Sunday, February 20, 2011

Regain energetic independence

if you seek to be independent energetically
and having your own sovereign flow of mastery

maintaining your health with your own energy
keeping your balance without feeding off others
without being disturbed by others feeding on you
and experiencing an inflow of inner wisdom

this is what you can do
and see what happens in your life
it does not mean any intent of loosing friendship
or connections ~ but it has an effect
on taking away that what is
not healthy for your energy balance

some that feed on you will no longer be able to do that
you will regain inner clarity
balanced vitality and health

as you produce only your own energy for you
the best that you have and totally tuned to you
to your unique tone
it will bring about a purification from yourself to yourself

it is easy

imagine an infinity sign starting
in your heart center going upwards to your
back head then flowing through your front head
to the heart center again
then flowing further to the bottom back
through your front belly
and back to the heart center

do this regularly an smoothly
no forcing and allowing the energy
to flow at its own speed
it knows better than you how to do this

at first you need to get it initiated
you have to activate the flow yourself

it does work on your command
do not overload it with intentions
it does not need your intentions
it knows what you need

share your experience with me

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