Saturday, March 5, 2011


All power and energy is only in the one moment that is now.  It is there that the past changes with new choices now, it is there that the future becomes a probable next moment, but never there is any power in the past, nor in the future.

We have been mis-educated in how the reality is working and it is now that we can change the paradigm ~ now is the only moment where total knowing comes in, there is never any energy somewhere else.

This means that it is not tomorrow that one needs to start living, it is now already. Now is the time to take care of yourself, to provide yourself well-being, understanding, to nurture.  Now is the time to choose a positive thought around anything, instead of a negative.

We are vibrational beings, and as we make a choice now to breathe in peace, we alter ourselves, and the complete package that we are ~ we change our lives now with the one thought of peace.

Awakening to yourself happens because of a choice of being in this moment, totally present and aware, and it is the moment that the universe is confirming the positive attitude and everything one desires.

Staying clear from thoughts, and if thoughts at all, they should be positive, uplifing, tender, strong and focused on nothing else but good things. In the now moment, it is good not to inquire about accidents, or negative events, it is good to not be curious about it, because if you allow that in your own vibrational package, your total level of energy goes down.

You carry the truth vibrations within you, and everything that does not resonate, feel good to that and who you are, is removing you from who you are : consciousness without boundary, timeless and spaceless and free to go where you want.

Time and clocks should be regarded as less important than the now moment, it is a tool that takes to untruth. It is in the now moment, when you look around you to see what energy you have around you, that you know your own reflection. You see it in the place you are sitting, what you are hearing, and all the senses tell you. 

The senses tell you something, and you can choose again when they are not right for you.  Be courageous enough to step away from the vibration of the current now, if that is no fulfilling, or feel yourself into a new place/feeling.  Shift your own time as soon as you acknowlegde that only now you are totally empowered.

The future is just a shift of vibration. You see, if you go to your work, you just shift your vibration to match that of your work, you compromise yourself if that work does not feel good, and you lower yourself in that place, you are further removed from who you are, what you really resonate with.

Do only the things that you like to do, in there is stored the abundance, all the money, the houses, the relationship that go with that vibration. Do everything to make you feel good, and that takes the edge of your current now moment.  Shift yourself to better places, every second, seek out bonds with those that support a place of wellbeing, that are of abundant thought, that know the power of their inner guide and so you will shift as well to your inner home.

When you have nothing to shift to, then remaining in peace, in stillness will calm the senses and you will automatically shift to your center, because we are programmed to always return home, even if we do not move.

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