Friday, August 20, 2010

The true meaning of the sword

A sword, the shape of a defensive and offensive tool. We are such grand creators !

As we need to discover what our inner battles energetically project into the air, we create the tools for such battles.

The weapon that we use becomes the understanding that we are. Have we ever fought another being, a dragon, a hunter, a man ? Or was it just the play of an imaginative mind, providing real life sensations, making us believe our own game ?

The sword now becomes the metal that we have within ourselves, after eons of fighting, we find that we actually never fought another person, but only the reflection of our own needs. The knightly sword becomes the galvanized spine of our mental forging in search for balance and harmony. Stillness after the many fights that we had. The sword now disappears again where it always came from : inside. It regains its rightful place within the golden spine of the true warrior that has gained the insights of wisdom : there never was an opponent.


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