Sunday, February 20, 2011

An architecture of creation

just sharing something that has come through me ~
that can be used for manifestation through energetic architecture ?
your choice ~ it is very easy and does not require understanding any of it

you want a certain manifestation in life
choose it well and keep it in your being while doing the below

imagine a person on each point of the 4 triangles


12 friend with good/neutral energy, 12 guides, or 12 versions of yourself it does not matter very much, as long as their are heartcentered beings there
imagine yourself in the center point
see each person sending energy 
from their heart to their triangle point
and directly as well to your heart center

you receive all the lines of energy
in the center of the experience
let the energy be transformed into
that desire by intervention of the universe

no need to understand any of it,
just allowing the flow to happen

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