Saturday, March 5, 2011


As long as we are on earth, we are programmed through the mind to think that we live a life. We are programmed with stories, whatever is in life, is just a story, the story of awakening, the story of channeling and thinking that we are human or even angels. It is all the same : angels are just not in our own visible range, and the higher one vibrates the more likely we are capable of seeing those angels, because we reach the vibration they are visible on.

Some groups on earth are aware of this truth, and they want to keep it for themselves, some for positive reasons, some for control.

When we see higher vibrations at occasions of personal wellbeing (when we vibrate higher as well) than we can sometimes perceive other beings, we call them out of space or angels, however it is all within the range of the mind, your mind. The thoughts are not yours, we are non-thinking entities. Thoughts are a package of mind vibration and provide us with the story of life, experiences, but it is not there that you find yourself.

We are connected to the truth through the heart, the feeling, but not the emotions that make you feel bad or connect you to someone else, because that is an energy tie that influences, sometimes negative, sometimes positive, but it is not your own pure energy.

 The heart is the only portal, together with deep intuition to bring you back.

People have to start to follow their intuition more than anything else, to have a different focus, a focus for finding yourself, for knowing from within the truth of yourself, to understand you can mould and change your reality, to actually start to change the standard setting and to become pure and empty in all. You need to start to become accepting and open for greater and higher vibrations, take away ALL lower vibrations like sadness, worry, anger, irritation.

The energy of love is also an energy that breaks the mind patterns and makes you do things you normally do not have the courage for.

We are continuously seduced for lower vibration, and influenced to be less aware by continuous shifts of vibrations, mind manipulation and vibrational infiltration. During the sleeping time, when it is a non-conscious meditative sleep, you are being reprogrammed.

Time does not exist, nor does space, you are consciousness, an expanded being, not a little human that does not remember his/her cosmic connection.

Nurture higher vibrations like compassion, appreciation, a sense of equality between every person, and a deep sense of cosmic unity with your inner being. Nurture an empty mind and stay away from negative influences.

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