Monday, October 18, 2010

Inspiring yourself

Inspiring change... From a sense of joy, instead of fear. Doing things anyway, even if they are a bit 'dangerous', but you have always wanted to do them.
Learn to say NO to what you do not want, learn to be balanced and strong from the inside.

Learn to see the others as a part of you, but not depending on you, nor you depending on them.
Learn to be sovereign, be who you are, simply.

Get some inner clarity about yourself and stop complaining, just act on your inner wishes.
Just allow yourself to move again, move again, move again... unstuck yourself. Feel your inner desires and imagine them in your life, get them in your life.
Do that one-time bungee jump, fly that helicopter, act on your impulses and join the groups in which you feel all right and really joyful.

Empower yourself, inspire yourself, breath again, love yourself and act, physically, verbally, joyfully and stable. Let go of what does not serve, let go of teachings of others if they are taking away your power, let go, let go, let go....Stay away from any judgments as well, it is never about THEM at all, it is about YOU... go, go, go !

Walk away from places and situations you do not like...yes, inspire yourself, get involved with yourself, shine and brighten your own path.... you are in charge.... inspire, inspire.... YES.

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