Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The call from India

It is June 2010, I am looking out for nudges from self for the next steps to take. There are several things I can choose from. But it is weird because I live this life, this crazy life undone of the normality, no job, no ties, freedom, no financial burdens, everything and nothing. Now is the moment, and the future is totally chaos. Yes, there is another step to take, I can feel that. However, what will it be ? So I ask myself for some nudges ‘what is good for the continuation of self-discovery and for the continuation of awakening from myself’.

So then, I suddenly smell something, incense. Joanna just bought some incense and a little cloud of smelly air travels under my nose. It is strange though, because the incense is packed away in plastic.

So I look at it, and it is incense from India. This is it, I can feel it. So we start to talk about the next step.

We check into New Zealand, into Greece, it all felt ‘closed’. Then we got India, and we know about Pondicherry, Auroville. I know the material and the books of Sri Aurobindo very well since a few years, and in earlier days Joanna met with people that visited the Netherlands, however coming from Auroville. We felt a connection to that place. It is time for another personal revolution.

So Auroville is the next stop. We are in the process of arranging the visa with the authorities, still wondering when we will get totally untied from the systems of ‘security’.
We wish the world to be free from fear, without boundaries. We pledge we will get there, where the vibes support the new earth.

Going to the embassies for the visa papers is a chosen necessity, and we like to make a nice experience out of all that : just playing along with the requirements, smiling at people, and utterly enjoying every second of it. Doors are open, everything goes really smoothly, we can feel this. Auroville already welcomes us.

A new phase in the discovery journey, embracing totality, the weather, the people, the events and the turns and tides. We start to understand how much of this we all create. We are lighting up, it is going well at all times.

It is time for a 3rd cycle. For me the 2 earlier cycles were the US and Hawaii, now it is a new beginning, never looking back and just stepping into the unknown. The world is amazing, the sun shines all the time and we feel comfortable in the not-knowing and the chaos. Yes, we are totally not organized, we do not know what tomorrow will bring and we just walk our walk, just as we talk our talk.
Foolish ? A bit. Dangerous ? Of course not. Intense ? absolutely ! Powerful and full of surprises ? Yes. All of that and even more. Now is the time and we enjoy it already !

June 2010
aka Komaya

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