Friday, October 22, 2010

Thought Control

So much is written about thought control and how humanity is 'under the grip' of it. Maybe yes, however there is no power on earth that can make you do things you do not want to, unless you agree with them.

It is true that I have heard many say they want to do things, but the 'others' might not agree, so they do not... that is a choice.

The main point of this blog is 'IT IS A CHOICE', to be obedient to others or yourself. It is so simple, do what you feel, want, act upon that... regardless of the others... YOU are living your life.

And yes, some frequencies are controlling your actions, and they are perceived as strong, coming from controlling organizations on earth, and beyond...yes, we read the stuff that is written everywhere, 'awakening from it', we are consciousness, awareness... In main stream information, those lower frequencies are getting explained as thought-emotions like fear, anger, resistance, fight, worry, sadness. That too is a choice : your house burns down : you can choose to see it as a renewed freedom, or as a huge loss... the one gives new potentials and a sense of breath, the other gives loads of worry and despair. IT IS THE SAME EVENT NONETHELESS, you choose your reaction to things, ALWAYS.

Thought control does exist at a certain level, and yes, it has a kind of power, but it does not have to control you, that is not possible, unless again, you allow it. I find one of the best aids to help out of the lower frequency thinking is to just STOP IT, immediately and divert myself to expansion, loving attitude, looking at beauty, and then allowing INSPIRATION - from within - to lead my life... and not the outer frequencies, grim outlooks and organizations. It is not yours... thoughts never are... we are LOVE, that is the true essence of the HUMAN....

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