Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Circle [bis]

Yes, full circle. A breaking down cycle has come to an end, what needed to go because it belongs to the old, has been taken away. People have left my reality, events and experiences have been lived and everything has changed. It has changed so much, that the old is even closed off as a reality that I can be come back to, the doors are literally closed... no way to return.

I have changed so much, inside and outside, that my experience of reality is different from many on the planet. I have not regular job, not linked to any country, a wanderer, only having my luggage. Old friends are gone, and not many new ones have come in yet.

The abyss, the bridge, I am walking, unknowing of what any type of new future might bring. There is power in the choices of now, yet, it is in the unseen still, undiscovered as yet.

So, there is one choice remaining. After years of mind, spiritual mind, and emotional discharge, there is balance and a newness of being. In that beingness the powerpoint of here/now is paramount. Then the feeling of no-mind, non-judgment, not allowing any mind contamination from other people that still 'think' their life through, cherishing the social and spiritually social dramas, and absolutely remaining in the stillness of thought. Only being here/now and watching as things enfold.

The true reality, that really belongs to 'who I am' will come from within the stillness, not from the thoughtful chosen ideas. It is now that the clarity of beingness, without the clutter of mind, emotion and disbalance, will appear and show 'who I am'... and it might surprise me what I will see in my new-created reality....I will keep you up to date...

At this moment, it is processing the emptiness, the no-mind, the letting go of still some thinking attributes and some emotional luggage, the last remainders... and then settling, without anyone having to agree outside myself, for the true 'things', people, events and experiences that belong to this energy that I am.

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