Saturday, May 15, 2010

Holographic Awareness - the creator's playfield : earth

I sense my world to be a holographic world that has a computer-like nature as long as it runs the programs without interference of 'stillness and awareness'.

Since childhood, the world felt like a a wave. At times I could see how it moved around me, and when I got older that started to stabilize into a static appearance. However, highly sensitive for a long time, I saw shadows of beings, colors around me that I discarded as coincidence flashes of outside sunlight. My eyes never developed depth sight, I always wondered why everything seemed so flat. I now know my reality to be shallow and fake, not real. Everything is made of the same fabric, it is run through the same program and responds the same way. I myself consider being a hologram, with certain sets of computer-like responses that are molded into emotions and feelings by the brain. As such, the electricity or energy that my hologram emanates reacts with the surrounding people and locations, either as a response to the outpoor of the energy, or as stimuli for an event that is pushed into holographic creation based on the program.

I have now gotten to a tipping point where the holographic material around me starts to respond to my inner requests, more conscious requests that are not from the basic program. I am in the phase of outgrowing the basic program of forgetfulness. That program was designed to bring me a life of what is considered normal with predetermined events, like the date of death.

There has been a pulse from my inner being that got me into moving to understand and appreciate the 'reality'. I always wondered why people make decisions with the intent to weaken our human family, resulting in the world we appear to live in today. The answer is to be found in the fact that people unconsciously just follow their program. The whole world turns around frequencies and vibrations. The emissions that we call people and buildings etc are just clever combinations of light and sound.
I can mould my reality by understanding that a higher frequency i.e. state of mind (like joy) will have a direct effect on my surrounding. The frequency aligns itself directly to the hologram and provides the likewise reflection, that happens immediately unless I choose otherwise for my own reasons. In other words : feelings of a strong heart e.g. compassion, forgiveness, etc hack the system and change the paradigms.

Choosing for frequencies of sad or angry emotions will likewise reflect a world that is vibrating there, and as such that world becomes the dominant surrounding. This goes for all programmed beliefs, disbeliefs, worries, joy etc... I am directly impacting the hologram by choosing an emotional state. There is more : thoughts are forging the reality as well. Ageing is part of the program, and it can be changed by not accepting the program and rewriting it to stay young. My hologram has not aged very much and I seem for 'outsiders' to be 25. Time and space are our own creations, we are perfectly able to bend the concepts.

I believe us to be programmed holograms, and our true beingness is 'inside' us, the last place one would look, it was cleverly made up. I believe nothing to exist as we have been told to exist. In truth for me, there is nothing 'out there', it is all a soup of energy and vibration formed into shape by the brain, and most of all, it is not who I truly am. The program is kept alive by means of deception and in-depth manipulations on all levels, however we are awakening from within.

One thing I know, none of us on the planet are truly organic living beings at all. We are all reflections of something else. We are program-made, electricity/energy beings responding just like batteries and computers. Our dreams are just another layer, but of the same fabric. Dying and being born is a myth, it is all about shifting frequencies because of certain commands with sounds and light.

The world is a gigantic holographic theater. Changing it requires me to align with the inner wish, the 'who I am' and allow IT to take command instead of the personality program. We are in a continuous creation mode, the difference between awakened and non-awakened is the 'knowing' that we create consciously EVERYTHING in life, in the eternal HERE/NOW. All our past, our memories about everything, is not real, it is memory imprint.

We are literally living a theatre show. Now it is up to us to either enjoy it, or suffer it. Awakening is a road to choosing for joy and nurture the strong heart, instead of be the suffering fly in the web. In truth there is no web, and we are not poor flies. We are strong, balanced and divine great beings with enormous power of creation. There is nowhere to look for that, to learn it, to process it. It is already there, in the HERE/NOW within you.

It is all very simple.

aka Komaya

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