. If you do, your higher self won’t answer you the next time you call upon it. It doesn’t want you to brag about what you’re doing. That’s part of your lesson plan.
Your higher self wants to help you, but if you don’t engage it, it will do its own journey. It will do what it wants to do. It might be traveling to the fourth dimension or some other realm. The higher self is unlimited and powerful beyond your wildest expectation.
If you want to get your higher self’s attention, communicate with it. Get out of the local brain. You operate from your local brain on this dimension and it is the only thing that is holding you back from your ascension. Talk to your higher self as part of the ascension process, but remember that your higher self will only speak back to you if you ask questions that will enhance your journey, and if you are willing to do the five-or-fifty.

Q: Are you saying that we should own our wisdom? After all, you have said before that we are our higher selves.
KIRAEL: Owning your wisdom is a little too third-dimensional. You don’t have to own your wisdom. Owning your wisdom would be like putting it in a glass jar for safekeeping. What good is that? Just accept your wisdom as growing in every moment of every day and be willing to share it.
Know What You Want
Q: What’s the next critical step for me to take as far as my ascension is concerned?
KIRAEL: Hesitation is the only thing that is holding you back from realizing your ascension. Put your foot down and go into the next step. However, before you take your next step, you must decide what you want. You are asking me to tell you what your next step should be, but I cannot tell you until you know what you want. No one can tell you what your next step will be if you don’t know what you want.
Here’s the rub: When you know what you want, you won’t have to ask me what your next step should be. You will know because you can work with your higher self. It knows what your journey is about. If you want to know what your next step is, know what question you need to ask yourself and then get to the answer. In other words, consult your higher self. It’s always with you.
If you don’t want to ask your higher self, I will help you, but you have to get to me first. I’m not as close to you as your higher self is. Remember, if you don’t know what you want, I can’t help you. So know what you want. I can help you all day long when you know what you want. When you don’t know what you want, go to the beach, sit down in the love and light, and decide what you want. If you really want it, it will already be perfectly laid out for you.
A young man with cancer came to see me. He said, “I want to do something and I want you to help me get going.” When I asked him what the plan was, he said, “I don’t know.” He didn’t know what he wanted to do. He needed to know for himself what it would take to move him forward. You have to know what you want and then I’ll tell you what you can do between here and there, but you will have to do the journey, the five-or-fifty.
Further on the website in THIS message....
- Reprogramming the Ego
- Ridding the Mind of Fragmentation
- Emotional Preparation for Ascension
- Living Ascension in the Now
- Shift Children and Portal Workers
- The Gift of Solar Flares
Closing statements
Ascension is about perfecting your journey, bringing it to the full flavor of love and light. That means that every area of your journey is about ascension—that includes your work, your relationships, everything. Be in love and do the journey of five-or-fifty and you will be assured of uncovering and realizing your ascension, which is really the truth of who you are. I’m learning truth just as you are. Everything I’ve said to you today is my truth as I understand truth. I’ve learned so much about your dimension since I’ve come over here. I thought this was going to be a cakewalk, but it turned out to be a career, and I love my career.
Many of you have everything going for you, but you don’t know where you’re going or what you want. When you know what you want and you want it deeply enough, it will come your way. If you want to be a writer, then know what you want to write about. Don’t worry about publishing your work, just write. You can get what you want, but your wants have to be defined. It’s part of the ascension process to know what you want.

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