Friday, September 17, 2010

Why am I here - philosophical expressions

Pretty question, he ? I love it very much, second best behind the everlasting grand question 'who am I'.
I guess it is about finding a reason for existence, here and now. So what is that reason ? One simple answer : to express myself...
In order for me to express myself, my color, I need to have an audience, and that is where YOU come into play. Say, I want to fight someone, so I invent others to fight with. Say, I want to paint for someone, so I invent others to admire me, or to trigger me. And if the 'normal' world of people does not suffice, I create ghost, invisible entities to trigger me, to play with me, to scare me, or to illusionary guide me, as if I do not know myself. What grand creations...
However, as soon as that all is understood, experienced and expressed, then I change the scenery. I choose for instance to be 'on my own', so discreate the others, they leave me, or I go away, and find some place that has less interaction. But in truth, does anyone really want to be totally alone ? Not me, I can't, it is just .... not 'pleasurable'. I want life here to be 'pleasurable', whatever that might be, it all depends on how you are wired, what your likes and dislikes are, and how is that chosen ? I guess is a cosmic imprint of choice from something that oversees you : soul, sovereign integral, higher self, the mind itself maybe.
So, we continue the game... and continue the game... and continue the game... Until it is all played, replayed, crosschecked, doublechecked, etc... until you come to the end of your dreams, where all reasons stop.
So, where next, out of this dream, maybe plunging into another... until nothing.
There is this one 'unmagnetic' spot, unique in its kind : stillness. After the movement and explorations of life there is nothing left but.... stillness. I like that stillness, empty. What happens when one moves into that spot. Life is over, death, another world ? Exciting, dangerous, wanted and not wanted. It is there, always... I am contemplating it... because it is taking away the answers and questions, also the one 'why am I here'.
And what about that great concept 'love' in all this ?

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