Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Human Design

First Design
A human entity is a design, it is a product of a certain kind that answers to certain laws. The human design answers to the laws of energetics and magnetics, just like the world it lives in.
The Different Layers
The design has several layers that inter-influence, and those layers have been named the emotional, the mental, the physical, and the etheric. All those layers have sublayers that respond to the main layers. Everything in the design has subtle and not so subtle effects.

The Inner & Outer Worlds
The inner worlds of the human design allow the human to dive into the fantasies that are wished, but not chosen yet. The outer worlds of the human design is the most dominant fantasy that particular design is made for to wish.

It is then capable of understanding its own makeup in order to choose other fantasies and reshape his/her world in the knowing of its desires and wishes. The outside projection that the human design sees, is the full and dynamic outpoor of the dominant choice of the human.

If the human is aware of the choice possibilities, it will generate an outer world that responds to the most urgent inner desires. If the human is not aware, he will receive a standard program that has more or less the attributes of the normal programmed lifeline.
Everything of the human design is ignited through the mentalization of its world, which makes the whole world concept a living thing, responding to his/her wishes. Most human are unaware of what they want and 'receive' the standard, trying to shape that standard in their own fashion, providing them sufficient 'uniqueness' from others and thus satisfying the needs of individuality. However it never is really very different from the standard, and the program still runs.
It can be only different in a meaningful way, when the human gets a grip on core desires, the deeper and hidden desires, and therefore ignites a totally new program, quite away from the standard. It will then appear to be a 'sorcerer' that models a world that is resonding to those core desires. It will then even be capable to change its own body into a newer design and appear different in the world, live a different life if that is so desired.
Time and space are dimensionalities within the human design, and having a grip on the dynamics of this world, the newly awakened sorcerer will be able to keep on living as long as he wishes, redesigning his own template at will, still playing the game of the mental world.
Until he gets bored of his everlasting reshaping, remodeling, re-experiencing, etc... he might then choose to deactive himself from the mental world and 'go home'. The magician will have understood at that deep awareness state that he played a role in his own dreams, within dream, within dreams. Shaping, painting, modelling whatever was desired : the good, the bad, the ugly. Everything.

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